Inflammation of the gums under the crown: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Inflammation of the gums under the crown: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Inflammation of the gums under the crown: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Today, probably, there is no such person who would not seek the services of a dentist. The reasons can be very diverse: someone needs to fill a tooth or remove it, someone wants to remove stones or whiten incisors. After the installation of crowns, inflammatory processes often develop. Such complications are usually called secondary. Such a reaction can only signal that something is going wrong in the body. Very often inflammation of the gums under the crown is caused by improper impression taking during their manufacture. However, there may be other reasons as well. In this review, we will look at why the gum under the crown can become inflamed, how to deal with this problem and what measures can be taken for prevention.

Causes of gum disease

This is the first place to start. Many people experience gum inflammation after crowns are placed. What is the reason for this complication? Indeed, for some, after this dental procedure, everything endsexcellent, without any swelling, inflammation and bleeding.

causes of gum disease
causes of gum disease

How to understand why the gum has become inflamed under the crown? Here, everything largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Perhaps during the processing of the tooth, the gum was injured. The reason may also be the wrong height of the crowns. If they are too high, then the pressure on the gingival margin will be quite large.

Tooth damage by the crown itself

Some time after the installation of prostheses, patients feel discomfort. The mucous membrane simply adapts to a foreign object. Pain in this case, as a rule, passes quite quickly and is easily stopped with the help of analgesics. If, when chewing, the pain intensifies, at the same time there is a smell from the oral cavity, then most likely it is time to visit the dentist's office. Symptoms such as swelling, bleeding, and overgrowth of gum tissue require immediate medical attention.

One of the determining parameters is the thickness of the dental crown. As a rule, the cutter during processing is made in the shape of a cone. It is necessary that a step be formed between the root and the crown of the tooth, which would exactly correspond in thickness to the future nozzle. It is on her, according to the principle of the cover, that she will be put on.

pain under the crown
pain under the crown

However, sometimes there are situations when the step cannot be made smooth. As a result, it begins to put pressure on the edge of the gum, causing circulatory disorders. For this reason, many complain of bleedinggums under the crown. Plus, the situation can also worsen because food remains accumulate near the steps. It is almost impossible to clean them with a toothbrush. Some time later, these residues under the action of microbes can have a negative impact on the condition of the gums. To avoid the occurrence of such a situation, it is necessary to make a special ledge when processing teeth. In this case, the artificial crown must be butt-jointed with the incisor. Only in this case, damage to the gingival margin can be avoided.

Many believe that if the crown was made incorrectly, then you can simply remove it and correct it, and then put it back on the incisor. However, in this case, the structure of the artificial tooth will be broken, and even an experienced dentist will not be able to restore it. In case of inflammation of the gums, it is most correct to remove the crown and put in a new one that matches the parameters of the patient's oral cavity.

Gum damage from tooth treatment

What is worth knowing about this? Before installing the crown, the tooth must be pretreated. For this operation, special drills coated with diamond chips are used. With the help of such devices, you can easily, without any damage, remove the hard tissues of the tooth. To the touch, they will seem slightly rough. The speed of rotation of burs reaches 400 revolutions per minute. Therefore, when treating teeth, the doctor may well touch the edge of the gum. It is not always possible to control fast movements. Such damage can lead to a serious inflammatory process. Therefore, experienced dentistsknow that it is better to reduce the speed of rotation of the bur or even to carry out the preparation under the rubber dam. However, its use can also have a negative effect on the gingival margin, leading to more severe inflammation. If the doctor does everything right, then everything will be all right. In any case, inflammation of the gums under the crown does not occur without a reason.


So what is it? Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, can appear for several reasons:

  1. Low body resistance caused by overwork, malnutrition, infectious diseases.
  2. Vitaminosis and lack of nutrients and minerals.
  3. Consequences of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Reaction to medication.
on examination at the dentist
on examination at the dentist

The main clinical manifestations of gingivitis are redness of the gums, soreness, increased sensitivity of teeth to cold and hot food, bleeding gums and bad breath. The most common cause of this disease is inadequate oral care. If the gum under the crown is inflamed, the patient will need complex treatment. The therapy includes a procedure for cleaning the oral cavity using professional tools. It may be necessary to use ultrasonic cleaning methods. They help to do a good job of removing plaque, especially in areas near the gums.

Visual inspection

As a rule, an experienced doctor is able toassess the condition of the gums in appearance. Local damage to the pulp, dentin and enamel does not change the condition of the gums. But diseases of the root membranes are quite capable of leading to their deformation. The presence of tartar and thickening of the gingival margin may indicate gingivitis. To detect swelling in this case, simply press the tool on the gum. The result should be a light print. In the presence of a subgingival abscess, an elongated area is formed in the transition zone between the gum and the cheek. It is sometimes difficult to detect it due to swelling of the gums. If pus is visible from under the edge of the gum, then we are talking about chronic inflammation of the gums.


Let's take a closer look at this. Today, many are faced with such an unpleasant problem as inflammation of the gums under the crown. How to treat this pathology? First of all, you need to correctly determine the cause of inflammation. If it consists in a poor-quality crown, then to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it will be enough just to replace it. However, even after removal, it is not always possible to quickly get rid of inflammation of the gums. Once the cause is identified and treated, the inflammation will slowly subside. To relieve symptoms, it is necessary to start systematic treatment. This will prevent the development of gingivitis in the future.

teeth cleaning
teeth cleaning

Inflammation of the gums under the crown is treated with the use of local antiseptic preparations. To reduce pain, drugs such as Metrogyl Denta and anesthesin ointment can be used. Also for a speedy recoveryit is recommended to use a solution for rinsing the mouth called "Rotokan". In addition, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are excellent disinfectants. These substances are effective antiseptics and help to quickly get rid of inflammation.

To eliminate purulent formations on the gums, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics. The best for this purpose is "Doxycycline" or "Amoxicillin". They are especially effective in fighting fistula and cyst. Less severe cases can be treated with topical application of gentamicin ointment.

Swelling and abscess formation

What should be done to relieve inflammation of the gums under the crown? Treatment must be carried out under the strict supervision of a qualified specialist. However, many are afraid to go to the doctors and try to treat the disease on their own. This is especially dangerous, because the patient may not even know exactly the cause of swelling and swelling in the gum area.

Why did the gum become inflamed under the crown? What to do to remove puffiness? The tooth itself can also hurt when chewing and biting. Similar symptoms are observed because there is a purulent focus of inflammation in the region of the root of the incisor. If it is chronic, the pain may not be as acute.

In some cases, the gum near the crown may begin to darken. Most likely, the prosthesis is simply incorrectly installed. The tooth should have a special protrusion that reduces the load on the gum. Often a fistulous opening is also formed, throughwhich may leak pus that has accumulated earlier. If the fistula is closed, then not only the gums can swell in the mouth. Edema affects the entire cheek. In this case, the general condition of the patient may worsen, there is an increase in temperature and malaise.

I have a toothache
I have a toothache

The last stage of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity is a cyst. A cavity filled with purulent fluid appears in the region of the apex of the tooth root. The main signs of this disease are swelling and redness in the cheek area, severe headache and fever. In some cases, these symptoms are not observed, but the swelling gradually increases. In this case, only an x-ray will help to identify the disease.

What can cause inflammation of the gums under the crown? How to treat this pathology? The main reasons for its development:

  • poorly sealed canals;
  • running pulpitis or caries.

Purulent inflammation in the first case is formed as a result of a medical error. Perhaps the dentist placed the filling incorrectly or performed a root perforation poorly. Inflammation of the apex of the tooth root is also scientifically called periodontitis. In situations where timely treatment of caries or pulpitis is not carried out, an infection can get into the root canal, which as a result can lead to serious and quite painful inflammation.

How to reduce swelling?

What should I do if the mucous membranes in my mouth are very swollen after installing a crown? The gum under the crown can also hurt. Do not under any circumstances try torelieve inflammation and discomfort at home. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray examination. Inflammation of the gums in any case indicates the presence of problems with the tooth. The doctor will analyze the x-rays and be able to make a diagnosis. After that, the patient will receive recommendations for the treatment of the affected area. In some cases, special rinses help to eliminate the inflammatory process.

What could be the causes of gum disease under a crown? The most common is poorly sealed root canals. To remove the inflammatory process, you must first remove the filling or crown from the tooth, unseal the canals, and treat the affected area with antiseptics. After that, the patient is usually prescribed a course of antibiotics. During treatment, it may also be necessary to cut the gum.

at the dentist's
at the dentist's

With a slight inflammation, the canals must be sealed with high quality. If the focus of inflammation was quite extensive, then it will take some time to fill the canals. After about three months, the incisors will be ready for permanent dental material, and it will be possible to install a special nozzle on them.

Replacement crown

If the cause of the inflammatory process is poor-quality prosthetics, then it can be stopped by removing the crown and treating the tooth located under it. As a rule, it is not installed in place, since it is badly damaged. QuickerIn total, the patient will need to re-install the prosthesis. On single-channel teeth, it is sometimes possible to carry out treatment without removing the crown. However, this method significantly complicates the passage of the entire channel. It can only be used as a temporary measure, when it is impossible to carry out a full cycle of recovery procedures.

Folk remedies

How to relieve inflammation of the gums under the crown? Many people prefer to use folk remedies for this purpose. However, such methods will not help to completely get rid of the inflammatory process. They are only able to relieve pain for a while and limit the spread of the affected area.

Sage and chamomile have a good anti-inflammatory effect. Eucalyptus will help relieve pain in the area of damage. However, do not abuse the rinses from decoctions of medicinal herbs. Some of them have side effects, such as affecting the color of tooth enamel. A decoction of oak bark can lead to darkening of the incisors. Applications with aloe juice help to effectively fight inflammation. It is best to use the leaves of the plant for this purpose, from which the skin must first be removed.

What to do if the gum hurts under the crown? In no case should you self-medicate. Folk remedies can relieve pain and remove the first signs of inflammation, but they are not able to eliminate the root cause. In any case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Only a specialist can conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to removetartar and other deposits in the affected area. Until the condition of the gums is restored, it will not be possible to wear a new crown.


So that inflammation of the tooth under the crown does not bother you, you must definitely follow the recommendations of your doctor. Like incisors, crowns require careful maintenance. They need to be cleaned at least twice a day. It is necessary to ensure that plaque does not accumulate at the edges of the gums and between the teeth. When caring for the oral cavity, it is important to use not only toothpaste and brush, but also a special floss and rinse aid. A patient with crowns should not eat solid foods such as nuts and seeds. This can lead to damage to dentures and gums. You should visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year.


Quite often, after the installation of dentures, patients face such a problem when the gum becomes inflamed under the crown. What to do in this case? At the first appearance of pain or swelling, you should immediately consult a dentist. The doctor will help prevent negative consequences. It is better if the specialist who installed the crowns will deal with the problem.

gum damage
gum damage

But what if the patient does not have the opportunity to see a doctor at the moment? How to treat? The gum under the crowns with inflammation is likely to cause severe pain, so the first aid in this case will be taking analgesics. Decoctions of medicinal herbs will also help relieve symptoms. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with such compositions several times a In the presence of a mucosal injury, the use of special regenerating ointments may be required.

You should not expect that you will be able to cure inflammation of the gums under the crown at home. Therapy should only be performed by a qualified dentist.
