Protective functions work tirelessly in the human body, but sometimes immunity weakens, and foreign cells and bacteria get inside. The weakening of this function is associated with many factors. Perhaps a person eats junk food, has been treated with antibiotics, lives near a zone of radiation and industrial waste, etc. Stress, fatigue and other negative factors negatively affect immunity.

If a person began to get sick often, then it is necessary not only to cure the disease that has appeared, but also to restore the body's natural defenses. Medicinal herbs that increase immunity help to improve he alth quite quickly and effectively.
General strengthening complex
Special tonic tinctures help to quickly activate the body's immunity. According to reviews on how to increase immunity with herbs, the use of medicinal fees work better when a person first takes preventive measures, which can be divided into two stages:
- 1 stage. During the first month, you need to drink daily1-2 cups of natural apple or carrot juice. At the same time, they need to be alternated.
- 2 stage. For another 30 days, you need to continue cleaning the body. To do this, once a week you need to drink a glass of carrot, beetroot, pear or apple juice every 3 hours.
After that, you need to prepare a tonic tincture. To prepare it, you need to mix 250 ml of beet and carrot juice, honey and the same amount of liquid from squeezed radish. All components are poured with a liter of vodka and bottled. You need to insist the mixture for 2 weeks. After that, the composition should be taken three times a day before meals, a tablespoon.
Speaking of which herbs increase immunity, it is worth paying attention to this remedy. Eleutherococcus even surpasses ginseng in some parameters. It is used to treat those who suffer from exhaustion of the nervous system, overwork, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, insomnia, angiospasms, hypotension, the initial form of atherosclerosis and many other diseases.

This tool can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is better to prepare the composition on your own. To do this, it is enough to mix in equal proportions the grated rhizomes of Eleutherococcus and 40% alcohol. The composition must be insisted for a week. After that, the liquid is filtered. The result is a brown extract with an unusual smell, it must be taken 20-30 drops three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner. A similar course of recovery is a month. According toreviews, some additionally take small doses of sleeping pills at night. However, in this case, you should be careful.
To increase immunity with herbs, you need to ensure that there is a break of about a month between courses of treatment so that the components do not accumulate in the body beyond measure. When taken properly, eleutherococcus extract will help activate the central nervous system, increase motor activity, improve vision, relieve the effects of stress, etc.
To increase immunity with herbs, it is also recommended to prepare a tonic from this remedy. To do this, pour 100 g of plant rhizomes with a liter of vodka and put it in a cool dark place. Keep tonic in the refrigerator is not worth it. After two weeks, the remedy can be taken three times a day, 1 teaspoon. Do not take this medicine for more than 4 months.
Speaking of which herbs increase immunity, you should pay attention to this folk remedy, which can be found in almost any garden plot. To prepare the tincture, you need to collect celandine during the flowering period of the plant. The resulting natural product must be passed through a meat grinder and squeezed out the juice. This liquid is mixed with vodka in equal proportions. 15 drops of ready-made infusion daily should be added to a glass of tea and drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.
The course of treatment is a week. It is recommended to carry out such preventive procedures using celandine twice a year.
For those who are interested in what herbs increase immunity in adults, it is recommended to prepare an infusion ofthis "burning weed". To do this, grind 200 g of nettle and pour 70% alcohol. Alcohol should be taken 0.5 liters. The bottle cannot be closed with a standard cap. It is better to bandage the neck with gauze. First, the infusion must be placed on the window. During the day, the liquid should be exposed to the sun. After a day, the infusion is moved to a dark place and shaken every day.

When the composition is ready, you need to strain it, squeeze it out and filter it. It is recommended to take the remedy in a teaspoon half an hour before meals and at bedtime. This infusion will help improve immunity, tone and strengthen the body. This infusion is especially recommended for the elderly.
Common buzzard
Speaking of herbs that increase immunity in women and men, you should pay attention to this effective infusion. To do this, mix equal amounts of mordovnik seeds and 70 percent alcohol. You need to take the remedy 10-15 drops twice a day for half an hour before meals. Such preventive measures should be carried out no longer than a month. After that, a break must be taken.
This infusion perfectly tones and strengthens the body. A similar remedy is used to treat paralysis with mechanical damage. Also, the infusion helps those who suffer from low blood pressure, sciatica and peripheral paralysis.
Sterculia platanophylla
To increase immunity with herbs, you need to grind 20 g of the leaves of this plant and pour 100 ml of 70 percent alcohol. Liquidinfused for 14 days. After that, the product is filtered and stored in a dark container. You need to take the medicine 20-30 drops per day in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can use this infusion for no more than a month.
Sterculia improves immunity, perfectly tones the body. It is used by those people who suffer from asthenia, chronic or debilitating pathologies. It also helps with mental and physical fatigue. The herb also helps with hypotension. However, doctors do not recommend taking the medicine at night.
Aralia Manchurian Root
When using herbs that increase immunity in adults and children, it is worth sticking to the dosage. This also applies to this plant. To prepare a medicinal infusion, it is necessary to grind 20 g of raw materials and pour 70% alcohol. The liquid should be stored for 2 weeks in a dark container. After that, the tincture is filtered, squeezed and filtered. After that, the composition must be stored in a dark, cold place.
It is recommended to take the received remedy when a depressive state appears. The dosage is 30-40 drops several times a day. The prophylactic course is 25 days. After that, you need to take a break of 2 weeks.
However, speaking of this herb that enhances human immunity, it should be borne in mind that this remedy cannot be used for insomnia and increased excitability. It is also forbidden to use the remedy for fever and problems with the cardiovascular system. Aralia should not be used if bradycardia occurs.
To boost immunity with herbs, many recommenduse this particular plant. As a rule, its roots are used. There are several ways to use the medicine. First of all, you can take a pharmacy alcohol infusion. It should be taken 10 drops twice a day before meals. Such a remedy is recommended for neurasthenia, overwork, fatigue, problems with the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. The course of treatment is no more than 40 days. After that, a two-week break is mandatory. However, it is recommended to carry out such preventive treatment no more than 2-3 times a year.

Similar medicinal formulations are prepared without much effort. To do this, pour 50 g of plant roots with 3 teaspoons of sweetened cold water. After that, the product is lowered into the bottle and filled with vodka (0.5 liters). The remedy is infused for 20 days in a dark place. After that, you need to take an infusion of 20-30 drops several times a day for half an hour before meals.
It is recommended to take such herbs that increase immunity in adults and children for problems with the central nervous system in order to increase their efficiency, get rid of stress. In addition, the tool has a general strengthening property. Additionally, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, as well as in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. In the East, this remedy is often used by women in order to prolong youth.
Rhodiola Rosea
Also, this plant is often called golden root. The tool stimulates the work of the central nervous system, activitythe human brain, helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this herb, the physical performance of the muscles increases. Rhodiola improves the protective functions of the body. Thanks to this, a person becomes more resistant to negative environmental factors. Also, this plant is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.
Thanks to this plant, a child or an adult significantly increases efficiency, improves memory.
To prepare a medicine, you need to grind the roots of the plant and pour them with 50% alcohol. The components are mixed in equal proportions. The finished dark-colored composition is recommended to be taken on those days when a person experiences increased stress, it is recommended to take 5-10 drops. If a person suffers from hypotension, depression, or has recently had an acute respiratory disease or flu, then you need to slightly increase the dosage. In this case, you need to take 20-25 drops of tincture per day. The course of treatment is two weeks, but no more.
Berries and dried apricots
If you use such natural remedies, you can tone up the body, increase protective functions and saturate it with essential vitamins. To do this, you need to prepare a special collection of herbs that increase immunity. You need to mix 100 g of mint, Ivan tea, lemon balm and chestnut flowers. After that, all components are crushed. Five tablespoons of the finished composition are poured into a container with a thick bottom and poured with a liter of boiling water. After that, the mixture is sent to the stove and brought to a boil over low heat. On thethe next step is to wrap the broth with a towel and insist for several hours. After that, the liquid is filtered and mixed with two liters of compote. It can be made from any berry. The resulting drink is recommended to consume half a liter daily 30 minutes before meals.

You can also make other delicious medicine. To do this, grind 0.5 kg of cranberries, add a glass of walnuts and four peeled apples to them. The resulting composition is poured into 100 ml of water and 0.5 kg of sugar is added. After that, the composition is sent to the stove and brought to a boil over low heat. In the process of preparing the medicine, the liquid must be constantly stirred. And then the composition is poured into a clean container with a lid. You need to take this medicine one spoonful during the day. The remedy can be written down with unsweetened tea.
Also, according to reviews, dried fruits are also highly effective. In order to prepare a medicinal product, it is necessary to grind half a kilogram of raisins, walnuts, dried apricots and prunes. Add the same amount of honey to the mixture and mix the composition thoroughly. After that, the medicinal "dessert" is stored in the refrigerator in a container with a lid. You need to take the remedy one spoonful on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. If desired, prunes can be replaced with two lemons with a peel, turned through a meat grinder.
Red beetroot
Considering herbs that increase immunity in oncology and other pathologies, many recommend paying attention to this usefula vegetable that helps with ailments is no worse than medicinal fees.

To prevent and increase the protective functions of the body, it is recommended to take 100-200 ml of fresh beetroot juice. This vegetable perfectly helps in the fight against tumors and other dangerous pathologies. However, it should be borne in mind that this remedy leads to a decrease in blood pressure, so it should be taken with caution by people suffering from hypertension. If you use beets in large quantities, then this can provoke a spasm of the vessels of the human brain. Also, an overdose of such a drug can cause digestive problems.
If we talk about herbs that increase immunity for children, it is worth considering that in no case should babies be given funds in the form of alcohol tinctures. Therefore, the best solution is to use aloe. This plant has the least amount of side effects. However, if there is aloe in the house, then this does not mean that it has healing properties. In order to "activate" the action of this plant, you need to put the entire pot with a bush in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

After that, you need to cut the aloe leaves, grind or grate them on a fine grater. It should turn out gruel. The resulting mixture is poured with water and left in a dark place for several hours. After that, you need to squeeze out the healing juice and drink it one tablespoon before meals.
However, when taking any natural remedy, it is worthmake sure that the patient is not allergic to the selected product.