Any problem of the cardiovascular system requires the attention of a cardiologist. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Popular among doctors is the drug "Propanorm". Analogues of this medicine are also used quite often. Experts advise to carefully study the instructions before starting a course of treatment.
Form and composition
The drug is presented in the form of biconvex round white tablets. The main active ingredient is propafenone hydrochloride. As excipients, microcrystalline granulated cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, and copovidone are used. The drug goes on sale in a cardboard package.

The medicine "Propanorm" belongs to the group of arrhythmic drugs. Reviews of cardiologists show that the main active ingredient blocks fast sodium channels. The local anesthetic effect, which is provided by the drug, practically corresponds toprocaine activity. The action of propafenone begins within an hour after taking the tablets inside. The maximum effect is achieved after 3 hours. The effect of the drug lasts for 12 hours.
The drug is in most cases prescribed for the manifestation of ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles. In order to avoid the development of the disease, tablets can also be prescribed for the purpose of prevention. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of such abnormalities as paroxysmal heart rhythm abnormalities, ventricular-atrial tachycardia, monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.

Patients who have impaired liver function are prescribed Propanom tablets with caution. Analogues should also be taken after prior consultation with a doctor. In most cases, the drug can be prescribed at a reduced dosage (20-30% of the usual rate). Patients with excessive body weight, as well as patients over 70 years of age, are treated strictly under medical supervision. The first pill intake is under ECG control.
Pregnant women can be prescribed Propanorm if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the baby. The decision on the dosage is made by the cardiologist in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
You should not take Propanorm tablets without a doctor's recommendation. Reviews of cardiologists show that the medicine has many contraindications. In no case should the medication be taken with suchdeviations, such as arterial hypotension, severe heart failure, bradycardia, myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock. Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo a complete examination of the body. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences during the period of therapy.

There are age restrictions. Propanorm tablets cannot be prescribed to minor patients. Reviews of cardiologists show that for children there is a separate group of drugs that have a mild effect on the cardiovascular system.
Special Instructions
Tablets "Propanorm" in most cases are prescribed to patients in a hospital setting. This is due to the fact that in the course of treatment it is periodically necessary to monitor the work of the heart on the ECG. This is especially important at the beginning of therapy. Great attention is paid to elderly patients whose weight exceeds 80 kg. Do not forget that propafenone has an arrhythmogenic effect. In this regard, the patient's well-being at the initial stage of treatment may worsen.

Patients with liver failure should start taking the drug after prior consultation with the doctor. In such patients, the bioavailability of propafenone can increase by 70%. In this regard, side effects often develop. The dosage for patients with abnormal liver function is reduced. In addition, laboratory parameters are regularly monitored.
During the period of therapy with Propanorm, it is advisable to refrain fromdriving a car or any other means of transport. Patients may experience attention disturbance or dizziness.
The course of treatment is set by a cardiologist individually for each patient in accordance with the clinical manifestations of a particular disease. The bioavailability of the drug is increased if taken after a meal. The tablets are swallowed whole with a small amount of liquid. The initial dosage may be 150 mg every 8 hours (three times a day). The daily rate should not exceed 450 mg. Gradually the dose increases. You should not take Propanorm tablets on your own. Patient reviews note that only a qualified specialist can determine the desired dosage. The maximum daily allowance in the middle of the course of treatment can reach 900 mg (divided into three doses).

Elderly patients weighing more than 70 kg, the dosage is reduced. At one time, they can take no more than 100 mg. In this case, the daily norm is 300 mg. In the course of treatment, patients periodically undergo heart rate monitoring on an ECG machine.
Patients with severe liver dysfunction may be prescribed a dosage that is only 30% of the standard. If there is a positive trend, the daily rate may be slightly reduced. Treatment takes place in a hospital.
It only takes a patient twice the recommended amountdoctor, as he feels the symptoms of intoxication. Therefore, strictly on the recommendation of a specialist, it is worth using Propanorm tablets. Reviews of doctors show that dizziness and nausea appear first of all. In addition, the patient may feel dry mouth, his blood pressure decreases.
Overdose treatment can only take place in a hospital setting. First of all, gastric lavage is performed. In the future, symptomatic therapy gives good results. The patient is administered Dobutamine and Diazepam. In the most difficult cases, ventilation of the lungs is carried out, as well as chest compressions.
Side effects
Unpleasant symptoms can also occur if the patient takes the drug at the dosage recommended by the doctor. It is worth studying the full information about the medication before you start taking Propanorm tablets. Instructions for use, reviews - all this can be obtained from your doctor. Most often, side effects appear on the part of the digestive system at the beginning of the course. The patient may feel nausea or loss of appetite. In rare cases, diarrhea is observed. All of these symptoms are reversible and require no treatment.
On the part of the central nervous system, side effects such as dizziness, pain in the temples, confusion, and sleep disturbance can be observed. At the beginning of treatment, the patient may feel excessive fatigue. All this is not a reason to cancel the drug "Propanorm". Reviews of cardiologists show that any side effects disappear within a week after the starttherapy.
Pay attention to allergic reactions. The patient may notice rashes on the back and arms. Swelling of the limbs and face should alert. The most dangerous is Quincke's edema. As soon as the patient notices that the neck area is swelling, he should immediately call an ambulance.
Drug Interactions
Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug "Propanorm". Analogues are also used after clarifying all the necessary information. The fact is that antiarrhythmic drugs are not compatible with all medications. In no case are tablets used in conjunction with lidocaine. This ratio enhances the cardiodepressive effect.

Propanorm tablets are not taken together with Varvarin. By blocking the metabolism, the effect of the last medication is significantly enhanced. It is also not recommended to use antiarrhythmic drugs in parallel with local anesthetics. The risk of damage to the central nervous system increases.
Do not take together with drugs that depress cerebral hematopoiesis, the drug "Propanorm". Instructions for use (tablets) states that such a combination can lead to the development of myelosuppression.
What if you couldn't find Propanorm tablets at the pharmacy? Analogues, reviews of which are good, a cardiologist will be able to suggest. The drug "Propafenone" is popular. This is an antiarrhythmic agent that can be prescribed for suchdiseases such as supraventricular tachycardia, WPW syndrome, etc. The drug is not prescribed to minor patients, as well as to women during pregnancy.

"Ritmonorm" is another antiarrhythmic drug that cardiologists speak well of. It is used most often in a hospital setting. It will not be possible to buy medicine without a prescription.
Reviews about the drug "Propanorm"
Cardiologists note that the instructions for use for the Propanorm preparation must be studied. We presented a photo of the medication and all the information about it in the article. In patients who know possible side effects and contraindications, negative emotions about the pills do not arise. Patients who are being treated in a hospital, note that the positive effect of the use of the drug "Propanorm" is noticeable after a week.