What is the treatment of dry cough in adults and children?

What is the treatment of dry cough in adults and children?
What is the treatment of dry cough in adults and children?

Cough itself is not a disease. This is one of the symptoms of various diseases - colds, pulmonary, allergic, etc. Moreover, it is a protective reaction of the body that allows you to get rid of unwanted contents - sputum, mucus, foreign body in the respiratory tract. That is why, with such manifestations, it is recommended not to suppress the cough, but to help it with all kinds of expectorants. However, there is another kind of cough, the so-called unproductive or dry, from which the body does not benefit. How is dry cough treated, which injures the throat, trachea, bronchi, without bringing relief?

how to treat dry cough
how to treat dry cough

For starters, it would be nice to go to a pulmonologist and figure out the root cause of the cough. Perhaps this is the onset of pneumonia or the banal bronchitis of a smoker. Be that as it may, a strong dry cough, tearing the throat and not conducive to the discharge of viscoussputum, you need to "moisturize". To do this, the doctor prescribes mucolytic and expectorant drugs, as with any type of cough, but in this case it will be necessary to connect home methods. Each family has its own simple recipes for treating dry coughs and any colds. Hot inhalations with boiled potatoes, inhalations with soda and a decoction of medicinal anti-cold herbs - chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, thyme, will always be useful, moreover, both separately and in collections. It must be remembered that it is impossible to take cough suppressants and cough suppressants at the same time - the effect will be zero, moreover, this can lead to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi.

severe dry cough
severe dry cough

One of the remedies that treat dry cough is considered to be a hot, plentiful drink of herbal decoctions. In general, drinking in itself, even if it is just water, is necessary for any cough, since the liquid dilutes heavy sputum and helps to expel it. As for medicinal plants, the most popular remedies are those that are in every home. At least they should be, especially if you have small children. Fruits and leaves of red viburnum as hot tea or fresh compote, where honey is added instead of sugar - it is both tasty and perfectly relieves dry cough in an adult and a child. A tested remedy is a collection of coltsfoot and thyme leaves. Warm decoction should be given to the patient three to four times a day. It quickly helps to moisten the cough and clear phlegm from the airways.

Chest rub with healing home remedies is another effectiveway to get rid of colds and coughs. So, at night, you can rub the patient's chest with melted interior fat - preferably goat or badger, put a cotton napkin on top and wrap it with a warm woolen scarf.

dry cough in adults
dry cough in adults

All of the listed funds involve the treatment of coughs of cold origin. However, it can be a symptom of other diseases, such as allergies, stress, tumor processes. That is why it is strongly recommended to be examined by a specialized specialist and find out the real reason, choose the right medicine (what is used to treat dry cough with a particular diagnosis). In some cases, there is no need for symptomatic treatment, since it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but their source.
