Progesterone is a sex hormone related to gestagens. They are produced in the ovaries by the tissues of the corpus luteum, which is formed as a result of the release of a mature egg. This hormone contributes to the formation of hormonal levels in the second phase of the cycle, preparing a woman for a possible pregnancy, and also supporting the gestation process during the first trimester. The main analogue of Progesterone is Levonorgestrel.
It is obtained in medicine mainly synthetically. This hormone is produced in the form of a 1-2.5% oil-based solution, which is administered intramuscularly.
The basis is usually refined oil extracted from peaches or olives. The drug is produced in ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml, and is packed in thick cardboard boxes. For oral use, it is bought in capsules, and to eliminate signs of mastopathy, mastodynia, a gel form is recommended for external use.
Progesterone analogues
There are many hormonal preparations on the pharmacological market. There are many synthetic analogues of Progesterone. The most commonly used are listed below.
The medication is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. With dysfunctional uterine bleeding, the agent is prescribed 1 milliliter of a 1% solution every day for 6-8 days. If the uterine mucosa was cleaned in advance, injections begin after 18-20 days. In the event that it is unrealistic to carry out curettage, "Injesta" is administered even during the period of bleeding. When using "Injesta" during the period of bleeding, its transient (on the 3rd day) increase can be monitored, and therefore, patients with anemia of moderate and severe severity are recommended to have a blood transfusion in advance (200 or 250 milliliters). With stopped bleeding, it is not necessary to stop therapy before 6 days. If the bleeding has not stopped after 6-8 days of treatment, the subsequent introduction of "Injesta" is meaningless.
Side effects from taking this hormone are in many ways similar to the manifestations of the usual premenstrual syndrome in a woman. Taking the drug can cause headache, lethargy, deterioration in general well-being and drowsiness, as well as the occurrence of vomiting, the development of depression.
Due to the extra dose, the woman may experience bleeding and a decreased sex drive. Difficult bile flow due to a rather long intake of progesterone contributes to the occurrence of cholecystitis and the formation of stones.
The ability of gestagens to retain fluid can provoke increased swelling, increasedpressure, as well as increased blood clotting and blood clots.

"Lutein" includes in its composition an active substance that is produced in the ovaries and is included in the group of gestagens. This hormone helps to activate catabolic processes in the organs, in fact, it starts the synthesis of various substances, helps to build new cells of the reproductive organs.

After the progestogen enters the cell nucleus, DNA is activated, and it also improves RNA synthesis, while simultaneously stimulating the synthesis of protein, which plays the role of a building material throughout the body. Progesterone, affecting the uterine endometrium, gives it the opportunity to move from the proliferation phase to the secretion phase. The mucosa lining the reproductive organ, under the influence of progesterone, is preparing for further possible fertilization and implantation of the embryo.
If an excessive amount of this substance is present in the female body during pregnancy, the formation of many hormones in the pituitary gland that control the growth and formation of new, he althy follicles may be reduced. Progesterone maintains a special regime in the ovaries, blocking the further production of estrogens responsible for starting menstruation.
Throughout the third trimester, pregnancy maintains just ovarian progesterone. With an excessive decrease in its amount, there is an increase in the tone of the uterus and a possible threatinterrupts.
Having its effect on a woman's breasts, progesterone prepares the milk ducts, preparing the pregnant body for lactation. Influencing the metabolism, the required amount of fat is accumulated in the cell tissues, and the supply of necessary carbohydrates increases in the liver.
"Gestagen" is an analogue of "Progesterone", it increases the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, allows you to retain fluid. And this in some cases can lead to swelling and increased weight gain before the onset of menstruation.
"Progestogen" is injected into the muscles at 5 mg for about a week of an artificially created cycle.

"Progesterone" and analogues in tablets are used in conditions where a woman has an insufficient amount of a natural hormone, with certain diseases of the female reproductive organs, which are accompanied by an increased influence of follicular hormones that are produced by the ovaries during the first phase of menstruation.
The doctor may prescribe the use of synthetic or herbal analogues of "Progesterone" after the appointment of estrogen agents, which can be prescribed by doctors in the initial phase of the menstrual cycle. The dose of the drug "Krinon" is 10 thousand units, the course lasts 15-20 days.
With algomenorrhea, this hormone is prescribed at a dosage of 5-10 mg over the next week before the onset of menstruation. Atdysfunctional uterine bleeding, the drug is prescribed for the regulation and alignment of the menstrual cycle.
The hormone progesterone does not allow the endometrium to grow excessively, regulating its speedy transition to the secretion phase. Taking a dose of 5-15 mg of the hormone for about a week after the end of the menstrual cycle will prevent the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Since progesterone is utilized by human liver cells, the introduction of the hormone into organs with severely impaired functioning is not recommended due to the high likelihood of overdose.
It is known that "Prolutex" may not have a very favorable effect on blood coagulation, limiting its use to patients suffering from aneurysms and varicose veins. With extreme caution, this remedy should be used for hypertension and IRR, as well as excessive pressure increase. Also, progesterone is not suitable for patients suffering from bronchial asthma, epileptic seizures, since fluid retention can cause swelling of the brain mucosa, as well as frequent migraines.
If a woman does not produce progesterone at all, but she needs to endure and give birth to a he althy child, the drug can be prescribed intravaginally in the form of a gel, as well as capsules internally, 2 pieces for 13-14 days, and in the period of 15-25 days - 1 capsule. If pregnancy does not occur in the future, from the 26th day the dose may be increasedweekly for 1 capsule, after a while reaching 6 capsules. That is, the course of treatment is 60 days.

To eliminate infertility that has arisen due to ovarian dysfunction and luteal phase deficiency, progesterone is prescribed to create a normal phase of the cycle. The dose of the drug is 12.5 mg, and it is applied during the period 14-28 days of the menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, the drug is continued for about the first 3 months.
When a miscarriage begins, "Progesterone" and analogue drugs, "Utrozhestan", in particular, are prescribed in a dosage of 10-25 mg, until the threat completely disappears. Progesterone should be administered at a single dose of 100 mg.
As a replacement therapy with the onset of menopause, this hormone is prescribed in the amount of 2 capsules for 10-12 days before the start of the menstrual cycle.
A contraindication to the use of "Progesterone", as well as its analogue "Utrozhestan" is called an allergy to the components of the drug. This hormone is contraindicated in women with existing oncological diseases of the breast and reproductive organs, since they have malignant cell division, metastasis, and accelerated tumor growth.
In the second and third trimester, the additional use of progestogens is contraindicated, because in this period the production of the hormone is controlled by the placenta.

Reviews of doctors
According to doctors, "Progesterone" and its analogues are conveniently taken as injections, especially as a maintenance drug in the second phase of the cycle, when the use of the drug in other forms (pills or suppositories) does not have the necessary effectiveness in eliminating infertility.
The disadvantage of this hormone is that often an infiltrate is formed in the female body, especially at the injection sites. Undoubtedly, this may somewhat limit the duration of the course of treatment.

Patient testimonials
Women, after taking this hormone, note the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the early onset of pregnancy, the elimination of the threat of abortion, placenta previa, and the elimination of increased tone. But they also note some soreness of injections. The drug, due to its rather high density and oily structure, is absorbed for a long time.

"Progesterone" is a very effective drug that helps a woman restore her sexual he alth, relieves infertility, helps to bear a child, and also increases the amount of hormone produced in the body. Perhaps all these qualities have made "Progesterone" the most commonly used drug in modern gynecology! This also explains the presence of a large number of analogues of this drug.