The paramount importance of protein in our life is described by the phrase of F. Engels: "Life is a way of existence of protein bodies." Protein is the building block for the entire body. Muscles, bone tissue, hormones, enzymes are made of it.
If we compare the human body with a construction site, where new floors are constantly being created, garbage is being eliminated, components are being moved, then proteins can be represented as bricks. It is easy to imagine what will happen if building material is not delivered on time or in insufficient quantities. The work process will begin to slow down or stop altogether, over time, already built walls will begin to collapse.
So for the normal functioning of the body, a daily intake of protein is simply necessary. The norm of its consumption is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day. You can get protein from plant and animal foods. And you can use industrially produced protein. There are many men (whether this product is harmful or not, we will consider in the article) who supplement their diet with protein powder. You can buy it at the pharmacyor sports nutrition stores.

What is protein made from?
Milk is the most common starting material for making protein dietary supplements. Casein protein is made from milk curdled with special enzymes.
Whey protein is a concentrated protein that is isolated from whey. In order to obtain a finished powdered product, milk is curdled, pasteurized, filtered. The resulting protein is then concentrated and dried.
In addition to these species, soy and egg protein are also isolated. They are used less often because they are more expensive. Is soy protein good for men? Is this product harmful or not? Scientists have not been able to fully understand this issue, because this type of protein is not fully absorbed by the body.
Egg white is useful because it contains sulfur, which positively affects the functioning of the whole organism. Mixed protein products have also been developed. They combine the best qualities of each type of protein.

Protein Benefits
To get the required dose of protein, an athlete must drink 6 liters of milk per day, or eat 15 chicken eggs, or get the same substance from a considerable amount of meat. Such food is expensive, not everyone has the strength and desire to cook. Sometimes it is difficult to get the optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is why athletes often prefer protein"from the can".
What does protein mean for men's he alth, is it harmful or not? Athletes test this on their own experience. After all, the use of pharmacy proteins is cheaper, and such a product is also very convenient to store and transport. A significant advantage is the balanced composition of amino acids in the composition of the supplement. Manufacturers, in addition to pure natural protein, often add a variety of vitamins to the powder that cannot be obtained from ordinary food. This saves the athlete time and money.

Protein Indications
Protein is simply necessary for people who are actively involved in sports. Its use stops catabolic processes in the muscles, helps the body recover faster after a workout. A balanced composition of amino acids increases the protective functions of the body, improves the functioning of the endocrine system. The ideal nutritional supplement would be protein for men. The reviews confirm the fact that with protein products, muscle mass grows much faster, and the level of fatigue decreases. The enzymes contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before starting a diet and taking any drug, it is better to consult a doctor. It is a nutritionist who will help find answers to questions about whether protein is harmful to men's he alth, whether it is worth using it in a particular case. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of suchfunds:
- under 18s;
- pregnant and breastfeeding women;
- people with individual intolerance to the components of the product;
- patients with kidney failure and liver problems;
- people with a very large amount of subcutaneous fat. The composition of the product most often includes fast protein. If you pay insufficient attention to physical activity, then you can easily gain even more extra pounds.
When taking a protein dietary supplement, you need to carefully monitor the dosage. A large amount of protein can cause constipation, bloating, colic. In excess of protein intake puts an extra burden on the kidneys and liver. Protein breakdown products remaining in the intestines can become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. Is protein good or bad for men's he alth? The answer is simple: it all depends on the dosage and adherence to the training regimen.

Protein and potency
There is a popular myth about the harmful effects of protein on men's he alth. "Is protein bad for men's he alth?" - the most frequently asked question on sports forums. People who are far from sports and he althy eating often confuse protein dietary supplements and products containing steroids.
Anabolic steroids are really dangerous for men's he alth. They affect the hormonal background of the athlete and can cause irreparable harm to he alth. Long-term use of such drugs inhibits the body's production of the male hormone testosterone. Sotime, after refusing to take steroids, a man may have problems with potency, sometimes even the restructuring of the body according to the female type begins.
Proteins, on the contrary, have a positive effect on potency. Many athletes after taking protein supplements noted an increase in sexual desire, an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. This is not surprising, because the essential and nonessential amino acids included in the product improve the functioning of all organs and systems. The question of whether protein is bad for men's he alth falls away on its own.
The effect of protein on the functioning of internal organs
Canadian scientists tested the effect of protein on human he alth. They examined the kidneys, liver, genitals, digestive system of people taking protein. According to their conclusions, protein in a normal dosage is absolutely not harmful to internal organs. They also concluded that excessive intake of animal protein increases the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer. But this risk is much less than in the case of eating fast food or carbonated drinks.

Do I need to exercise while taking protein?
Protein, especially whey, is digested very quickly. Therefore, if you do not expose your body to regular physical activity, the fat layer will begin to grow. Casein protein is ideal for a person who wants to lose extra pounds. Having used it in the evening, the athlete will protect himself from nightly overeating. Combined with physical activitythe use of protein will positively affect the figure.

Consumer reviews and expert advice
Is protein bad for men's he alth? Reviews of experts say that proteins have a positive effect on the body. Moreover, scientists have proven that the protein is 100% harmless.
But it is worth remembering that there are also unscrupulous manufacturers. They may add modified ingredients to the product to increase the shelf life of the product. Sometimes heavy metal s alts can be found in the composition of the powder. There are cases when prohormones, drugs similar to steroids, were found in sports nutrition.
Is protein harmful to men's he alth in this case? It's worth thinking about. In order to reduce the cost of the product, low-quality flavors and dyes are used. The only way to protect yourself is to buy trusted products of well-known brands. The supplier must also be reliable. It will not be superfluous to also read product reviews. If all products were of high quality and certified, then the question of whether protein is harmful to men's he alth would not arise at all.
If we are talking about high-quality protein powder, then the reviews of men are positive. This dietary supplement really helps to increase muscle mass. Instructions for use are simple, and the course of protein intake itself is rarely associated with any side effects.