Yellow discharge in women: causes and treatment

Yellow discharge in women: causes and treatment
Yellow discharge in women: causes and treatment

All kinds of vaginal discharge occur in women at the time of puberty and accompany them throughout their lives. The volume, shade, character, texture and other characteristics of the secretions are explained by a number of different conditions. Changes in these parameters in some cases occur due to natural phenomena, and sometimes indicate the appearance of a disease in the body.

Some information

In the order of the norm, discharges ranging from transparent to saturated yellow are considered. But be that as it may, every woman should learn to understand which shade is normal and what indicates the pathological state of the body. As a rule, the parameters of the discharge change, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

If the structure of the mass has become heterogeneous, accompanied by unpleasant sensations or itching in the genital area, then a specialist should be contacted immediately to help understand the reasons for such changes.

Deviations from the norm

It is possible to determine the full state of whiter by several main indicators.

  • Shade. Normal masses should be white or transparent. Yellow, odorless discharge in women whodo not leave behind significant marks on the pad or underwear, are also considered normal.
  • Quantity. With the full work of the body, the volume of whites should not exceed the contents of a teaspoon. Exceptions are the period of ovulation, the time after intercourse and before menstruation.
  • Smell. It should either be completely absent or be almost invisible. The sour smell is inherent in lactobacilli, which are present in the microflora. True, their number is purely individual.
  • Texture. The discharge should not be too dry, hard, contain clots or lumps. Abnormal are also considered leucorrhoea, in its structure resembling water. A sign of a full-fledged microflora is a homogeneous, moderately liquid discharge.
Causes of yellow discharge
Causes of yellow discharge

If any of these characteristics has changed dramatically in a short period, and especially in the case when several parameters have changed at once, then with firm certainty we can say that pathological processes are occurring in the body. Such phenomena often adversely affect the microorganisms living in the internal genital organs.

Causes of yellow discharge

Active production of such masses can signal a disorder in the functioning of the urinary or reproductive system, as well as indicate the presence of internal inflammation. However, these discharges often occur as a result of natural changes that do not require any treatment.

Symptoms accompanying yellow discharge
Symptoms accompanying yellow discharge


Even in cases where yellow discharge for a certain woman is considered the norm, they should be devoid of hard lumps and clots. In addition, they should not be accompanied by a feeling of itching or discomfort, but a mild sour smell is quite acceptable.

If the yellowness is not too saturated and catchy, while the masses are devoid of a pungent odor, irritation in the genital area is not felt, then the woman has no reason to worry.

The secretions from the appendages contain microbes and mucus flowing from the cervix, in addition, they contain lymphatic juice. They are also joined by keratinized cells of the mucous membrane of the epithelium.

Sometimes these masses acquire a yellowish tint at the time of the onset of menstruation, even before the onset of heavy discharge. But at the same time, there are no obvious blood impurities in the masses.

Yellow odorless discharge in a woman often occurs after the end of menstruation. To speed up the cleansing process, you can resort to douching - so the usual shade will return much faster.

Yellow discharge often occurs as an allergic reaction of the whole body to the use of pads or tampons. The same phenomenon can overtake a woman due to intolerance to certain components of personal hygiene products.

After an abortion, yellow, odorless discharge also often appears. In some cases, such a phenomenon can disturb a woman for several months, up to the complete tightening of the wounds left after instrumental intervention insideuterus.

In girls, yellow discharge often occurs during puberty and hormonal changes. This usually occurs during adolescence and does not cause any discomfort in the girl.

Other natural causes

In addition to all the phenomena described, the prerequisites for the appearance of yellow discharge can be:

  • onset and throughout pregnancy;
  • hormonal failures due to age;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • all kinds of contraceptives containing hormones;
  • strong stress, constant depression and emotional overstrain.
Possible causes of yellow discharge
Possible causes of yellow discharge

Pathological causes

Viscous, yellow, odorless discharge can be the first sign of a urinary tract infection. Usually, in such a situation, a similar symptom is present all the time, and not periodically.

In addition, there are other common pathological causes.

Vulvovaginitis. With this disease, the vaginal masses become bright yellow, and when emptying the bladder and during intimacy, the woman feels severe pain. Inflammation covers not only the tissues of the internal organs, but also the vestibule of the vagina, as well as the labia. This disease is most often encountered by young girls and older ladies

  • Erosion of the cervix or vagina. Damaged capillaries bleed, due to which yellow discharge, sometimes with a brown tint, can be seen on the linen. Presenceerosion weakens the mucous membranes, due to which pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate the genitals. Often the disease is accompanied by other diseases, for example, vaginitis or cervicitis.
  • Adnexitis and salpingitis. These inflammations are usually characterized by yellow-brown discharge interspersed with pus. In addition, the woman is haunted by pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the lower back, as well as discomfort during urination.
  • Candidiasis. Active pathology, leading to the appearance of thick yellow discharge with an odor. Although the latter may be missing. The causes of candidiasis are usually stress, hormonal disruptions and shattered immunity.
  • Breast cancer and mastitis. With such diagnoses, specific discharges arise not only from the vagina, but also from the mammary glands.

Sexually transmitted diseases

If a woman noticed such a sign as yellow discharge shortly after intimacy without barrier contraception, then we can talk about the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the body.

Signs of abnormal yellow discharge
Signs of abnormal yellow discharge
  • Chlamydia. The color of the discharge can be both yellow and greenish. At first, the smell is absent, but as it progresses, it often appears. In addition, a woman may experience severe itching in the groin and pain of varying intensity.
  • Trichomoniasis. This pathology is the cause of profuse yellow discharge with a foamy consistency and itching of the labia. Intimacy with such a disease brings pain, especially when on mucous membranes.shells, erosions and ulcers occur. Before menstruation, yellow discharge and itching intensify, there is also an unpleasant odor. Gradually, pus, lumps and clots are mixed into the vaginal secret.
  • Gonorrhea. At the stage of incubation, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, but over time a large amount of yellow mucus with bloody streaks appears. The labia swell, itching appears. An unpleasant smell usually joins later. A woman is faced with frequent urge to urinate, and the process itself becomes painful.
  • Mycoplasmosis. In most cases, the pathology is characterized by yellow discharge with a smell, painful urination and pain in the groin, which increases during sexual intercourse. The disease is considered very dangerous and is quite capable of causing infertility.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The symptomatology of this disease is similar to the clinical picture of most sexually transmitted pathologies. The vaginal secret becomes yellow and odorless, in the lower abdomen the patient feels pain and itching. All these signs indicate that the infection has already entered the ovaries and uterus. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic, and abnormal discharge becomes its only sign.


Thick, yellowish, odorless masses appear in the first trimester. Their appearance is due to hormonal changes. Every woman should know that at any stage of pregnancy, odorless yellow discharge is not dangerous.

yellow discharge during pregnancy
yellow discharge during pregnancy

In the second trimester, the vaginal secretion becomes abundant. Butit is worth paying careful attention to them if the discharge becomes dark and an odor appears. Such signs may indicate a pathological process occurring in the appendages.


If a woman notices abnormal yellow discharge that is not normal for her, she should immediately go to the gynecologist. The specialist will listen to the patient's complaints and conduct an examination on a special chair, during which he will take a scraping for analysis.

If the clinical picture is not obvious, the woman may be referred for urine and blood tests. It is these tests that will help identify the presence of inflammatory processes and pathogenic microorganisms in the body.

Diagnosis of pathologies in the event of yellow discharge
Diagnosis of pathologies in the event of yellow discharge

To detect sexually transmitted diseases, the patient must undergo PCR, ELISA analysis or bacteriological examination.


With such a problem, all methods of therapy are aimed at eliminating the causes of an unpleasant phenomenon.

  • The use of systemic and local antimycotic drugs. It concerns pathologies that were provoked by a fungus. The following are considered effective: Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Futsis.
  • Antibiotics. Necessary for the treatment of most sexually transmitted and inflammatory diseases. Doctors consider the most effective: Azithromycin, Ofloxacin, Clotrimazole. In some cases, it is more reasonable to use candles: Hexicon, Polygynax, Terzhinan.
  • Hormonal drugs. Help patients during menopause. In addition, these funds are effective in adjusting the hormonal background. One of the best medicines is the drug "Ovestin", which contains estrogens.

Often as an additional therapy are means that normalize the microflora. With such a need, probiotics are often prescribed to patients: Linex, Hilak Forte, Acipol.

In addition, treatment involves stabilizing the immune system. To do this, a woman should take vitamin complexes and immunomodulators: Alphabet, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Vitrum.


If yellow discharge is not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, then only a few rules must be followed to reduce them:

  • refuse to wear synthetic underwear;
  • use special products for intimate hygiene;
  • do your personal hygiene twice a day.
Prevention of abnormal yellow discharge
Prevention of abnormal yellow discharge

You can prevent the development of sexually transmitted diseases by carefully choosing sexual partners and not forgetting about condoms.
