Mucus in semen: causes, symptoms, medical supervision and treatment

Mucus in semen: causes, symptoms, medical supervision and treatment
Mucus in semen: causes, symptoms, medical supervision and treatment

Sperm with mucus is usually not the only symptom of an inflammatory process in the male reproductive system, usually localized in the prostate gland. With prostatitis, an increased level of red blood cells is observed and an admixture of mucus is found in the seminal fluid. This is a serious deviation from the norm, which can affect a man's ability to conceive, because an atypical substance reduces the speed of spermatozoa.

sperm with mucus
sperm with mucus

What normal sperm looks like

Normal semen is a stretchy substance of moderate viscosity. The substance should not have a pungent odor; normally, the color should be white with a yellowish or grayish tint. During ejaculation, two to five milliliters are released. Seminal fluid is opaque due to the presence of spermatozoa. In appearance, the substance resembles mucus. Sperm thickens in time after ejaculation, and alsoafter a few minutes it becomes more liquid and transparent. Normally, the viscosity of seminal fluid should be moderate. Too thick a substance can be a sign of infertility, vesiculitis, enzyme deficiency or prostatitis.

One milliliter of seminal fluid should contain about two million germ cells. A lower sperm count is an abnormality and may indicate obstruction of the ducts, retrograde ejaculation, or too frequent sexual intercourse. Retrograde ejaculation is a rare deviation in which sperm does not go out into the external environment, but in the opposite direction. Pathology can be a consequence of trauma, displacement of veins, surgical interventions, endocrine dysfunction, intoxication (alcohol, drugs or nicotine) and so on.

mucus instead of sperm
mucus instead of sperm

Secrets of the male genitourinary system

Mucus in the seminal fluid in a certain amount is present in the norm. Moreover, the total amount of sperm depends on the volume of mucus. This part of the ejaculate contains the secrets of several sections of the male genitourinary system, namely the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and urethral glands. All secrets support the normal functioning of spermatozoa and the possibility of conception.

Slime can turn into a jelly-like mass when exposed to the environment. So nature took care of increasing the chances of conception. Remaining in the female genital tract, jelly-like sperm passes into a liquid state after a few minutes. Seminal fluid, thanks to itsnatural properties, does not leak from the woman's vagina as long as sperm viability is maintained.

Gelmy mucus usually makes up to 50-60% of ejaculate. This is the secret of the seminal vesicles, which has a whitish-yellow color and contains a special protein-carbohydrate complex in its composition. The main element is fructose, the content of which in the semen of a he althy man is 13-15 mmol / l. Fructose provides sperm with energy. Two hours after ejaculation, the content of the protein-carbohydrate complex in the biological fluid drops to 2-3 mmol/L.

sperm comes out as mucus
sperm comes out as mucus

The ability to liquefy is regulated by the secretion of the prostate gland, which is rich in enzymes that break down the combination of protein with fructose. Enzymes are active in an alkaline environment, which is provided by all organs of the male reproductive system.

Causes of mucus in semen

Changes in the appearance of semen can be quantitative or qualitative. If other indicators are normal, then an increase in the amount of mucus in the seminal fluid does not mean anything bad and is not a pathology. Why can mucus appear in semen? This happens with prolonged sexual abstinence. An increase in the volume of semen secreted by more than 6-8 ml is observed with irritation of the seminal vesicles. The latter may be associated with an inflammatory process or be a variant of the norm.

Other reasons why a man produces mucus instead of sperm may be prostate dysfunction. Similar symptomobserved in adenoma, prostatitis, oncological diseases. There is also a liquefaction of the substance and composition of the seminal fluid. The presence of benign or malignant tumors in the organs of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes and infections can affect the composition of the seed. With many diseases, the semen becomes greenish or yellowish, and an unpleasant odor appears in addition.

Bruises and other pelvic injuries

With pelvic injuries, an admixture of a small amount of blood in the semen appears. This situation requires urgent medical advice. Any blows or bruises, as well as surgical interventions in the perineum, can cause mucous inclusions in the fluid. The patient also experiences pain, especially during intercourse.

sperm half mucus the rest is normal
sperm half mucus the rest is normal

With such a problem, a diagnosis of the entire reproductive system and a general complete examination will be required. The sooner the patient seeks medical help, the more effective the treatment will be and the chances of a successful conception naturally.

Pathological and physiological phenomena

Outwardly "unhe althy" sperm (half is mucus, the rest is normal) may be a variant of the norm for an individual man. The physiological fluid may be with small white clots; in appearance, such inclusions resemble a grain of rice with a jelly-like structure. Such clots appear as a result of improper distribution of peptides in the ejaculate, their gluing due to the lack of division by seminalbubbles.

Small white inclusions appear due to the accumulation of spermatozoa in a small amount of seminal fluid. Such lumps can appear during ejaculation after prolonged abstinence. The sperm in this case thickens, its volume decreases, but the sperm count remains stable.

When inflammatory processes affecting the male genitourinary system, purulent clots usually appear in the seminal fluid. The patient may feel sharp pain and discomfort in the groin area. Mucous lumps can become greenish or yellow in color, often have an unpleasant odor. Brown or red inclusions are a consequence of rupture of the walls of blood vessels. Blood enters the ejaculate and coagulates under the action of proteins. The sperm at the same time thickens, its quantity decreases.

Dense inclusions in seminal fluid - the first sign of vesiculitis. This is an inflammatory process in the seminal vesicles, which are located near the prostate. Other signs of the disease are a decrease in sexual desire, a deterioration in potency, pain and burning during sexual intercourse or when urinating.

Prostate diseases, prostatitis

Yellow or gray clots of mucus in semen indicate prostatitis. The disease is accompanied by stagnant processes in the pelvic organs, which lead to a deterioration or complete absence of potency. Inflammation develops quite quickly, there is an increase in temperature and pain in the groin. You need to pay attention to the fact that mucus in the semen is one of the very first signsdiseases.

mucus in sperm eco
mucus in sperm eco

Pinkish hue of body fluid may indicate prostate disease. This may be a consequence of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature. These diseases usually affect older men. Certain diseases can prevent conception.

Small amount of mucus in the semen usually does not negatively affect a man's he alth or the possibility of fertilization. But an excessive amount of mucus can indicate the gluing of sperm, preventing their free movement. There is a danger of infertility. In dangerous cases, other symptoms of the disease appear: itching and burning in the inguinal zone, pain, an increase in the rate of leukocytes, erythrocytes and macrophages in semen.

The possibility of conception in the presence of mucus

A lot of mucus in the semen is an alarming sign that can have a negative impact on the possibility of conception. Successful fertilization may be impossible with various infectious diseases and inflammatory processes that affect the male genitourinary system. To find out the presence of diseases, you must contact a medical institution for advice, undergo a full examination and take tests.

In other cases, minor inclusions in seminal fluid do not affect a man's ability to fertilize. The same goes for using sperm for IVF. Mucus in semen does not interfere with conception. But only if this is the physiological norm for an individualmen, and not a consequence of the inflammatory process. IVF with mucus in the semen is possible, but if you still can’t get pregnant (in the absence of other reasons), the doctor will recommend drinking a course of vitamins for men.

yellow mucus in semen
yellow mucus in semen

When you need to see a doctor

In general, men over forty years of age are advised to visit a doctor annually, young men will also benefit from regular check-ups. Consultation is necessary at the first symptoms of the disease. You need to make an appointment if there is yellow mucus in the semen, the volume of secretions has sharply decreased or increased, the mucus has an unpleasant odor or ejaculation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Thick mucus reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize and contributes to the development of pathology, so timely treatment is important.

Diagnosis of the inflammatory process

To determine the cause of the appearance of mucus in the semen, you must consult an andrologist or urologist, pass all the tests and undergo examinations for which the doctor will issue a referral. After that, the specialist will be able to form a conclusion about the causes of mucus inclusions in the spermogram. Doppler ultrasound of the scrotum, determination of testosterone in the blood (hormonal study) and so on can be prescribed. After an injury to the affected area, control tests are carried out after three to six months, sometimes the tests need to be repeated several times.

why is mucus in semen
why is mucus in semen

What can a spermogram show

Spermogramgives information about the various characteristics of the male seminal fluid. Before taking the test, a man should abstain from sex and masturbation for some time. In the event that an admixture of mucus is found in the substance, specialists, using the results of analysis and other studies, will be able to determine the causes and appropriate treatment tactics. To obtain the correct result, you will need to pass several tests, it is advisable to undergo diagnostics at different centers.

Treatment scheme for pathological abnormalities

If the sperm comes out with mucus, then it is necessary to establish a provocative factor, after which a treatment strategy will be developed. Without appropriate therapy, a man may lose the opportunity to conceive a child. Usually, conservative therapy is prescribed, but in some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. Additionally, fortification and physiotherapy are shown.