Allergy is an abnormal response to a pathogen, which in this case will be called an allergen. It can appear in several forms. A person, upon contact with an allergen, may begin to sneeze, sometimes tearing, a runny nose, redness on the skin, headache, and even destabilization of digestion appear. There are many factors in the environment that can cause allergic reactions in some categories of people. If you have hives, a skin allergy cream in adults can help.

Major allergens
Allergic reactions can occur when exposed to an allergen, which can be natural or chemical in nature. What are natural allergens?
- Pollen of some plants, if it comes into contact with mucous membranes, can cause an allergic reaction. Among the most famous plants are ragweed during flowering, wormwood, conifers, cereals, ficus, fern, azalea and others.
- Poplar fluff isone of the most common irritants.
- Mold fungus - the cause may be increased humidity in the room or earth from the garden in a flower pot.
- Wool of pets, as well as their waste products. It's not just about porridge and dogs, it's also about hamsters and other rodents, as well as parrots and so on.
- Food - There are people who have a non-standard reaction of the body to honey, seafood, certain grains and cereals, eggs, nuts, some spices and even dairy products.
- Allergic reactions often occur with insect stings such as wasps, bees, ants, mosquitoes, and so on.

This is the main list of allergens that are naturally present in the environment. Avoiding contact with them is sometimes incredibly difficult, so in such situations it is often necessary to use various drugs that block the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
Allergy can manifest itself immediately after contact with the pathogen or when it accumulates to a certain amount. From the moment of contact with the allergen, it can take from several minutes to several weeks, after which a non-standard reaction will begin to appear.
Allergens of non-natural origin
Allergies can be caused not only by some natural factors or plants, but also by products invented by man as a result of scientific and technological progress. These include:
- Chemicals - powders, detergents and so on.
- Tobacco smoke.
- Colorants in foods, including alcoholic beverages.
- Food supplements.
- Metal jewelry.
If the reaction to the allergen occurred instantly, then this indicates that it is better to stop contact with this object and not repeat such mistakes in the future.

Symptoms of pathology
In order to determine that an allergy is taking place, it is necessary to observe at what point the reaction manifested itself and what it may be connected with. It is also necessary to know some of the main symptoms of an allergy in order to have a clear idea of how the disease can develop. The main symptoms of allergies are as follows:
- skin rashes, urticaria;
- if an allergy manifests itself to a food product after its direct ingestion, then there may be numbness of the tongue, as well as a loss of taste sensations;
- nausea up to vomiting;
- digestive disorders;
- rhinitis;
- dizziness;
- headaches;
- shortness of breath;
- blood pressure fluctuations;
- sneeze;
- nasal congestion;
- nervous stress conditions;
- lacrimation;
- suffocation;
- tachycardia.
It becomes very difficult to tolerate the presence of such symptoms, in order to alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to take proven drugs that shouldbe at hand for allergy sufferers.
Skin Allergy
Most allergens appear on the surface of the skin in the form of rashes called hives. What is hives? It can be accompanied by itching and peeling of the skin, the appearance of rashes and acne. If there is a reaction of the body, which is manifested by external changes, then it is advisable to apply local treatment in such situations. For this, a cream for allergies on the skin in adults is used. They come in different types depending on the origin of the allergen.

Hormonal drugs for allergies
In case of non-standard reactions of the body to an allergen, an allergy cream is used on the skin in adults, hormonal preparations often take place. If the cause of the allergy lies in hormonal changes in the body, then it is advisable to use hormonal-type creams. They should be prescribed exclusively by medical specialists in the field. It is contraindicated to use such drugs on your own, since you can cause even more harm to the body.
Which adult skin allergy cream is recommended? Among the most famous and effective topical antiallergic drugs, the following should be noted:
- "Akriderm";
- "Afloderm";
- "Advantan";
- "Hydrocortisone";
- "Prednisolone";
- "Cutiveit";
- Dermovate and others.
Adult skin allergy cream should be used with extreme caution beforeuse, it is worthwhile to study the adverse reactions that may occur.

Non-hormonal drugs for allergies
If you need a cream for skin allergies in adults, non-hormonal remedies have advantages along with other drugs of a similar effect. If the allergy is non-hormonal in nature, then it is rational to take care to improve the patient's condition with the help of ointments or creams. They can have different effects and side effects, they should be used with caution. Some of these products can be used for babies from the first days of life.
Effective Allergy Remedies
If you choose a cream for skin allergies, it will not be superfluous to study reviews about them. Antihistamines can be used for allergies, among them the well-known "Fenistil" and "Psilo-balm" are noted. Their effect is somewhat specific, they do not eliminate the cause itself, but fight the symptoms, that is, they can eliminate redness, rashes, itching, peeling and other external manifestations of an allergic reaction.
If an allergic reaction is manifested as a result of inflammation, then it would be advisable to pay attention to such drugs that can also be used for children from the first days of life, since they do not have a large list of possible side effects. These are Protopic and Elidel.

Means of combined action
Any cream for skin allergies in adults,photos of some of them can be seen in the article, must be prescribed by a doctor. Non-hormonal allergy medications can have a combined effect on the body. What will it consist of? One remedy can have several effects. If you are looking for the best cream for adult skin allergies, you should start your review with targeted drugs. Combined allergy medications can eliminate fungal infections, contain antibiotics, and at the same time have anti-allergic properties. Among the best drugs of combined action, the following should be noted:
- Lorinden;
- "Triderm";
- "Belosalik";
- Diprosalik;
- Akriderm GK.
All allergy medications should be prescribed only after the allergen has been clarified and only by the attending physician. A huge range of various ointments, creams and other antiallergic drugs cannot be universal, especially when it comes to allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a specialist in order to determine for yourself the best methods of treatment and remedies.
Reviews on non-hormonal drugs
Do you buy adult skin allergy cream? The instruction is one of the most important selection criteria. If we compare anti-allergy drugs in terms of effectiveness and versatility for various types of rashes, then non-hormonal agents have more advantages along with hormonal ones. More benefits have a non-hormonal cream for skin allergies in adults, there are different reviews about them.
Among the side effects and contraindications to the use of such drugs, only individual intolerance to some of the components that are included in the composition is usually indicated. Patients say that such drugs effectively eliminate the external manifestations of the body's allergic reactions to the pathogen. If the skin is damaged, then the healing process with the use of products occurs at an accelerated pace.
Many testify that the spread of hives and other lesions on the skin slows down and stops completely. I am also glad that such funds can be used for children, as well as for pregnant women and women during lactation. They do not cause hormonal changes in the body, which can often lead to weight gain.
If you choose a cream for adult skin allergies, the effectiveness of each will be different. Despite the versatility of non-hormonal drugs, they must still be prescribed by specialists and used under their clear guidance and supervision.
In order to determine the optimal method of treatment and remedy, it is necessary to identify the allergen. It is not always possible to do this by laboratory methods; ordinary observation often comes to the rescue. What is this diagnostic method? It can also be called trial and error. In order to exclude this or that factor, it is necessary to check the body's reaction to contact with it.
If it concerns food, then with the exclusion of one or another product, the allergy may disappear and not bother. Costspay close attention to household chemicals. In the modern world, this is one of the most common allergens, therefore, if allergic reactions occur on the skin, it is necessary to exclude and replace the laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent and at the same time observe the reaction.

Alternative treatments
Even the best adult skin allergy cream won't do the job unless you get rid of or reduce contact with the allergen. In order to reduce the risk of allergic reactions of the body to the pathogen, alternative methods of exposure can also be used:
- Folk treatments.
- Prevention.
If we talk about folk methods of treating allergies, then it is worth saying that in various medical reference books there are methods that consist in preparing decoctions and tinctures, solutions for internal or external use. But at the same time, it is also worth understanding that some herbs may not only not have a positive effect, but also aggravate the situation by causing a new allergy, a non-standard reaction of the body.
The most common folk remedies are mummy, tincture of nettle and celandine, celery. For internal use, a decoction of the string is used.