Propolis ointment: instructions for use, reviews

Propolis ointment: instructions for use, reviews
Propolis ointment: instructions for use, reviews

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of honey and other bee products. The most concentrated and effective of them is propolis. It has long been used in the treatment of various diseases. And now his popularity has not diminished. Despite the fact that recently a lot of modern drugs have appeared, many prefer natural remedies. Therefore, propolis ointment does not lose popularity. You can buy it at any pharmacy or make your own.

Propolis treatment

This brown substance with a pleasant smell and bitter taste is bee glue. Propolis has a unique composition. This explains its healing effect on the body. This beekeeping product consists of wax, resins and pollen. It contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavonoids, essential oils. In addition, there are unique natural antibiotics. In action, they are stronger than the existing ones. Treatment with propolis has long been used inmedicine.

propolis ointment
propolis ointment

This can be explained by the fact that it has a strong effect on the human body:

  • Destroys any pathogenic microflora, leaving beneficial microorganisms intact.
  • Helps blood phagocytes remove toxins and other foreign material.
  • Reduces inflammation quickly.
  • Enhances immunity.
  • Has a powerful pain reliever.
  • Strengthens capillary walls.
  • Stimulates the regeneration properties of tissues.

Types of propolis ointment

This tool can be found in any pharmacy. But there are several types of ointments, so many people do not know which one to buy.

propolis treatment
propolis treatment

The features of their action depend on how much bee glue is in them - the main component. Propolis ointment in pharmacies is found in several varieties:

  • 30% is the strongest drug. This ointment is used for serious skin lesions.
  • 20% antifungal and antibacterial.
  • 15% ointment is used to heal wounds, cuts, bruises and bruises. It is effective against acne and erosions.
  • 10% ointment is also called a cream because the concentration of propolis allows it to be used as a skin care product.
  • You can also find 2 and 3% remedy. For example, the drug "Apit". This propolis ointment is less effective. But it is successfully used to treat many skin problems. It is especially effective againstfungal diseases, demodicosis and scabies.
  • There is also honey-propolis ointment. In it, honey enhances the action of bee glue. This remedy works well on the skin and fights many problems.
  • Propolis-gum ointment has a wide range of applications. It can be used to treat various skin lesions. Used for hemorrhoids and acne, to prevent diaper rash in babies.
  • Propolis-wax ointment moisturizes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes and prevents scarring.

This remedy is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. Propolis is also included in the composition of such preparations: Apiflogin, Apibalsam, Apilon, Vitus-factor, Propoceium, Rhino-factor, Tentorium, Chilidonia and others. But they usually cost more than the original ointments, as they also contain other components.

propolis ointment in pharmacies
propolis ointment in pharmacies

What is in this ointment?

The main component of this drug is propolis, also known as bee glue. Therefore, the action of the ointment is based on the substances that make up its composition. It is made on the basis of petroleum jelly or lanolin, so it always has a greasy, thick consistency. Propolis dissolves only at temperatures above 36 degrees. But the uniqueness of this substance is that when heated, even for an hour, it retains all its properties. Sometimes such an ointment is made on the basis of fish oil or he althy vegetable oil, most often linseed or olive oil. Salicylic acid can be added to the finished product. The ointment is veryeffective for acne. It is used to care for problem skin.

propolis ointment application
propolis ointment application

How to make it yourself?

If such an ointment is difficult to find in a pharmacy, you can make it yourself. To do this, you only need to purchase propolis from beekeepers. Any fat is taken as a basis: lanolin, butter or vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, etc. Propolis itself ensures long-term storage of the ointment. You can cook it in any way. The main thing is to warm the product in a water bath for at least 5-10 minutes. The temperature should not rise above 80 degrees. In this case, all components will dissolve and mix well.

The proportions for making an ointment depend on the purpose for which it will be used. For 100 grams of fat, you need to take 10, 20 or 30 grams of propolis. The fatty base - most often lanolin or petroleum jelly - is first heated, then crushed propolis is added. Sometimes they use its alcohol extract, because when alcohol is added to hot oil, it immediately disappears. In the process of cooking, you can not heat the ointment more than 80 degrees, otherwise it will lose many useful properties. After complete dissolution and mixing of the components, strain it and pour it into a clean, dry jar.

propolis ointment reviews
propolis ointment reviews

If such an ointment is made on the basis of butter or olive oil, in addition to external use, it can be used inside. In this case, it effectively treats coughs and colds.

Useful properties of ointment

All the healing qualities of the drugexplained by its composition. Propolis, even in low concentrations, has a powerful effect on the body. Therefore, the ointment has the following properties:

  • Destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Relieves pain and itching.
  • Reduces inflammation and tissue swelling.
  • Heals wounds and stimulates skin regeneration processes.
  • Has a deodorizing effect.
  • Softens and whitens the skin, removes rough areas and smoothes wrinkles.
  • apit propolis ointment
    apit propolis ointment

When applicable?

Propolis ointment has a wide range of uses. It treats many skin problems, is used as a rub for colds. It helps with many diseases:

  • For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to lubricate the anus with propolis ointment several times a day after going to the toilet.
  • A 10% or 15% remedy can be used to treat acne or pimples. It must be applied in a thin layer and after a while, wipe off the remnants with a napkin.
  • Propolis ointment is an excellent remedy for burns and frostbite. It relieves itching, pain and inflammation.
  • 20% ointment is the best cure for sinusitis and runny nose. For treatment, you need to insert tampons soaked with this agent into the nasal passages.
  • Propolis ointment is also used to get rid of gynecological problems. It is especially effective in erosion.
  • Various skin diseases - the main scope of the drug. The ointment treats erysipelas, psoriasis, eczema, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, bedsores, fungal infections.
  • Effectiveremoves this drug 30% concentration of pain in arthritis, radiculitis, sciatica and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
propolis ointment instruction
propolis ointment instruction

Propolis ointment: instructions for use

This remedy is used externally: in the form of rubbing, compresses or applications. There are several ways to apply the ointment:

  • For skin care, it is rubbed with light massage movements, the excess is removed after a while with a napkin.
  • In the treatment of joint and muscle pain, a 30% ointment is used, rubbing it in or making warm compresses.
  • Wounds, eczema and bedsores are treated with dressings soaked in this remedy.
  • Cotton swabs are used to apply it on mucous and delicate places. When determining the dosage, it is better to consult a doctor. Most often, it is recommended to apply the ointment several times a day until a complete cure. The course is usually 2-3 weeks, then it is advisable to take a break.

Side effects and contraindications

But propolis ointment is not for everyone. Its use is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to bee products. In this case, after application, itching, burning on the skin, redness and rash may be observed. It is undesirable to use ointments with high concentrations of propolis for severe damage to the liver, kidneys and biliary tract. And in other cases, the drug is well tolerated. And they even use it to treat small children.

propolis gum ointment
propolis gum ointment

Application reviewsointments

Those who know about the miraculous properties of propolis always have a drug in their first-aid kit. Propolis ointment has been popular for many decades. Reviews note its high efficiency and good tolerance. If a person does not have an allergic reaction to bee products, the treatment of many diseases with the help of propolis ointment will pass quickly and painlessly. Many consider its low cost to its advantages over other drugs: on average, from 40 to 100 rubles, the product costs, depending on the manufacturer and the concentration of propolis.

After applying the ointment, people note a rapid cessation of pain and a decrease in inflammation. Many people like the action of this remedy, directed against acne and boils. Others use it for joint pain. A lot of positive feedback on the effective treatment of colds and coughs in children with propolis ointment. Some also say that they got rid of fungal diseases that they could not cope with other means.

Most reviews about pharmaceutical preparations. Rarely prepare an ointment on your own. This is mainly done by people who prefer home remedies. Not everyone likes to mess around with grinding and dissolving propolis. But it is believed that at home a more effective remedy is obtained. It has been used successfully for skin care or treatment of skin lesions, joint pain or sciatica.
