How stomatitis manifests itself in a child: symptoms and causes

How stomatitis manifests itself in a child: symptoms and causes
How stomatitis manifests itself in a child: symptoms and causes

Raising a child without encountering stomatitis is almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand what this disease is and what to do when it occurs.

What is stomatitis in a child, photo

Stomatitis is an inflammation that occurs on the mucous membrane of the mouth. It can appear as sores, vesicles, or spotted plaques that have settled on the throat, tonsils, tongue, or cheeks and lips from the inside, in both adults and children.

stomatitis in a child symptoms
stomatitis in a child symptoms

But stomatitis in a child (we will consider its symptoms a little later) occurs much more often than in adults, due to the peculiarities of children's thermoregulation. Since it is not yet perfect, and the oral mucosa is very vulnerable, the baby's mouth dries out faster, and is caused by a large number of reasons. The saliva of the child quickly loses its protective capabilities, which leads to the appearance of sores and inflammation in the mouth.

Causes of stomatitis

The causes of this inflammation and the forms of its manifestation are many. It can be fungi, and viruses, and bacteria, and burns, andmechanical injury.

stomatitis in a child photo
stomatitis in a child photo

Stomatitis can occur with common and viral diseases: chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. And when it manifests itself as an independent disease, it is, as a rule, a signal that there is a deficiency of iron and B vitamins in the body. So, in this case, stomatitis is one of the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. By the way, the so-called angular stomatitis, or in other words “zaeds”, is also one of the signs of this anemia.

Stomatitis in a child: symptoms and causes of different types of disease

Herpetic stomatitis is the most contagious of the types of this disease. It is caused by the herpes virus. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets or by contact. The disease occurs with a high fever, and sometimes with a runny nose and cough. Herpetic stomatitis in children under one year old is the most common ailment.

Fungal stomatitis usually occurs after antibiotic treatment. It manifests itself as whitish rashes in the mouth, which turn into sores and cause severe pain.

Aphthous stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of aphthae - inflammations of a bacterial nature. It is accompanied by fever and the appearance in the mouth of oval plaques with a yellowish-gray center and a red border. This type of stomatitis is treated with antibiotics.

stomatitis in children under one year old
stomatitis in children under one year old

Stomatitis in a child: symptoms

Despite the fact that the causes of stomatitis in a baby are different, there are common onessigns.

  1. This is a disturbing pain in the mouth (it hurts the child to swallow, chew; hot or spicy food also causes pain) and increased salivation.
  2. Appetite, sleep are disturbed, the child becomes capricious.
  3. In many cases, the occurrence of stomatitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  4. Sores or redness appear in the mouth.

No matter how stomatitis manifests itself in a child, its symptoms always require the same principles of parental behavior.

  • Be sure to see a doctor!
  • Monitor the humidity of the air and provide the patient with plenty of fluids.
  • Food should be soft (mashed) and warm (not hot!). You can drink through a straw.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.

Don't get sick!
