Most often, parents remember the need for vitamin and mineral supplements when the child begins to have problems with school performance. Teachers begin to complain about inattention, grades are rapidly deteriorating, and school psychologists or pediatricians will definitely advise you to start taking vitamins. At the same time, it must be said that most often the Vitrum Junior complex becomes the number one choice. This is facilitated by the low price and excellent quality of the drug.

You can find this drug in almost any pharmacy, because it is widely distributed. "Vitrum Junior" is a special complex that contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. This is the most necessary set that your child's body needs every day. It is mainly aimed at teenagers. One tablet contains the daily requirement of all essential vitamins, macro- and microelements. "Vitrum Junior", due to the content of 100% of the daily requirement of iodine, perfectly helps children cope with increased mental stress. It will be very important for parents to know that thisthe drug showed high efficiency in all studies. I especially want to emphasize that everyone can take it, including children with allergic diseases.

Composition of the drug
Let's look at the composition of the drug to make it easier for you to compare with other vitamin complexes. One Vitrum Junior tablet contains vitamin A, D3, E, C. It is very important that the composition contains almost the entire group of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, nicotinamide, folic acid, calcium pantothenate and biotin. This group is essential for a growing organism, as it stimulates mental activity and the work of the central nervous system. However, that's not all. Since the body also urgently needs minerals and trace elements, this complex includes calcium and magnesium, iron and copper, zinc and manganese, chromium and molybdenum, phosphorus and iodine.

Pharmacological properties
Vitamins "Vitrum Junior" is not a medicine, but a completely safe dietary supplement. This balanced complex of vitamins and minerals is an essential supplement that regulates the normal growth and development of the body. This is necessary first of all in order to form strong immunity, and also contributes to the he althy growth and mental development of adolescents. It is very important that the doses are specially selected to meet the needs of the child. Often parents begin to give their child vitamins for adults, which is completely wrong. Each age requires a certain amountcertain substances, which manufacturers take into account.

Vitamins for children "Vitrum Junior" is a balanced complex in which each element is responsible for its function. In fact, each vitamin and trace element is involved in a variety of biochemical processes that take place inside the body, but we will name only the most basic ones that you need to know about. So, vitamin A is involved in protein synthesis, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the mucous membranes and organs of vision. In order to avoid rickets, calcium-D3 is needed, which is present in the complex in sufficient quantities. It should be noted that each vitamin individually may not be absorbed by our body. Each of the substances needs a pair, and it is this condition that the Vitrum Junior complex provides. Its composition is quite diverse, which allows it to be considered one of the best. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, C regulates redox reactions, B vitamins are responsible for metabolism. Calcium is necessary for the formation of bone tissue of the teeth, blood clotting and the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium - for normal metabolism, iron is involved in the transport of oxygen, copper is necessary for immune reactions, zinc - for the normal formation of the skeleton, manganese affects the development of bone tissue, iodine affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. Thus, we can say that Vitrum Junior provides comprehensive support for all organs and systems. Reviews of adolescents taking the drug, and theirparents confirm that the systematic use of this drug has a positive effect. Drowsiness disappears and attention concentration improves, the child begins to endure the morning rise and school loads much easier.

Indications for use
When should Vitrum Junior be used first? The instruction tells us that the period of active growth is a very important moment when all the foundations are laid, therefore it is very important to take vitamin supplements constantly. This is especially important during the period of active growth, which is observed in the period from seven to fourteen years. The lack of one or more micronutrients, which is very possible even with good nutrition, can play a decisive role, and your child will begin to endure stress worse, and therefore, his academic performance will worsen. In addition, the indication for use is the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and lack of macro- and microelements in children with increased physical and mental stress. In addition, during the recovery period and after past illnesses, it is extremely important to take Vitrum Junior. Reviews of pediatricians confirm that in this case, the body's resistance increases several times. Another indication is unbalanced or inadequate nutrition of the child, as well as reduced appetite.

Using the drug
In fact, one of the most convenient vitamin complexes that exist today is Vitrum Junior. Instructions for use states that it can be used from the age of four, however, only half a tablet can be given to a child per day. From seven to fourteen years of age, one tablet per day should be taken. Reception is carried out after a meal. It is necessary to chew the tablet and drink it with water. The pleasant taste is sure to please your child.

Parents are often interested in how long Vitrum Junior should be taken. Instructions for use suggests that the standard course of admission lasts one month. After that, the course can be extended by the attending physician. If this does not happen, then you should take a break. The frequency of courses per year is agreed with the district pediatrician.
Side effects
In fact, they are extremely rare. The drug is not a drug, and therefore can not harm the he alth of your child. However, there is a small chance that an allergic reaction may develop. This is usually found out already in the first hours after taking the first pill. If you notice skin rashes or other allergy symptoms, tell your doctor and stop taking the drug.
There are very few of them, in fact, you only need to consult with your pediatrician and tell him in detail about the features of your baby. So, a contraindication may be hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. This is difficult to determine without special tests that can only be done in the laboratory. Besides, inlist of contraindications - hypervitaminosis A and D, which is also determined only by the results of the tests. Finally, if your child is under the age of 4, you need to find a different complex for him that will be better suited to his body.
Interaction with other drugs
In fact, doctors very often include a vitamin complex in the list of drugs to be taken if the child has had a severe acute respiratory disease, acute respiratory viral infection or any other disease. They can prescribe it for prevention in the autumn-spring period. However, it must be remembered that simultaneous administration with preparations containing vitamins and minerals greatly increases the risk of overdose. The pediatrician should carefully consider the need to prescribe antibiotics of the tetracycline group and antimicrobial agents simultaneously with this vitamin complex. The composition includes iron and calcium, which slow down the absorption of antibiotics from the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, no matter what drug you decide to give your child at the same time as the vitamin complex, be sure to consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate when it comes to he alth and proper development.
Today, one of the most popular and sought-after complexes are Vitrum Junior vitamins. Parents' comments emphasize the fact that children like them first of all. Toddlers do not have to be persuaded to take the pill, because it has a pleasant taste. The second plus is that this complex can be used from the age of four to the age of fourteen. No need every timelook for a new, more suitable drug. Finally, the third plus, which is noted by all parents, is the visible result. From the first week, the child becomes noticeably more assiduous, gets up easier in the morning, becomes more attentive in class, and copes with homework faster.