How to treat constipation in adults: a review of drugs and folk remedies

How to treat constipation in adults: a review of drugs and folk remedies
How to treat constipation in adults: a review of drugs and folk remedies

How to treat constipation in adults? There are many medications available to help relieve constipation. Most often, tablets do not affect the course of the disease, which provoked the development of problems with bowel movements. First of all, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination so that the specialist selects an individual therapy regimen. Constipation can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Such an ailment is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To prevent this, you need to seek medical help in time. In the presence of other serious diseases, self-medication is prohibited. For example, with diabetes, only a doctor should select medicines, otherwise complications will arise. In children, problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract occur more often than in adults. Enemas for constipation only temporarily eliminate the problem. In order not to harm your he alth, you should visit a pediatrician.

Peculiarities of drug choice

At the receptiondoctor
At the receptiondoctor

It should be remembered that there are no pills that will help eliminate constipation and solve all problems - the treatment of such a pathological condition should be comprehensive. Proper and balanced nutrition plays an important role. If you abuse fatty, spicy and dairy products, the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted. Under such conditions, medications will only temporarily facilitate the process of defecation. How to treat constipation in adults to forget about the disease forever? Among the main drugs for constipation are:

  1. Prebiotics. Positively affect the functioning of the digestive tract. They are given to both children and adults. In the process of antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to take this group of drugs - this will protect the gastrointestinal tract from the negative effects of potent drugs.
  2. Irritant laxatives are the most effective in dealing with constipation.
  3. To improve digestion, doctors recommend intestinal filler. These tablets are not easily digested. Under such conditions, the amount of feces increases and the process of defecation occurs faster.
  4. An osmotic constipation medicine is prescribed to a patient if acute stool retention is detected. Such tablets are not recommended to drink systematically. This group of medicines is prescribed for poisoning - they help to improve the patient's well-being.

Recommendations from experts

Many people know how to treat constipation in adults, but not everyone knows that such a pathological condition is easier to prevent. If aconstipation is not chronic, then you can do without drug therapy. It is enough to follow the following recommendations of doctors:

  1. Food should be balanced. It is necessary to focus on those foods that contain a lot of fiber and coarse fibers.
  2. Drink enough water a day. Drinking a glass of warm water can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the intestines.
  3. Drink a fermented milk product before going to bed. With the help of kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, you can improve the functioning of the intestines and stimulate its work.
  4. Bloating can be eliminated by massaging the abdomen. Massage is a simple treatment for constipation in adults and children. It is enough to make light circular movements clockwise.

Before you go to the pharmacy for a drug for constipation, you need to see a doctor. You should know that each organism is individual - self-medication can harm. The causes and treatment of constipation in adults is a topic that should be discussed with a doctor. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the specialist will prescribe an effective therapy.

Irritating drugs

Medicinal products
Medicinal products

For constipation, doctors do not recommend taking irritants for a long time, as the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disturbed. This group of drugs is prescribed:

  • women in the period of bearing a baby;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children from 12 months old;
  • for patients diagnosed with intestinal atony.

Fast-acting drugs for constipation in adults are recommended to be taken if the violation in the gastrointestinal tract is not chronic and has no connection with stomach diseases. The laxative takes effect after seven hours. If you take a pill in the afternoon, then in the morning you can empty your intestines without any problems. Irritating drugs are available in the form of tablets and suppositories. It is not recommended to use candles for those people who have an anal fissure or other serious pathologies of the anus.

Contraindications for use

Inflamed prostate
Inflamed prostate

Causes and treatment of constipation in adults is an exciting topic for both men and women. The choice of method of therapy depends on the factor that provoked the development of this pathological condition. Before prescribing a medication, the specialist fully examines the patient. It is undesirable to use an irritating drug in the fight against constipation if:

  • inflamed prostate gland;
  • there is severe inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • revealed bleeding or serious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • violated water-s alt metabolism;
  • the patient has a chronic form of pancreatitis.

Over time, laxatives stop working - this is due to the fact that the body gets used to this group of drugs.


What are effective remedies for constipation in adults? Before treating constipation with any medication, you should consult with your he althcare professional, as self-medication can cause serious problems. Popular fast-acting laxatives include:

  1. "Bisacodyl". Doctors prescribe such a medication to the patient in the event that constipation is due to improper, poor nutrition. Often pills are taken before diagnosis.
  2. "Sennosides A and B" are chewable tablets that do not affect the general he alth of the patient. They are not addictive. They are prescribed for hemorrhoids and problems with stool.
  3. "Sodium picosulfate" is an effective remedy for constipation in adults. The drug improves peristalsis. It has a positive effect on the absorption of water and electrolytes. The dosage is determined only by the doctor.
  4. "Glycerol". Glycerin suppositories for constipation for adults will help facilitate the process of bowel movement. Substances that are part of suppositories soften hard feces. Under such conditions, a complete bowel movement occurs.
  5. "Senade". This medication is not recommended for systematic use. A single dose is enough to facilitate the process of defecation. Take pills before bed.

So what can an adult drink for constipation? "Senade" is an inexpensive and effectivea drug. The composition contains safe components that do not disrupt the functioning of the patient's body.

List of somatic drugs

This group of drugs is not recommended for use in the treatment of constipation for those people who:

  • revealed serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • there is an allergy to one of the components of the medicine.

Such funds cannot be used for a long time. Old age is one of the main contraindications to the use of these medications. How to treat constipation in adults, only a doctor will recommend - depending on the specific clinical picture.

  1. "Macrogol" is an effective drug that is prescribed in the treatment of constipation. Due to the long-term use of tablets, the general condition of the patient improves. If you eat right and lead an active and he althy lifestyle, you can forget about violations in the digestive tract for a long time. The effect of taking the medicinal product will appear in a day.
  2. Artificial Karlovy Vary s alt is used in the treatment of cholecystitis, constipation and poisoning. The drug is not recommended for the treatment of children under two years of age. Take on an empty stomach - 25 minutes before meals. Side effects appear quite often. Atony or diarrhea may occur.
  3. "Microlax" is the most effective drug that is not addictive. "Mikrolaks" softens feces, simplifies the process of defecation. The solution is prescribed even for babies, since it has no side effects. Before you implementtreatment of a newborn, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. The child's body is too vulnerable to negative environmental factors, so self-medication can harm the baby.

Symptomatics of the pathological condition

Pain in the abdomen
Pain in the abdomen

When constipation occurs, the patient feels worse because the following symptoms occur:

  • abdominal discomfort;
  • heavy gas;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • anus cracks;
  • feces have a dense consistency;
  • mucous or spotting occurs from the anus;
  • body temperature rises;
  • no appetite;
  • convulsions occur.

Through the constipation diet in adults, you can improve well-being. It is necessary to exclude sweet and flour products, drink more water and do not eat junk food. If you experience the above symptoms, you should visit a doctor and undergo a thorough physical examination. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the proctologist will prescribe the appropriate therapy. In the process of development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these symptoms appear, so you should not delay going to the hospital. Due to the regular accumulation of feces, intoxication of the body develops. This phenomenon adversely affects the condition of the skin. Most often, constipation occurs in women, as girls abuse various diets. Systematic stresses and experiences disrupt the hormonal background, as a result of which problems with bowel movements may appear.

What causes frequent constipation?

Systematic stresses
Systematic stresses

What causes constipation in adults? There are several varieties of constipation, each with its own cause.

  1. Alimentary constipation appears when a person consumes insufficient amounts of liquid and vegetable fiber - this is due to the abuse of harmful foods when there is a shortage of vegetables, fruits and cereals in the diet. Under such conditions, gastrointestinal motility worsens.
  2. Toxic. Occurs due to intoxication of the body. This is caused by taking a chemical or medication. Due to the uncontrolled use of sedative and antispasmodic drugs, intestinal motility may decrease. Under these conditions, constipation often occurs.
  3. Hypokinetic develops due to a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the doctor will recommend adults exercises for constipation - "half-bridge", "vertical scissors". Office workers and drivers often suffer from constipation.
  4. Endocrine. This type of constipation occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease - these are the factors that disrupt the digestive tract.
  5. Neurogenic. The stool is disturbed due to systematic stress, psychological disorder, diseases of the nervous system. In this case, you must visitpsychotherapist and carry out treatment.

Only after examining the patient, the doctor will be able to identify the cause that provoked disorders in the digestive tract. Based on the obtained diagnostic data of the patient, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Benefits of castor oil

Castor oil
Castor oil

Many are interested in ways to use castor oil for constipation in adults. In the process of treating constipation, experts often recommend drinking castor oil. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor. Assign this tool when:

  • poisoning;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • burns;
  • cracks.

When a person takes castor oil, ricinoleic acid begins to form in the small intestine, which irritates receptors along the intestine and causes reflex excretion of feces from the body. The medicinal product can be addictive, so it is not recommended to systematically drink castor oil. It is best to consume the product one hour before meals.

The dosage of an adult is 30 grams per day. It is forbidden to carry out treatment with this oil if:

  • has been constipated regularly for a long time;
  • during the treatment, the state of he alth worsened and painful sensations appeared in the abdomen.

Many doctors prescribe castor oil for constipation in adults. The method of application should be discussed with the attending physician. With uterine bleeding, castor oil is contraindicated, since such a product activates the tide processblood to the pelvic organs. Do not drink castor oil during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Summing up

Doctor's consultation
Doctor's consultation

If constipation occurs systematically, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. To prevent the development of this pathological condition, you need:

  • eat right - eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • drink enough water;
  • lead a he althy lifestyle;
  • actively move throughout the day.

If these recommendations did not help solve the problem, you should visit a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination so that the doctor identifies the factor that provoked a violation in the digestive tract. No medications will help get rid of constipation if the patient does not eat properly. Tablets for constipation in adults are not recommended to drink without first consulting a specialist. Self-medication can be harmful. An individual therapy regimen is determined by a medical worker depending on the disease that provoked constipation. You can not systematically drink laxatives - this can lead to addiction. Enemas for constipation should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. Folk remedies for the treatment of constipation can only be used after consulting your doctor.
