Prostatitis refers exclusively to male diseases, which develop due to inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland. This pathological process is accompanied by pronounced unpleasant symptoms, to suppress which microclysters are often used. With prostatitis, these procedures can be used independently at home. The compositions that are used in enemas have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, microclysters for prostatitis can positively affect the rate of recovery of the entire male genitourinary system.
Features of treatment of prostatitis
The manifestation of prostatitis causes a lot of problems for a man, which affect not only sexual activity, but also cause very unpleasant sensations. Due to the influence of the inflammatory process, the prostate gland can no longer fully perform its direct functions, which provokes the impossibility of sexual intercourse, since the man does not have an erection. Exceptproblems in bed, this disease is also accompanied by discomfort localized in the genital area. This discomfort is acute. In parallel with this, the general motor activity of the patient decreases.

Treatment of prostatitis involves the use of an integrated approach, which includes several directions at once. The basis of therapy is the use of various anti-edematous, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting agents. Other areas of therapy perform only an auxiliary function, and they are aimed at consolidating the result that will be obtained from the use of the main treatment.
The use of microclysters and their effectiveness
Microclysters for prostatitis are one of the additional areas of treatment. Their use can have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, as well as on the entire course of the disease as a whole.
It is important to note that microenemas for prostatitis are not used hot. Before use, any solution must first be cooled to 5-10 degrees, after which they are administered rectally, delivered to the prostate gland. It is strictly forbidden to use warm liquid for microclysters with prostatitis, since warming up can only increase the intensity of inflammation, and also lead to the development of purulent formations.
Cold enemas will provide positive dynamics, while having a special effect on the area of inflammation. The effectiveness of microclysters is as follows:
- Reduce inflammation.
- Reduce puffiness.
- Prostatitis pain relief.
- Inability to metastasize infection.
- Increased blood outflow from problem areas of tissues.

All these factors describe the effectiveness of the procedure, as well as the features of this technique as a whole. Despite the fact that microclysters have many positive factors, they should be prescribed only by the attending physician, who must determine the feasibility of such a procedure, as well as the possibility of their compatibility with the main treatment. It is not recommended to use such therapy without the doctor's approval, as this initiative may be ineffective in a particular case, and will also reduce the positive effect of the main methods of treatment.
Various compositions
Microclysters for prostatitis can be done with healing decoctions, which are used to create various herbs. Due to the fact that only natural ingredients are used for the manufacture of the composition, in general, the whole procedure is well tolerated by the human body. In addition to herbs, vegetable oils can be used to make solutions.
Decoctions and solutions are made on a water basis, as well as with the addition of various medicinal plants, such as string, chamomile, yarrow, ledum, calendula, motherwort. These medicinal plants have many positive qualities, and are also able to have a complex effect on the entire prostate gland. herbalcomplexes have the following efficiency:
- Help reduce inflammation.
- Have antiseptic properties.
- Regenerate damaged tissues.
- Repair the affected area.
- Disinfect.
- Relieve the pain of prostatitis.
Thanks to these factors, microclysters are an excellent tool in the fight against this disease. The extensive effect of the enema also increases intestinal motility, prevents exacerbation of the disease, and facilitates urination.

In addition to various oils and herbs, medications can also be used to make the composition, for example, ASD fraction 3 or Dimexide. Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well in the fight against this disease.
Contraindications for use
Despite the fact that enema is very well tolerated by the human body, the use of medicinal herbs has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use herbal decoctions for oncology, pain in the perineum, groin and abdomen.
You should pay attention to the fact that microclysters are administered in small portions, approximately 50-100 ml. At least such procedures should be carried out twice a day.
Medicinal herbs and other ingredients
As mentioned earlier, the preparation of solutions can be based not only on medicinal herbs, but also on some other plant components that have healing properties. Most Effectiveare: birch or oak bark, raspberry or currant shoots, walnut or cherry buds, garlic or propolis. All these components can be used to make infusions and decoctions that will be used for enema. Thanks to this, there is a beneficial effect on the human body, and the symptoms of prostatitis are quickly overcome. Let's take a closer look at several effective recipes for enemas in the fight against this disease.
Recipe 1
To prepare microclysters with chamomile for prostatitis, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons dried chamomile.
- 1 tablespoon dry string.
- 300ml plain water.

Water must be poured into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, add all the ingredients to the liquid, mix everything well. Boil the mixture on fire for 5 minutes, then remove from the stove. The finished product must be cooled to room temperature, while the lid does not need to be opened. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered with gauze. In finished form, the product can be used for microclysters.
Recipe 2
An infusion can also be used for the procedure. To prepare this infusion, you will need the following ingredients:
- 5 peppermint leaves.
- 2 garlic cloves.
- 300 liters of water.
Garlic should be peeled, finely chopped with a grater or garlic press. Mint leaves cut with a knifeinto small pieces, knead well. Add the components to a jar of water, close the lid on top and put in a dark room for 15 days, so that the product is infused. After this time, the liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.
Recipe 3
This recipe uses not only herbal ingredients, but also the drug Dimexide. Microclysters for prostatitis with the addition of this remedy have proven themselves from the best side. Speaking about how much Dimexide costs, the price for this drug varies about 60-70 rubles. To make the composition, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 ml of Dimexide.
- 3 tablespoons dry chamomile.
- 300 ml of water.

First you need to prepare a chamomile decoction. To do this, pour chamomile with water, put on fire, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, filter well through cheesecloth. Add Dimexide to the resulting composition after cooling. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the temperature of the solution in this case should be about 40 degrees. Such microclysters have proven themselves well in the fight against an unpleasant disease. And how much Dimexide costs makes this solution affordable for everyone. This drug can also be replaced in the prescription with other effective medications for prostatitis. For example, the ASD fraction 3. is very effective
Oil formulations
With prostatitis, oil solutions are considered more effective, sincethey are able to have a mild effect on the entire body as a whole and separately on the prostate gland. To make such a composition, various vegetable or mineral oils are used, for example, sea buckthorn, linseed, sunflower, castor, corn and many others. In some cases, they are diluted with other ingredients, such as rosehip, cocoa or peach oil.
These funds can have a positive effect on the body, gently reduce the level of inflammation in the prostate gland. In addition, they relieve most of the symptoms, increase the pain threshold and improve blood supply to neighboring tissue areas. However, the appointment of oil enemas should be agreed with the attending physician, since oil formulations have a longer effect on the human body when compared with aqueous solutions. Most often, oil microclysters are used for chronic prostatitis.

Such procedures should be performed before going to bed, and the volume of the injected solution should be from 30 to 40 ml maximum. After this enterprise was successful, a cotton or gauze swab should be placed in the anus so that the entire composition does not come out. Microclysters using oil are more effective due to the fact that they have better absorption of nutrients. Carrying out such procedures has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines. Therefore, oil formulations are often used for enema in the fight against constipation.
Recipe 1
To prepare this simple remedyyou will need 20 ml of sunflower and sea buckthorn oil. The components must be mixed together, after which the resulting composition is injected into the anus in 40 ml.
Recipe 2
To prepare this solution you will need the following ingredients:
- 100 milliliters of sunflower oil.
- 0.5 teaspoons each of wild rosemary, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile.
- 50ml water.
Mix herbs with water, let it brew in a dark room for 2 weeks. The resulting composition is filtered and filtered from the sediment. Add vegetable oil to the infusion, mix thoroughly. The resulting product must be cooled to room temperature, and then applied as directed.

Hydrogen peroxide for prostatitis
Microclysters with hydrogen peroxide have proven themselves well for prostatitis. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% in a glass of water at room temperature. Stir the composition thoroughly, then apply as directed.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that prostatitis is currently a very common male disease. However, this disease can be overcome with the help of complex therapy, which includes the use of microclysters.