Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs: description, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs: description, instructions for use, composition and reviews
Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs: description, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Exceptionally complete nutrition, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, can ensure the successful development of the dog's body. It provides her with the opportunity to develop properly, despite the potential hereditary predisposition to a variety of diseases and the harmful effects of a polluted environment.

However, only high-quality vitamins can have a good effect. They are able to quickly, effectively and in sufficient quantities to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. Useful substances actively influence the body systems and participate in all necessary metabolic processes. Just such a preparation are vitamins "Excel 8 in 1" for dogs. The preparation contains the whole complex of necessary substances that contribute to the efficient functioning of the dog's body.

excel vitamins 8 in 1 for dogs
excel vitamins 8 in 1 for dogs

Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs

Drugs that are highly effective in today's pet market, unfortunately, have become a rarity. Manufacturers are so eager to save on their products and get the maximum profit that they completely forget about the required effectiveness of the drug and its safety for the animal. Therefore, the high cost of vitamins for animals does not always indicate their effectiveness. However, with "Excel 8 in 1" the situation is exactly the opposite. Affordable and effective, these products are perfect for every dog.

vitamins for dogs 8 in 1 excel
vitamins for dogs 8 in 1 excel

Types of vitamins

Vitamins for dogs 8 in 1 Excel is a series of preparations. It includes useful substances intended for animals with a variety of needs. So, for example, in this line of products you can find specialized preparations for representatives of certain breeds, puppies and aging dogs. As well as vitamins that enrich the body with calcium, eliminating problems with the joints. Each dog owner will be able to find a drug for his pet in this product line.

Excel Calcium

This drug is unique both in its composition and in its effectiveness. Reviews of vitamins for dogs "Excel Calcium 8 in 1" confirm the truth of this statement. Pet owners say that calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus are contained in this preparation in an amount that is sufficient for the timely assimilation of the necessary minerals from the drug, which contribute to the proper formation and subsequentstrengthening the skeleton.

vitamins 8 in 1 excel calcium
vitamins 8 in 1 excel calcium

People claim that this drug is unique in that it can be used with any other specialized drugs. Indeed, in addition to calcium and phosphorus, it also contains only vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to adequately assimilate all trace elements. Thus, there is no conflict with other drug complexes that the puppy may need. Vitamins "Excel 8 in 1" for dogs are a real salvation for pet owners. Thanks to the medicine, their pets will be able to maintain their he alth.


Practice confirms how effective vitamins for dogs "Excel 8in1" are. The composition of the drug is balanced and the absence of dyes and preservatives harmful to the he alth of the animal. The main active ingredient is dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. It also contains excipients such as lactose and glycerin, silicon dioxide and stearic acid.

vitamins for dogs tm 8in1
vitamins for dogs tm 8in1


Depending on the needs of the animal, the duration of the course of treatment varies from two weeks to a month. Vitamins for dogs "8 in 1 Excel" can be taken by the animal as a whole, followed by the intake of some water, or in powder form with food. The second option is often preferred for puppies and small breeds.

The dosage of the drug fully depends on the weight of the animal. If the weightdogs do not exceed ten kilograms, she should take only one tablet daily. In the event that the weight of the pet varies between 10 and 25 kg, its dose is two capsules. Large dogs, whose weight exceeds twenty-five kilograms, respectively, should take three tablets per day. Important: a pregnant or lactating female should receive a double dosage of the drug during the entire gestation or lactation period.

reviews about vitamins for dogs excel calcium 8 in 1
reviews about vitamins for dogs excel calcium 8 in 1


Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs have become a lifesaver for many puppies. This drug negates the possibility of any pathologies in the development of the skeleton, as well as such a terrible disease as rickets. These drugs are also indispensable for pregnant females. When the mother's body is developing a fetus, she needs additional nutrition with calcium and phosphorus necessary to build the backbone of the cubs.

If these trace elements are not enough in the female's body in a free state, then they begin to be drawn from the muscles and bones of the mother directly, which can lead to detrimental consequences both for herself and for the cubs. Also during childbirth, the bitch needs much more calcium. It contributes to the optimal flow of muscle contractions. Thus, childbirth is faster, the likelihood of a successful outcome is significantly increased.

vitamins 8 in 1 excel calcium
vitamins 8 in 1 excel calcium

Storage conditions

Properly store vitamins fordogs TM 8in1 in the original packaging, which should be closed as tightly as possible. So you can prevent oxygen from entering the container and its entry into a long-term reaction with the drug. The packaging must be in a dry place. The ideal air temperature is not lower than fifteen and not higher than twenty-five degrees. Store vitamins "Excel 8 in 1" for dogs can be no more than two years.

Caring for your pet's he alth is one of the most important conditions for a prosperous and happy existence of an animal in the family. But you should think about this not when some kind of problem has already arisen, but from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. After all, it is necessary to worry about its proper development at the earliest stages. Of course, it is important to pay enough attention to the puppy's nutrition. If you prefer to feed your dog with natural food, you should definitely give the animal the necessary vitamins and minerals that he is not able to get from food, but which are vital for him to improve he alth.

vitamins for dogs excel 8in1 composition
vitamins for dogs excel 8in1 composition

But even if a puppy is fed a diet that has already been formulated with a balanced set of nutrients, it may need additional support. For example, in the case of treatment or prevention of a disease, or if the feed contains an insufficient amount of calcium. In this case, vitamins "8 in 1 Excel Calcium" will be the ideal solution. Customer reviews will dispel any doubts aboutabout this drug. Pet owners say that the drug is well absorbed and does not cause adverse reactions. After its application, the animal looks he althy, it is active and mobile. Therefore, users advise all novice dog breeders to buy this complex.
