"Berlition" - analogues. "Dialipon": instructions, reviews of doctors

"Berlition" - analogues. "Dialipon": instructions, reviews of doctors
"Berlition" - analogues. "Dialipon": instructions, reviews of doctors

Disorder of the body's metabolism is a very common disease. A huge number of diseases are accompanied by the development of metabolic syndrome. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus. The main therapy of this pathological condition is aimed at reducing the resulting metabolic disorders and a qualitative increase in the functional state of the nervous system. A highly effective drug that is used to treat such disorders is the drug "Berlition" and its analogue "Dialipon".

berlition analogues
berlition analogues

Let's look at how the main component of these drugs - lipoic acid, works, its use in various situations.

Pharmacodynamic features

The main active ingredient in the drug "Berlition", analogues of this drug, alpha-lipoic acid, is a coenzyme synthesized by almost all cells of our body. main functionof this enzyme is the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids, which determines its active role in maintaining the energy balance of the cell. Taking an active part in the metabolic reactions of cells, lipoic acid contributes to an optimal decrease in the level of sugar in the blood plasma (by increasing the utilization of this energy substrate), as well as enhancing the synthesis of glycogen in hepatocytes. Since this coenzyme takes an active part in the reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, its deficiency (for example, associated with an increase in the level of ketones) leads to a decrease in the intensity of the processes of aerobic glucose breakdown.

lipoic acid application
lipoic acid application

Due to the pharmacological similarity with preparations of B vitamins, lipoic acid can not only have an antitoxic and antioxidant effect, but also affect cholesterol metabolism in the body, lipid metabolism and have a hepatoprotective effect. The latter effects are due to the ability of the drug to act on the so-called SH-groups of proteins.

Pharmacological characteristics

After entering the body, lipoic acid undergoes significant changes due to the primary metabolism in hepatocytes. The change in the structure occurs mainly due to the oxidation of side chains and the formation of conjugates. Systemic availability in different groups of patients varies, due to the individual characteristics of the organism and the influence of the disease. Excretion of lipoic acid and its metabolites is carried out mainly by the kidneys,however, the drug is also partially excreted in the bile. The plasma half-life ranges from 10 to 20 minutes.

Lipoic Acid Applications

berlition analogues price
berlition analogues price

Lipoic acid is indicated for use in diabetic patients to improve sensitivity in developing diabetic polyneuropathy. There is evidence of the effectiveness of thioctic acid in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and diseases of the hepato-biliary system. The drug is also effective in the treatment of poisoning with s alts of heavy metals (due to the ability to restore SH-groups).

Contraindications for use

For lipoic acid, "Berlition" or its analogue, the drug "Dialipon", the instructions for use say that they are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, in acute heart and respiratory failure. They are also forbidden to be taken with chronic alcoholism and impaired cerebral hemodynamics, while breastfeeding.

dialipon instructions for use
dialipon instructions for use

Berlition and Dialipon: instructions for use

Drugs are administered intravenously, from a vial, without prior dilution. The daily dosage of these drugs for adults is 600 mg. The Berlition or Dialipon dropper is placed and dripped for at least half an hour. The approximate course of treatment is from two to four weeks. If necessary, you can continue taking the drug in the form of capsules in a similardosage.

berlition tablets
berlition tablets

Berlition tablets are used for adults at the rate of 25-50 mg two or three times a day, for children it is possible to prescribe a dosage of 12 or 24 mg.

Side effects

Side effects arising from the nervous system and analyzers are manifested in the form of double vision, impaired taste sensations. With a low probability, a convulsive syndrome may occur. In this case, the latter proceeds in the form of small attacks or by the type of absences.

On the part of the blood system, hemorrhagic rashes of the type of thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombosis in the veins of the lower extremities may appear.

dialipon instruction
dialipon instruction

Allergic reactions to the administration of the drug are manifested in the form of redness, eczema at the injection site. It is possible to develop allergic reactions at the body level, proceeding according to the type of anaphylactic shock.

On the part of the whole organism, a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood plasma, disorders of the vestibular analyzer, headaches and dizziness are possible.

Patients who receive injections of the drug for the first time should be informed that compressive pains in the head and heart may occur, which resolve themselves and do not require additional therapy.

Do not think that the frequency of adverse reactions depends on the manufacturer and the name. "Berlition", analogues of this drug are equally capable of causing side effects depending oncharacteristics of the organism and the course of the disease.

Special instructions for the use of the drug

Due to the high instability of the drug when exposed to sunlight, it is recommended to cover the drug vials with a black opaque material or cover. In the conditions of separation, it is advisable to use special light-protective covers.

Due to the hypoglycemic effect that occurs after the administration of the drug, special attention should be paid to monitoring the level of glucose in the blood plasma of patients with diabetes mellitus.

During the treatment with Dialipon, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, as this may lead to a decrease in the therapeutic efficacy of this drug.

It must be remembered that the drug interacts with sugars and metal ions, so combining alpha-lipoic acid with Ringer's solutions, glucose, fructose is contraindicated. Also, the drug can not be used together with drugs containing magnesium and iron ions.

berlition dropper
berlition dropper

"Dialipon" is not used during breastfeeding and lactation. Due to the lack of data on the effectiveness of this drug in children, use in children is contraindicated.

There are no data on the effect of the drug on the reaction rate and the ability to control mechanisms.

Drug Interactions

Lipoic acid enhances the therapeutic effect of insulin and hypoglycemic drugs. This should be taken into account in diabetic patients.


Overdose symptoms are nausea, dizziness and headaches, vomiting, psychomotor agitation up to the development of a generalized convulsive syndrome. In the case of taking high doses of the drug, the development of conditions such as hypoglycemic shock, necrosis of the striated skeletal muscles, depression of the activity of the central nervous system and disruption of the functioning of internal organs up to the development of multiple organ failure is possible.

Therapy for poisoning is symptomatic, based on the rules for providing emergency medical care. There is no specific antidote. The effectiveness of dialysis methods has not been proven.

Reviews of doctors

Due to the high effectiveness of the drug, doctors recommend it for use, especially in the treatment of complications of diabetes. In turn, patients taking Berlition, analogues of this drug, do not notice much difference in the effectiveness of the action between them.

Depending on the margin, the cost of drugs of this type may differ significantly. On average, from 650 to 950 rubles is the drug "Berlition" (analogues). The price depends on the dosage (lower dose - less cost), as well as on the manufacturer.


Drug "Berlition", analogues in the form of "Dialipon" or "Dialipon Turbo" are effective drugs in the fight against complications of diabetes in patients of various age groups. Due to its highTherapeutic efficacy of alpha-lipoic acid can also be used for the symptomatic treatment of alcoholism.
