Adenoma of the liver is a benign tumor that develops mainly in the vascular system and epithelium of the tissues of this organ. In most cases, it is formed in the right side of the gland. A tumor process occurs on the basis of atypical cells, as well as hepatocytes present in the liver. Therefore, this formation is also called "hepatocellular adenoma of the liver".
This type of tumor is characterized by local spread. Therefore, there is a risk of its development from a benign to a malignant formation. The occurrence is preceded by causes that could become the causative agent of the inflammatory process in the liver area.

Causes of disease
Liver adenoma is detected quite easily. This formation is in a separate capsule. Its inner part has a heterogeneous structure. As a result, pain is felt during palpation. It is noted that the tumor may besingle or multiple character. This indicates the general state of the tumor process.
In medicine, the exact causes that serve as causative agents of the process of tumor occurrence in the liver have not been identified. However, scientists in this field have managed to establish factors that affect the appearance and development of the tumor process in this organ.
Factors influencing the process of adenoma occurrence
Among them is noted:
- The use of hormonal drugs. It has been established that a large percentage of women who use hormonal contraceptives most often suffer from liver adenoma. In males, this process occurs as a result of long-term use of steroids.
- Influence of the environment, including background radiation, which can cause tumors in various organs, including the liver.
- Genetic inheritance. If one of the blood relatives suffered from the tumor process, the disease may occur as a result of genetic transmission at the cellular level.
- Improper nutrition can also become the causative agent of the inflammatory process leading to the appearance of a tumor. Eating too fatty foods for a long time, as well as the lack of fiber in the body, can cause various pathologies, including adenoma.

Classification of adenoma types
In medicine, there is a certain classification of types of tumors in the liver. It is worth noting that depending on the variety, treatment is prescribed. That's whyidentifying the shape of the tumor is one of the main steps in the diagnosis process.
This species is characterized by the formation of a malignant tumor. Acquires a liquid structure containing cells of cholesterol, bilirubin. In this case, immediate medical intervention is required, since in the event of a malignant neoplasm, there is a risk of death.
The greater risk of this type of tumor belongs to the female sex. It is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the epithelium of tissues, which has arisen as a result of improper functioning of the glandular cells of the bile stream, which are located in the liver.
Hepatoma and hepatacillary adenoma
Most common in males. With this type, the tumor process occurs against the background of the growth of liver cells, which subsequently become the focus of the lesion.
Liver adenoma: symptoms
Characteristic signs and manifestations in the case of the onset of the disease at an early stage are practically absent. Severe symptoms of the tumor process are observed when the neoplasm begins to compress the organs.

This process is due to the increased size of the tumor. In this case, the following symptoms may occur:
- Pale skin all over body.
- Presence of excessive sensation of thirst.
- Excessive sweating.
- Appearance of nausea.
- The occurrence of belching.
- Sharppressure reduction.
- The appearance of discomfort in the liver area.
It is worth noting that the symptoms are of the most generalized nature, therefore, they are similar to other diseases in this area. It is recommended that if any symptoms appear, undergo a comprehensive examination in order to make the correct diagnosis.

Pathological reactions that occur in the absence or ineffective treatment process are dangerous for the patient. The most serious complication is the occurrence of liver cancer. In medicine, there are a number of signs indicating the occurrence of this disease:
- The process of tumor spread into the vascular system.
- The appearance of hemorrhages.
- Necrotic manifestations characteristic of this condition.
- Adenoma invasion process.
- Elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Liver cancer is a dangerous disease that threatens human life. Therefore, it is required to avoid any kind of complications in the course of treatment.

Disease diagnosis
Proper diagnosis is the most important step in the treatment process. It is characterized by the identification of all the necessary information about the state of the tumor process in the liver. It is carried out exclusively under the supervision of specialists in this field.

This process involvesholding the following events:
- General survey about the patient's condition.
- General inspection.
- A blood test is scheduled.
- An ultrasound of the liver is scheduled.
- MRI scheduled.
- Be sure to appoint an x-ray by a specialist.
- Passing Elastography.
- Biopsy.
- Endoscopy.
It is worth noting that in the process of diagnosing, palpation is mandatory. This process allows the specialist to determine the level of spread and condition of the tumor. With the help of palpation, it is possible to determine a benign or malignant area. A patient who is suspected of having such a disease as a liver adenoma will definitely be sent for an ultrasound scan. An accurate and more detailed picture can only be provided by a complete comprehensive passage of all diagnostic procedures.
Liver adenoma: treatment
It is carried out depending on the stage of tumor growth.
If the liver adenoma is less than a centimeter, the oncologist cancels the use of any hormonal drugs.
In conditions of transformation from a benign tumor to a malignant one, the following measures are applied:
- Waiting. This tactic is used after the removal or elimination of the factor influencing the appearance of the tumor.
- In case of adenoma growth, a laparoscopic operation is prescribed. This method is used only when the size of the adenoma is less than eight centimeters. In the case of opening the abdominal cavity with a large tumor, there is a risk of severeconsequences.
The treatment process of such a disease as liver adenoma is quite complicated. It focuses on effective treatment, predominantly at an early stage. It is worth noting that this formation is subject to effective treatment in a benign form. A malignant tumor is not treated with medication. This growth can be removed surgically if the size is appropriate.
It is possible to treat liver adenoma with folk remedies. But this can only be done strictly after consulting a specialist. In the case of liver adenoma, treatment with folk remedies can be effective with the use of nettle, wild rose, and couch grass root. For 10 days, decoctions based on mint, wormwood, fennel, yarrow, celandine juice are also used.

Disease prevention
To protect yourself from pathologies, it is worth eliminating the possible causes of the disease to the maximum. First of all, people with a predisposition to this disease should monitor their diet and give up bad habits. Men should stop taking anabolic steroids, and women should limit hormonal contraceptives. It is recommended to eat as many foods rich in fiber as possible. If the first signs of illness appear, immediately contact a specialist.
The appearance of any neoplasms in the body indicates a serious malfunction in its work. In the case of liver problems, this is quite serious, because it is responsible for disinfectionall the toxins that can get into the blood.
The exact causes that cause adenoma have not been established. But, according to experts, heredity, lifestyle and environment play a major role in this.
If the doctor made such a diagnosis, you should not despair and give up. The disease has long been known to modern medicine, and certain methods have been developed to combat it. And if the oncologist permits, therapy can be combined with folk remedies.