In order for a child to grow and develop fully, it is important to ensure sufficient intake of B vitamins into his body. These trace elements are of great importance for the proper functioning of all systems and internal organs. In the daily diet of an actively growing baby, there must be foods enriched with thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin. Otherwise, the lack of nutrients should be compensated by the use of vitamin-mineral complexes.
One of these is Neuromultivit. Reviews about this remedy will help you figure out for what purposes it is produced and in what cases it is prescribed to children, whether it has analogues and what you need to know about contraindications.
Drug summary
"Neuromultivit" - a combination drug designed to improve metabolicprocesses in tissues. The active ingredients of this medicinal complex are B vitamins, in particular B1, B6 and B12. The drug is available in tablet and injection form. Judging by the reviews, Neuromultivit injections are extremely rarely prescribed for children, mostly tablets are prescribed for babies. You can buy the product at any retail pharmacy network. The drug is packed in an outer cardboard box, inside it there are 2 blisters of 10 white coated tablets. The pills are convex round shape.
It is curious that there are no official recommendations for the use of the drug in childhood. The reason for this is considered to be a large single dosage, which exceeds the intake of B vitamins by an average child by 30 times. But in practice, the remedy is still used by pediatricians to treat children of different ages, including infants. If you believe the reviews of patients and doctors, Neuromultivit is easily tolerated by children. In the predominant number of cases, the use of the drug brought the expected therapeutic effect. However, this medicine also has “dark” sides, so only a qualified specialist should make a decision on its appointment.

Who is the medication suitable for
If we turn exclusively to the instructions of "Neuromultivit" (reviews aside for now), it will become clear that this drug has serious neurological indications. The manufacturer recommends the use of the drug in patients with a history of one of the followingViolations:
- pronounced hypovitaminosis;.
- polyneuropathy (due to diabetes mellitus or alcohol withdrawal);
- neuritis;
- neuralgia, including intercostal;
- sciatica;
- lumbago;
- plexite;
- paresis of the facial nerves;
- intervertebral hernia with radiculopathy.
At first glance, the diseases are completely “non-childish”, but children who have undergone surgery are often prescribed Neuromultivit quite often. This drug helps the body recover faster, minimize the effects of stress, and stabilize the activity of the central nervous system. Not only reviews of Neuromultivit for children, but also official clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of the drug used in the postoperative period.
Speech delay
In reviews of Neuromultivit vitamins, parents often express bewilderment in connection with their appointment to children aged 2 to 4 years. Allegedly, this drug is prescribed only to those babies who have obvious neurological disorders. In fact, as doctors write in reviews, "Neuromultivit" for patients at an early age is necessary to maintain the nervous system. Children with speech delays especially need this drug.
Many parents prefer not to focus on the unwillingness, or rather the inability of their child to talk at the age of 3, referring to the fact that "his time has not yet come." However, responsible moms and dads should be alerted by the absence of any positivedynamics: if the child’s vocabulary is practically not replenished for several months, it is worth consulting with a specialist. The neurologist will give directions to the necessary diagnostic procedures (usually, if you suspect an STD, they undergo an electroencephalogram of the brain, do a detailed blood test), as well as to receive consultations from an otolaryngologist and an audiologist, who should confirm that everything is in order with the baby’s hearing.

Neuromultivit for children is not used as monotherapy for delayed speech development. In the reviews, mothers write that most often this drug is prescribed in combination with drugs such as:
- "Encephabol";
- "Pantogam";
- "Pantocalcin";
- "Cogitum";
- Cortexin.
Features of use in childhood
This drug is recommended for children over 1 year old, but under the strict supervision of a pediatrician or neurologist, the medicine is sometimes prescribed for infants. According to reviews of "Neuromultivit" and the instructions for use contain information that it is better to take vitamins in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up. It is undesirable to take the medicine in the evening, as there is a risk of developing an adverse reaction in the form of increased activity, excitability and sleep disturbances.
Due to age, most babies are not able to swallow a pill whole. If the child was prescribed pills, and not Neuromultivit injections, the reviews advise you to prepare the suspension yourself. To do this, you need to thoroughly crush one pill of the drug, grinding it to a powder state without large particles. The resulting powder is combined with a tablespoon of drinking water. By the way, if the child refuses to take the medicine, the prepared Neuromultivit suspension can be added to food or drink.
The treatment regimen for babies over 1 year old looks like this: one tablet of Neuromultivit is given three times a day, but only after meals. If the doctor sees the need for the use of this drug for infancy, the dosage is reduced several times. For babies, a quarter of a crushed tablet is prescribed, mixed with breast milk or artificial mixture after meals. The duration of the course of treatment with this medication should not exceed 30 days, since an excess of B vitamins can lead to adverse effects on the nervous system.

What is in the composition, contraindications
As already mentioned, Neuromultivit is a vitamin complex. The composition of the drug includes cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), thiamine (vitamin B1) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). In childhood, the drug is easily tolerated, despite the fact that the manufacturer refrained from making any recommendations in the instructions for use. In reviews of Neuromultivit, parents of babies under one year old sometimes note that children had side effects in the form of vomiting, tachycardia, and urticaria. In general, the severity of the reaction of the body in infants is due to the immaturity of the immune system andorganism as a whole. Allergies occur in isolated cases, and can be not only in infants, but also in older children.
In case of adverse or allergic reactions, Neuromultivit is cancelled. In fact, this is the only contraindication to the use of the remedy. The decision on the tactics of further treatment is made by the attending physician.
Patient Feedback
Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions for use. In reviews of Neuromultivit, many parents write that the effect of treatment is achieved after a few weeks. At first, there were no obvious changes in the child's behavior, but at the end of the course, users noted that the child became calmer and more assiduous. Parents are especially enthusiastic about normalizing the sleep of hyperactive kids: after Neuromultivit, they began to sleep better and fall asleep faster.
With regard to infants, the results of the use of this vitamin complex are not so unambiguous. Parents of he althy babies who were prescribed Neuromultivit to prevent beriberi did not notice any significant changes after taking it. Whereas infants diagnosed with elevated intracranial pressure showed measurable improvements after two weeks of use:
- reduce tremor of the lower jaw while crying;
- weight gain;
- no colic and regurgitation;
- enough physical activity.
Children with speech delays are also seeing positive changes. The first changes are usuallyoccur not during treatment, but some time after it. Most three-year-old children after Neuromultivit begin not only to pronounce words, but also to build sentences, formulate requests and questions. At the same time, positive dynamics is also noted after the intake of B vitamins has been completed.

Returning to the reviews of Neuromultivit tablets, it is easy to guess that this drug is prescribed to schoolchildren who complain of fatigue and poor memory. The first results of the treatment came after the course of application: children have more strength, educational material is absorbed and remembered faster, concentration of attention increases and, as a result, school performance.
What else you need to know about this medicine
Perhaps, additional information about the combined remedy "Neuromultivit" will be useful for many who have had (or will have) to deal with its use:
- You can undergo treatment with the drug strictly according to the prescription of a vertebrologist or a neurologist. You will need a doctor's prescription to buy this medicine from a pharmacy.
- Neuromultivit has no effect on the management of complex mechanisms. Also, its use does not inhibit the reaction when driving a car.
- In most cases, vitamins do not cause drowsiness. At least, there are no complaints about such side effects as fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness in reviews of Neuromultivit.
- The drug will not benefit in combination withalcoholic drinks. It is especially important to stop drinking alcohol for patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is advisable not to smoke during the period of therapy, since nicotine negatively affects the nerve endings, prevents the full trophism of tissues and the access of oxygen to them.
- Store tablets and ampoules in a closed package, in a place away from light and heaters at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C. Shelf life is three years.
- Uncontrolled intake of "Neuromultivit" by a child is not allowed. These are not harmless "vitamins", but a serious combined medication.
How much does it cost
Information about the manufacturer of this tool can be found in the instructions for use. "Neuromultivit" in injections (reviews of injection treatment confirm that the drug is painfully tolerated, so it is most often used together with an anesthetic) is produced by the Austrian company G. L. Pharma, sold in packs of 5 and 10 ampoules. The price ranges from 350 rubles. for one package. Tableted vitamins "Neuromultivit" are produced by the pharmaceutical company LANNACHER in Germany. The estimated cost of the drug is about 300 rubles. for 20 tablets.

Judging by the reviews, Neuromultivit does not belong to the category of expensive drugs. Indeed, some multivitamin complexes are much more expensive. At the same time, there will always be those who want to save money and purchase cheaper analogues. In reviews of "Neuromultivit" you can find referencesabout a number of imported and domestic drugs at a lower price. All of them are allegedly similar in composition and principle of action with the drug. Next, we will conduct a brief comparative analysis of Neuromultivit and analogues. We will take reviews and instructions for using these funds as a basis.
This domestic drug is available in tablets, each of which contains the same amount of thiamine as in Neuromultivit, but a much lower dose of vitamins B6 and B12. Before using the medicine, you should consult with your doctor, carefully study the instructions and reviews. Neuromultivit for children is not recommended by the manufacturer - the same can be said about Benfolipen, but this does not in the least prevent prescribing the drug even for infants with a frequency similar to Neuromultivit. It is worth noting that there are a lot of official contraindications to the use of Benfolipen, these include:
- hypersensitivity to any of the components in the composition;
- disorders in the cardiovascular system;
- pregnancy and lactation.
For adult patients, this remedy is prescribed in complex therapy for the following diseases:
- trigeminal neuralgia;
- Bell's palsy;
- pain syndrome caused by tumors of the spine, intervertebral hernia;
- polyneuropathy.
In comparison with Neuromultivit, in reviews of which it is extremely rare to write about side effects, taking Benfolipen is often accompanied by heart palpitations, hyperhidrosis, nausea,dizziness, vomiting. It is not uncommon for allergic reactions after using this remedy. In addition, this analogue is undesirable to combine with the intake of other vitamin complexes.
The dosage of the drug, as in any other cases, is determined by the doctor. The optimal scheme for taking Benfolipen looks like this: drink one tablet three times a day with water. Estimated price of the drug - 150 rubles. for a pack of 30 tablets.
Another inexpensive analogue of Neuromultivit. In terms of composition, Kombilipen can be completely replaced by Benfolipen. However, in cases where it is required to administer the drug by parenteral route, the choice is made in favor of this drug. The solution "Kombipilen" for injection, in addition to the main components, contains lidocaine. A package with 5 ampoules costs an average of 100 rubles. "Combilipen Tabs" is a tablet version of the drug, the price of which varies between 150-170 rubles.

As indications for the use of this drug (or "Neuromultivit"), other pathologies are found in the reviews of doctors:
polyneuritis against the background of internal and external intoxication;
- polyneuritis of various etiologies;
- protracted inflammatory processes associated with diseases of the spine;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar;
- shingles.
As for restrictions, Combilipen is not recommended for use in the same cases as Benfolipen. According to the official version, the drug is not suitablechildren, since no studies have been conducted among this age group. It is forbidden to take a vitamin preparation for pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. At the first signs of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, it is necessary to refuse its further use.
It is worth noting that "Kombilipen" is often prescribed for both hyperactive children and babies with delayed speech development in combination with nootropic drugs, means for correcting the functioning of the nervous system. The exact dosage is calculated by a specialist and depends on the individual characteristics of each patient. On average, therapy lasts 3-4 weeks.
When taking Kombilipen Tabs, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use. Reviews of Neuromultivit for children do not describe any difficulties with taking the drug. The only drawback, according to parents, is the bitterness of the tablets, so it is not easy to make the child drink them crushed, in the form of a suspension. But here, too, a solution was found: the drug is not felt if you add it to food or drink. With "Combilipen" such a "trick" will not work, because:
- The tablet must be taken whole. This is the main reason why the vitamin complex is not prescribed for babies.
- You need to drink the medicine only with water, which means that you cannot add medicinal powder to juice, tea, compote or milk porridge.
This is a Russian-made budget drug (the average price is 120 rubles per50 tablets). Doctors often compare "Pentovit" with "Neuromultivit" in terms of properties, composition, purpose. Most experts are sure that the analogue is in no way inferior to a foreign drug, but few of them can say for sure which is better - Pentovit or Neuromultivit. According to neurologists, when compiling a treatment program, both means are usually considered.

The main difference between the domestic "Pentovit" lies in its composition. In addition to B vitamins, it also contains other organic substances, in particular nicotinic and folic acids. Just like Neuromultivit, Pentovit is used in combination with drugs from other groups when confirming the following diagnoses:
- hypovitaminosis;
- varieties of polyneuritis;
- pain of neurological origin;
- skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
In addition, B vitamins are necessary for patients who have had infectious diseases. "Pentovit" helps to recover after surgery. They also take it as a prophylactic against depression and psycho-emotional disorders.
"Pentovit" is the cheapest analogue of "Neuromultivit". In the feedback on the application, one can often find patient dissatisfaction due to the inconvenient dosage of tablets - you need to take Pentovit 3 times a day, 2-4 tablets. The optimal duration of treatment for adults is 30 days. In case of real need, the doctor may prescribe a course of repeated vitamin therapy.
It is fundamentally important not toexceed the prescribed dosage, since excessive intake of B vitamins in the body can cause complications:
- malfunctions in the digestive tract;
- circulatory disorders;
- problems in the work of the heart;
- pulmonary edema.
The use of "Pentovita" does not cause any danger to motorists. In the instructions for this drug, as well as its analogues, it is not recommended to give medicine to children, pregnant women. But based on the reviews of "Pentovite" and "Neuromultivit", in practice everything is different: it is prescribed to children, pregnant women and even those who plan to become parents in the near future.
Despite the often occurring side effects, the drug continues to be popular and shows good results in the treatment of various disorders and diseases. The body may react differently to taking Pentovit, but most often patients experience:
- allergic reactions (in this case, the doctor should cancel the medicine and replace it with another one);
- tachycardia associated with pain in the sternum;
- sleep disorders, anxiety.
In addition, people with diabetes should be aware that the shell of the tablets contains sugar, which, even in small quantities, can pose a serious threat to well-being.
The advantage of this foreign drug is its availability: for the cost of "Neuromultivit" you can buy more pills. "Kompligam" on average costs about 230 rubles. per package with three standardblisters. In addition, this product is manufactured in Canada by a leading pharmaceutical company. At each stage of the production of vitamins, numerous checks and experimental studies are carried out, so there is no doubt that Compligam complies with international quality standards.

The only drawback of this tool, experts call a lower concentration of essential trace elements in comparison with Neuromultivit. Compligam complex includes:
- pantothenic, 4-aminobenzoic and folic acids;
- thiamine;
- cyanocobalamin;
- vitamin PP;
- biotin;
- choline.
The rich composition of this drug is a definite plus. In addition, Compligam is produced not only in tablet form, but also in injection form (the drug is administered intramuscularly). Compligam is most often prescribed as a dietary supplement for vitamin B deficiency. The remedy is used for neuritis, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis, neuralgia, and also for disorders of the central nervous system.
Manufacturers of "Compligam" refer to contraindications children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation. Do not take the drug in the presence of individual intolerance to any of the components in the drug.
What to choose, "Neuromultivit" or one of the analogues?
Many believe that domestic and foreign analogues of well-known drugs that have proven themselves inpharmaceutical market, differ only in their cost. In fact, it is possible to agree with this statement only in part. None of the medicinal analogues can equally replace the selected drug. Medicines can differ in content, have different therapeutic effects, have serious side effects and have a lot of contraindications. Only a specialist should select a medicine or find a replacement for it. Self-medication can be dangerous to your he alth.