Akhsharum Maternity Hospital: doctors, address, features, reviews and photos

Akhsharum Maternity Hospital: doctors, address, features, reviews and photos
Akhsharum Maternity Hospital: doctors, address, features, reviews and photos

Every mother-to-be worries before giving birth. Every mom-to-be wants everything to go as smoothly as possible. This requires professional and attentive specialists nearby. Do such people work in one of the Astrakhan maternity hospitals called "Akhsharumovsky"? What are the reviews for this establishment? How is childbirth in the Akhsharum maternity hospital? We will tell about all this and much more in our article.

Let's figure out the name

For starters, it is worth explaining why the Astrakhan City Clinical Maternity Hospital is called Akhsharumovsky. Everything is very simple. This is a folk derivative of Akhsharumov Street. The address of the Akhsharum maternity hospital is exactly this: Akhsharumova street, house number 82. It is convenient and customary for Astrakhan people to talk about this realm of magic (after all, the birth of a new person is truly a miracle and magic) by the name of its location. Dmitry Dmitrievich Akhsharumov himself, after whom the street is named, was a prominent public figure of the nineteenth century, was a member of the Petrashevsky circle. So part of the shadow of this man also falls on the maternity hospital on the street named after him.

Clinical maternity hospital of Astrakhan
Clinical maternity hospital of Astrakhan

History of the Akhsharum Maternity Hospital in Astrakhan

City clinical maternity hospital number two (this is the official name of the maternity hospital on Akhsharumov Street) does a huge amount of work. Despite the fact that he is number two, in terms of his capabilities and scope of work he is the first not only in Astrakhan itself, but in the whole region. The Akhsharum Maternity Hospital has been leading its history since the sixty-third year of the last century. It was then that the decision was made that the Alexander-Mariinsky hospital, which had been operating since the late nineteenth century, needed an "assistant" - it became too difficult for one institution to cope with the influx of expectant mothers.

The date of birth of the second maternity hospital of Astrakhan, called clinical, is considered to be the sixteenth of December. It was on this day in the distant sixty-third year that the cry of the first baby born was heard within the walls of the new institution. At first, a relatively small, gradually Akhsharumovsky maternity hospital (as the residents of the city immediately began to call it among themselves) grew. It has more branches. Over the past fifty-five years since its opening, the Astrakhan Clinical Maternity Hospital has become one of the largest medical institutions of its kind, not only in the region, but throughout the Southern Federal District.

Akhsharum maternity hospital pathology
Akhsharum maternity hospital pathology

General information about the maternity hospital

This medical institution includes eight blocks in its infrastructure (gynecology, clinic, pediatrics, etc.further), which include many more departments. This is a whole branched network, one might say, a whole small city. About six to seven thousand babies are born every year in the walls of the Akhsharum maternity hospital in Astrakhan. Over the past years since the beginning of the work of the institution, the number of "Akhsharum" newborns has exceeded two hundred thousand people. If we remember that the entire population of Astrakhan is about five hundred and thirty thousand people, then we can easily conclude that every second Astrakhan took his first breath in the Akhsharum maternity hospital.

Features of the maternity hospital

Any maternity hospital, as a rule, has its own profile. Akhsharumovsky is no exception. It specializes in childbirth with conflicting Rh factors (when the mother and the future baby do not have the same Rh factors, which is fraught with complications in childbirth) and hemolytic disease of the newborn (incompatibility of the baby and mother by blood, the disease is usually caused by a mismatch of Rh -factors). However, this does not mean that other women in labor will not be accepted here. Everyone can give birth in the Akhsharum maternity hospital free of charge (in case of attachment from the consultation). This medical institution has its own consultation. Also, here they can give birth free of charge by registration and under the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, in the maternity hospital, you can conclude a contract for childbirth and give birth to your baby by paying a certain amount. Women say that giving birth according to such a system is a pleasure, since childbirth takes place in an individual delivery room, and after the program Mother andmothers stay with their children in comfortable spacious rooms. Separately, a newborn and his mother are only if the baby is in the intensive care unit, but even in this case, the mother can visit her child an unlimited number of times.

Relatives can visit young mothers freely, they will not only be allowed into the mother's room, but will also be allowed to see the baby. Also among the features of the Akhsharum maternity hospital is the wide practice of partner childbirth. As for the discharge, in the above medical institution it takes place daily, including weekends. This action begins at two o'clock in the afternoon.

As mentioned above, this maternity hospital has its own antenatal clinic, on the basis of which a maternity school functions for expectant mothers (and fathers too). There, future parents are explained all the nuances associated with preparing for the birth of a baby. A pediatrician, a psychologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist work with them.

A big advantage of the Akhsharum maternity hospital is the fact that it is the base of the Astrakhan Medical University. Consequently, highly qualified professors work there. Given that the institution has modern and high-quality equipment, and medicines are provided only with the latest developments, it is not surprising that the performance of the doctors of the Akhsharum maternity hospital is approaching European and American ones. They have long exceeded the average for Russia.


Does everyone understand that births take place in the maternity hospital? However, this is not yetall. The list of services of the maternity hospital number two on Akhsharumov Street is as follows:

  1. Medical care in a polyclinic for both therapeutic and gynecological profiles.
  2. Inpatient care in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as neonatology (pediatricians are called neonatologists).
  3. Medical care of an obstetric-gynecological nature of a hospital-replacing type.
Akhsharum maternity hospital doctors
Akhsharum maternity hospital doctors


For several years now, this medical institution has been successfully managed by a specialist of the highest category Tatyana Chikina. Head of the Akhsharum maternity hospital of Astrakhan, speci alty is a neonatologist. In addition to neonatology, she owns the direction of ultrasound diagnostics and is a candidate of medical sciences.

Tatyana Alekseevna has been working in the clinical maternity hospital for more than twenty years - since the ninety-fifth year of the last century. She came there as a very young girl, a novice doctor. She was only twenty-seven years old. During the years of work that preceded her appointment as chief physician of the Akhsharum maternity hospital in Astrakhan (this happened six years ago), she gained experience and knowledge. Tatyana Alekseevna owns the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment (including resuscitation methods) of newborns, even with severe pathologies, and premature babies weighing less than a thousand grams. As chief physician, Chikina, whose appointment was supported by the entire staff of the maternity hospital, has established herself as a competent and confident leader. And eight years ago she even becamedoctor of the year in the nomination "Best neonatologist" in the regional competition.


To match their boss and the doctors of the Akhsharum maternity hospital of Astrakhan. All of them are competent and highly qualified specialists. In total, the medical institution employs about five hundred and fifty people, more than a hundred of whom are doctors. One third of them are doctors of the highest category, eight people are honored doctors of the country, six are candidates of science. All doctors and kushers of the Akhsharum maternity hospital are people who sincerely care about their great work.

Departments of the maternity hospital

As mentioned above, there are eight blocks in the structure of this medical institution, which are divided into departments of a narrower focus.

Akhsharum Maternity Hospital Reviews
Akhsharum Maternity Hospital Reviews

This is, for example, the observational and intensive care units for newborns. There are also departments of gynecology, anesthesiology, resuscitation, pathology of pregnancy. There is a physiotherapy room. We will briefly describe some departments in a little more detail below.

Department of Pathology

It often happens that pregnancy does not go as smoothly as we would like. Then the woman is forced to be hospitalized. The pathology department of the Akhsharum maternity hospital is designed specifically for these purposes. It is designed for seventy beds, twenty-one of which belong to the day hospital, the rest - around the clock.

The pathology department of the Akhsharum maternity hospital provides assistance to women in labor from the twenty-second week of pregnancy withthe threat of premature birth, preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, fetal hypoxia (when he has nothing to breathe), with uterine myoma. Here they will help with multiple pregnancy, and in case of a scar on the uterus. The future mother will be determined in this department even if all the deadlines have already passed, and the baby is not going to be born. In addition, women are in pathology before preparing for a planned surgical delivery (this is a caesarean section). Pregnant women are monitored around the clock using the latest equipment, which allows you to respond in time in unforeseen situations.

Obstetric Postnatal Ward

This department is otherwise called observational. In the Astrakhan maternity hospital, it is designed for one hundred and fifteen newly-made mothers. Women lie in the wards of increased comfort, and the staff helps them adapt to a new state for them. They are shown how to take care of the baby, they are taught the technique of proper breastfeeding, they are told how to take care of themselves during this period. This is especially important for those who have undergone surgery. Young mothers undergo ultrasound, physiotherapy, monitor the state of the blood and other indicators. If necessary, psychological support is also provided in the observational department.

Discharged from the maternity hospital, provided that everything is fine with both mom and baby. This usually happens on the third day after an independent birth and on the fifth after a caesarean section.

Observational departmentnewborns

As for mothers, as well as for their newborn little ones, there is also a post-natal department. There are one hundred and twenty beds here. Kids can be here not alone, but together with their mother. There are also separate comfortable rooms.

Akhsharum maternity hospital Astrakhan address
Akhsharum maternity hospital Astrakhan address

The staff of the department strives to create all conditions for the early acquaintance of mother and child, their getting used to each other. All the necessary tests are taken from the baby, they are worn for various procedures (including ultrasound diagnostics), they are vaccinated (with the consent of the mother).

Women's consultation

The antenatal clinic building is located separately from the Akhsharum maternity hospital in Astrakhan. The address of this institution: 65 Boevaya Street, building 2. The consultation has rooms where they deal with the problems of miscarriages, premature births and cervical pathology. In a medical institution, you can get an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a general practitioner. In addition, there is a consultation and a day hospital for eight people.

In total, twenty-three doctors work in the antenatal clinic, of which eight have the highest category. Also on the territory of the antenatal clinic there is an ultrasound diagnostic room and a physiotherapy room, where all pregnant women receive the necessary treatment. As mentioned above, a maternity school operates on the basis of the consultation, where not only expectant mothers, but also their spouses can come.

Partner births

Recently, partner births are becoming more common. widely practicedthem and in the maternity hospital described by us. What is partnership? This means that throughout the entire process of childbirth (or any one of its stages), any person close to her is present with the woman in labor. Most often this is a husband, mother, sister, girlfriend. Their task is to help the expectant mother to relax, distract from the pain.

In the event that a woman in labor wants a partner birth, the person she chooses must take care of the following documents and tests: fluorography not older than six months, a blood test for HIV and RW, a written application addressed to the head physician of the maternity hospital and the permission of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs. The birth partner will have to take shoe covers with them. The medical facility will give him a cap and gown.

Contract births

Possible in the Akhsharum maternity hospital and contract births (on a paid basis under the concluded contract). This is acceptable, for example, if the expectant mother is not territorially related to this maternity hospital, but wants to give birth here. Then she concludes an agreement with the institution, which specifies all the necessary services, all conditions and sets the price.

Akhsharum maternity hospital Astrakhan list of things
Akhsharum maternity hospital Astrakhan list of things

The final cost of contract delivery depends on each specific case. It's one thing if a woman gives birth herself, another thing is if she has an operation. For example, in the case of a planned cesarean section, the expectant mother will need to pay a little more than seven thousand rubles for surgery. It is only about the operation itself. But we must not forget about watching mommy and herbaby. These services are also paid. Thus, it is impossible to name the exact cost of contract births in the Akhsharum maternity hospital. This is discussed individually with each woman in labor. However, the website of the institution has a detailed price list. Therefore, if desired, you can calculate in advance the approximate figure of the upcoming costs. One thing is for sure: contract births are not cheap.

List of things in the Akhsharum maternity hospital

Important information - what to take with you to the hospital. As a rule, all such establishments adhere to a standard list, in which only minor points may differ. Of particular importance is what clothes are allowed to walk in the hospital. Somewhere it is allowed to bring your pajamas and bathrobes, somewhere they insist on only state-owned supplies. The list of things in the Akhsharum Maternity Hospital of Astrakhan includes its own home clothes. Women may wear their own nightgowns and bathrobes. Also, the list of permitted things includes accessories for the baby - diapers with creams or powder, scratches, socks, caps, undershirts. For mom, the list includes slippers, a comb and other personal hygiene items (including large postpartum pads).

Be sure to take your cup, spoon and plate, water without gas. It is important not to forget to take a charger for your phone. Many in a hurry forget this particular accessory, and the battery of the phone is discharged after a few days in the hospital. You can take a book or magazine - something to relax and unwind at that time.the time the baby will sleep.

You can prepare a bandage for the postpartum period (and for those who give birth by caesarean, this is an essential item), as well as anti-varicose stockings (those who go to the operation will have to put them on in the operating room). Of course, we must not forget about the documents that will be required during hospitalization. We will talk about them below.


Regardless of whether a pregnant woman is planned or urgently hospitalized, she must have documents with her. In the first case, this is a passport, SNILS, a medical policy (CMI or VHI), a referral from a consultation with an exchange card, a birth certificate, as well as the results of blood tests, ultrasound, fluorography, a cardiogram and a detailed record of the therapist's examination. For employees of military units or services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a copy of the service certificate and a referral from the local clinic are also required.

In case of emergency hospitalization, the expectant mother will be asked the very minimum - a passport, SNILS, a medical policy, a birth certificate and an exchange card. If there are no documents with you, this does not mean that the woman will be denied emergency hospitalization. In any case, the doctors of the Akhsharum Maternity Hospital of Astrakhan will do everything necessary to save the life and he alth of mother and baby.

Now let's say a few words about the internal regulations within the walls of this medical institution. There is nothing complicated or outstanding about them. Patients of the maternity hospital are required to keep the corridors, toilets and their wards clean, as well as to strictly comply with all recommendations, appointments andthe requirements of the attending staff, be it a doctor or an obstetrician. Expectant mothers are required to give outerwear to their relatives upon admission to the maternity hospital.

Birth certificate

Everyone knows that the first document in the life of a baby should be received by parents at the registry office. This is true, however, the same procedure can be carried out in the Akhsharum maternity hospital, if the parents so wish.

Registration of a newborn
Registration of a newborn

For this, you need the original passports of mom and dad, a marriage certificate (also original). If the marriage is not registered and the surnames of the parents are different, then an additional agreement of one of them is required to give the baby the surname of the other. If the baby does not have a father, a single mother must provide only her passport.

How to get there

You can get to the maternity hospital by trolleybus number 2, by buses number 31, K1, K2, 4T, as well as by a fairly large number of fixed-route taxis. Regardless of which mode of transport you decide to use to get to the hospital, you must get off at the Medical College stop.


As for the antenatal clinic, you need to get to it by a different route. You need to take bus number 18, trolleybus number 1 or any fixed-route taxi that goes past the Khlebozavod number five stop.

Reviews about the maternity hospital

How can you characterize reviews of the Akhsharum maternity hospital in Astrakhan? They are both positive and negative. Among the positive reviews about the Akhsharum maternity hospital, there are many words aboutfriendly staff. Former patients note that all employees of the maternity hospital are really professionals, they are all very attentive, patient and sensitive people, wonderful specialists. Astrakhan mothers also talk about the constant help from employees, about their readiness to suggest how to behave with the baby. they also note the cleanliness in the wards and corridors.

Negative reviews about the Akhsharum maternity hospital in Astrakhan include words about nutrition. At the same time, women note that the food is tasty, but (in their opinion) some dishes should not be given to nursing mothers. Some women report that the attitude of staff towards those who give birth for a fee is noticeably better than those who give birth free of charge.

Interesting facts about the maternity hospital

Since the beginning of this year, more than three and a half thousand babies have already seen the light within the walls of the maternity hospital.

Every last Saturday of the month, the Astrakhan maternity hospital holds an open day.

This is the information about the Astrakhan clinical maternity hospital on Akhsharumov street.
