Many people in the modern world regretfully admit to themselves that they do not pay due attention to visual hygiene. For most, the working day is spent behind the monitor screen, in addition to which we strain our tired eyes, reading the news, watching videos, playing games on a smartphone or tablet. At the same time, few people think about gymnastics for the eyes, special pictures for relieving stress, restoring glasses and exercise equipment. Such strain on the eyes can lead to blurred vision and its more serious consequences.
Accommodation is the function of our eyes to clearly distinguish objects at different distances. The normal course of this process depends on the elasticity of the lens. Its highest rate is observed in childhood. With age, it steadily decreases. As a result, many people experience farsightedness after the age of 40, and defocusing of vision is diagnosed by the age of 60-70.

Normal is only the disappearance of accommodation, providing vision in the distance, at dusk and at night. Therefore, we all notice an uncomfortable vision in the dark. All other "problems"accommodation must not be ignored.
Causes of blurred vision
There is no universal "culprit" that could be "convicted" of accommodation violation. There are many reasons for blurred vision, which should be treated as soon as possible:
- Not active enough.
- Excessive strain on vision - constant work at the computer, reading or writing at dusk, in the dark.
- Hypovitaminosis.
- Not enough he althy food.
- Poorly organized workplace lighting.
- Children have a mismatch between the height of the desk and the height of the child.
- Chronic sleep deprivation, disruption of the "work / rest" regimen.
- Incorrect reading - the distance between the eyes and the book, the monitor is less than 35 cm.
- Impaired blood flow in the cervical spine.
- Undeveloped neck and back muscles.
- Age changes.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Acute poisoning of the body (this can include a hangover).
- Consequence of diseases of the internal organs.
- Consequence of infections: from influenza to syphilis.
- The consequence of injuries, diseases of the eye: hemorrhages, dislocation of the lens, retinal dystrophy, etc.

General symptoms
With all forms of defocusing of vision, a person observes the following:
- The image blurs when looking from close objects to distant ones.
- Systematic redness of the eyes - conjunctiva and eyelids.
- Feeling of dryness, burning in the eyes (aggravated by the end of the working day).
- Fatigue.
- In advanced stages: headaches, chronic fatigue.
Disease forms
Let's consider a number of common forms of defocusing of vision and their characteristic features.
Spasm of accommodation. This pathology is most common in children and adolescents. Its essence is a violation of the function of the eye muscles, which results in the loss of the ability to clearly distinguish objects at different distances.
Asthenopia accommodative. This type of disease is predisposed to people suffering from astigmatism and farsightedness, not using glasses or wearing improperly selected vision correction. The cause of the disease lies in the unbearable tension of accommodation in conditions when its reserves are already limited. With this asthenopia, the patient notes the following:
- Eye redness.
- Fatigue while reading.
- Burning, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation.
- Headache.
- Rarely - vomiting.
Treatment will consist of selection of suitable glasses, lenses.

Presbyopia. This kind of defocusing of vision is associated with age-related changes that affect the elasticity of the lens. Therapy - selection of means of correction.
Paralysis and paresis of accommodation. Such dysfunction has a neurogenic nature - these are injuries, poisonings. Least of all it is noticed by short-sighted people. Patients with normal vision and farsightedness also note a sharp deterioration in visibility when looking into the distance. The symptoms of blurred vision here are:
- Discomfort when working with an object in close proximity.
- Burning, cutting in the eyes.
- The appearance of redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva.
- A quick feeling of feeling tired.
- Headaches.
- The image in the eyes blurs, doubles.
Sharp defocus
Separately, I would like to highlight the reasons for the sharp defocusing of vision:
- Blood disease.
- Brain tumor.
- Tumor of the optic nerve.
- Encephalitis.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Impaired circulation in the carotid artery.
- Decompression sickness.
- Pathology of the vessel, heart, kidneys.
- Eye diseases: subluxation/luxation of the lens, retinal detachment, trauma to the optic nerve or the entire eye, vitreous hemorrhage, acute obstruction of the main retinal artery.
- Inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
- Various infections: from tonsillitis and flu to typhus, syphilis, tuberculosis.

Sudden defocus symptoms are as follows:
- Dots, strings, sparks, dark circles before the eyes.
- Decrease in visual acuity.
- Fog the image.
- Change field of view, sectorial dropout.
- Pain when changing directionglance.
Diagnosis of blurred vision is a visual examination by an ophthalmologist, a check using tables, computer diagnostics.
The specialist has several tasks:
- Research of the fundus.
- Reveal the depth of visual impairment.
- Set out of focus causes.
In addition, the patient may be scheduled for an examination by a cardiologist, neuropathologist, therapist.
Treatment of disease
The treatment of blurred vision is mainly therapeutic. Is as follows:
- Special drops, whose purpose is the expansion of the pupil ("Irifrin", "Phenylephrine", "Tropicamide"). Best at night.
- Gymnastics for the eyes. Exercises for each case are strictly individual - they are selected by the attending physician.
- Vitamin complexes for the visual system.
- Picture practice to defocus vision.
Ophthalmologists pay special attention to the last method - stereo images. These are images consisting of dots and dashes randomly scattered across the canvas. Looking at such a picture, you need to highlight a certain three-dimensional figure on it. This is especially useful for patients who put a lot of strain on their eyes during the day.

Such a simple and easy way as stereo pictures brings with it a lot of positive:
- Eye relaxation.
- Fatigue relief.
- Reducing the likelihood of eye spasmsmuscles.
- Improving the ability to accommodate.
- Improve visual acuity.
- Improve blood circulation in the eye organs.
- Increased motor activity of eye muscles.
Possible Complications
If you do not turn to a specialist in time when defocusing your vision, you can incur the following problems:
- The beginning of the development of myopia.
- Further development of astigmatism.

To get rid of these diseases, longer and more expensive treatment is required: special glasses or lenses, laser vision correction. And even such therapy will not always help you return to 100% visual acuity.
Prevention of defocus is simple and uncomplicated:
- He althy eating.
- Reduce eye strain.
- Annual eye exams.
- Visual hygiene when working with a computer - the same stereo images, eye gymnastics.
- Prevention of existing chronic diseases.
- Prevention of stagnation of blood in the cervical vertebral region.
- Active life position. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym all day long - a traditional morning exercise is enough.

We recommend that you address these mild preventive measures as soon as possible, without waiting for symptoms of blurred vision to appear. A he althy lifestyle, gymnastics for the eyes, classes with pictures - for thisAll you can do is take a little of your time. Especially if you read a lot, spend a lot of time at the computer, your work activity is related to working with small details, drawings, etc.