Oculist - what kind of doctor is this? What is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist?

Oculist - what kind of doctor is this? What is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist?
Oculist - what kind of doctor is this? What is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist?

It is hard to overestimate the role of vision in the life of every person. We receive most of the information from the world around us through visual perception: the shape, size, distance of objects, thanks to which we clearly orient ourselves in space. In almost any skilled work, the participation of vision is required. Unfortunately, with the growth of digital and computer technologies, the number of eye diseases and visual impairments is increasing in direct proportion. In this regard, more and more people want to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Today, ophthalmology, the science that studies the physiology of the organs of vision, is undergoing a period of active development. Diseases that seemed incurable a few years ago are successfully eliminated today.

What does an ophthalmologist do?

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. He is also called an ophthalmologist or eye doctor. In addition to a deep knowledge of the structure of the eye and its diseases, an ophthalmologist must be able to understand the anatomy of the body, since eye diseases can be directly related to malfunctions of various organs.

Therefore, an oculist is, first of all,a generalist who can not only make a diagnosis, but also identify its cause.

ophthalmologist eye examination
ophthalmologist eye examination

Ophthalmology is a very responsible science that requires the involvement of modern equipment and tools. Thanks to the use of new generation equipment and improved methods of examination, an appointment with an ophthalmologist takes a minimum of time and is completely painless.

How often should I have my vision checked

At a young age, a person who does not have problems related to vision is recommended to have an eye examination every 3-5 years.

ophthalmologist is
ophthalmologist is

From 40 to 65 years of age, screening is required every 2-4 years.

People over 65 are advised to have their eyes checked once a year. If there are problems in this area, it is necessary that the eye doctor prescribe the treatment and the subsequent examination schedule.

At the risk of eye diseases are people who are in adulthood, old age, as well as those suffering from diabetes and other diseases that affect vision.

Past trauma or eye disease increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal dystrophy, astigmatism.

Symptoms of eye diseases

If the following signs of visual impairment appear, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist:

- swelling of the eyelids;

- changing the color of the iris;

- strabismus;

- the appearance of pain, itching, burning in the eyes;

-excessive tearing;

- bifurcation of objects;

- spots, extraneous lines in the field of view;

- difficulty adapting the eyes in dark rooms;

- increase photosensitivity;

- the appearance of a veil in the eyes, preventing clear vision.

What does an eye test include

ophthalmologist check
ophthalmologist check

During the diagnosis, the doctor will accurately determine visual acuity, measure intraocular pressure, examine the eye with a microscope, measure the thickness of the cornea, determine the length of the eye, carefully examine the retina, and also determine the level of tear production.

External eye examination

Examination of the outer surface of the eye in most institutions is carried out according to the standard scheme. If necessary, the scope of the study expands the ophthalmologist. The vision test begins with a peripheral vision examination. Then, an external examination of the eyelids is performed for the absence of styes, tumors, cysts, or weakening of the muscle of the eyelid. The cornea is assessed, as well as the condition of the outer surface of the eyeballs.

ophthalmologist's appointment
ophthalmologist's appointment

Using a biomicroscope, the doctor examines the sclera - a dense white membrane that covers the outside of the eye, as well as the conjunctiva - a transparent mucous membrane that protects the front side of the eyeball. The reaction of the pupils to the effects of light is being studied.

Vision coordination analysis

An important part of the examination is to check the functioning of the 6 muscles that provide good vision. The optometrist selects the appropriate test and analyzes the workthese six muscles for synchrony. The brain groups the incoming information from the eyes about the surrounding objects, and then a three-dimensional picture is formed. To check the operation of the grouping mechanism, the vision is focused on some object. At the same time, with the help of a special spatula, both eyes are covered and opened in turn. Through this method, information coming from both eyes terminates the connection. At this point, the optometrist identifies possible deviations from the norm. There is another way to check the synchronism of the movement of the eyeballs: following the beam of light.

Examination of the inner surface of the eye

With the help of biomicroscopy, optical media and eye tissues are examined. For this, a slit lamp is used - a diagnostic tool. It helps to clearly examine the cornea, the inner chamber of the eye, the lens and the vitreous body. The ophthalmologist performs a complete analysis to make sure that there is no inflammation, cataracts, tumors and damage to the blood vessels.

vision ophthalmologist
vision ophthalmologist

With the help of a lamp that allows you to carefully examine the internal state of the eye, the possibility of an incorrect conclusion by a doctor is excluded. An ophthalmologist is an analyst who, based on a large amount of information collected, is able to establish an accurate and final diagnosis.

Examination of dilated pupils

For the convenience of examining the inner surface of the eyes, the doctor applies special drops that dilate the pupils. This may cause difficulties in concentrating the gaze on objects located nearby. Not recommended after examination.get behind the wheel of a car, as well as go out without sunglasses. If necessary, to quickly return the pupil to normal, drops are applied that contributed to the narrowing of the pupil.

Intraocular pressure measurement

In order to identify the initial stage of a disease such as glaucoma, the doctor measures eye pressure. Anesthetic drops are administered during the procedure to eliminate discomfort. After that, a special device is applied to the cornea, putting pressure on it.


This tonometer instrument measures the resistance of the corneal surface. This procedure is the most accurate when compared to other options such as air blast.

Fundus examination procedure

The ophthalmoscope is used to examine the inside of the eye. This instrument consists of focusing lenses as well as a slit lamp. They form a deeper picture of the state of the eye, allow you to evaluate the vitreous body, retina, macula, optic nerve and blood vessels that feed it.

In some patients, with such a deep examination, dystrophy, ruptures, retinal detachments are detected - types of pathology of the fundus that do not manifest themselves clinically, but require urgent treatment.

At any microsurgical or laser intervention, a comprehensive examination of the eyes using computer technology is preliminarily performed. Such diagnostics helps to identify existing problems, threats ofnew diseases, and to determine the sequence of treatment.

optometrist reviews
optometrist reviews

Despite the absence of complaints about vision, do not neglect preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist. Only an ophthalmologist can prescribe the correct treatment of eye diseases. Feedback from patients about the state of he alth is taken into account without fail. No eye test promotion in optics stores can replace a full examination by a doctor.

Thus, an ophthalmologist is a generalist with an extensive knowledge base and skills that allow timely detection of signs of any disease at the stage of occurrence. Timely detected disease and surgical treatment will prolong eye he alth for many years. In this regard, it must be remembered that the key to excellent vision is regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.
