"Osterepar": instructions for use, reviews, manufacturer, analogues

"Osterepar": instructions for use, reviews, manufacturer, analogues
"Osterepar": instructions for use, reviews, manufacturer, analogues

Decrease in the level of minerals in the bone tissue is the cause of a huge amount of damage to the bone and joint apparatus in people of different age groups. Quite often, bone density decreases due to increased bone destruction - the so-called bone resorption. Normalization of physiological processes between the destruction and creation of bone tissue is the main goal of treating diseases of this kind. One of the drugs used to treat osteoporosis is Osterepar. Let's take a look at what they say about the drug "Osterepar" instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients.

Pharmacological characteristics

The active substance of the drug "Osterepar" is alendronic acid, which is presented in the form of sodium s alt - alendronate sodium. The very mechanism of action of this substance is not fully understood, however, it is known that the end point of the action of alendronate sodium is the restoration of a positive balance between the destruction and restoration of bone tissue. Partially, this process is realized due to the inhibition of osteoclasts - specialized cells of bone tissue,responsible for its destruction.

Osterepar instructions for use
Osterepar instructions for use

In addition, it is known that a decrease in the amount of plasma calcium causes its accumulation in bone tissue while taking Osterepar. Instructions for use say that this helps to strengthen bone structure and reduce the risk of fractures.

Pharmacokinetic features

Despite the fact that sodium alendronate is highly soluble in water and aqueous solutions, the absorption of the drug from the intestinal lumen cannot be called good - absorption is only about 25%. It is known that Osterepar binds quite well to plasma proteins (the degree of binding reaches 70-75%) and is not metabolized in the body.

Indications for the use of the drug "Osterepar"

Instructions for use says that the drug is indicated for deforming bone tissue disorders, which are called osteoporosis (including postmenopausal osteoporosis in women). Alendronate sodium has been successfully used to treat elevated plasma calcium levels in patients with malignant processes.


Official instruction for the drug "Osterepar" contains a complete list of contraindications to the prescription of the drug. So, "Osterepar" is contraindicated for use in children, since the final effectiveness of the drug and the safety of its use have not been clarified.

Osterepar instructions for use reviews
Osterepar instructions for use reviews

Alendronate sodium is not prescribed forthe formation of lactation, feeding and pregnancy. Also, the drug is contraindicated in patients with reduced plasma calcium levels, rickets and vitamin D deficiency. With caution, the drug should be prescribed in patients with insufficient renal excretory function.

Side effects

Alendronate sodium underwent a double-blind, placebo-controlled study prior to its introduction into clinical practice. According to the results of these studies, the incidence of adverse reactions among patients taking alendronate sodium was slightly lower than the incidence of adverse reactions in patients taking placebo.

Osterepar instruction
Osterepar instruction

Among the adverse reactions caused by taking the Osterepar drug, patients noted disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, abdominal pain, stool disorders with a tendency to constipation), as well as the central nervous system (headache). There are other side effects associated with the use of the drug "Osterepar". Instructions for use indicate very rare allergic reactions in the form of a rash or itching.

Special Instructions

When taking Osterepar, tablets should be washed down with ordinary drinking water, since other drinks (mineral water, milk, fruit juices) can affect the bioavailability of the drug and slow down its absorption. Due to the fact that alendronate sodium is capable of irritating the upper gastrointestinal tract, the tablets should be washed down with a large volume of water (fullcup). In a horizontal position, there is an increase in the risk of developing lesions of the esophagus when taking the drug "Osterepar". Instructions for use writes that you should not go to bed for at least half an hour after taking the medicine, and also take the medicine before bedtime.

With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with dental diseases, including tumor genesis. When prescribing "Osterepar", it is recommended to undergo a complete dental examination and conduct a complete sanitation of the oral cavity. Dental interventions should be avoided while taking.

Osterepar instruction
Osterepar instruction

With long-term therapy (more than one and a half years) with drugs from the group of bisphosphonates, fractures of the femur in the proximal part may occur. In the event of a fracture, the patient is recommended to be referred for examination of the second femur to reduce the likelihood of a re-fracture. In addition, Oseorepar therapy is stopped until the benefits and risks of treatment are assessed.

Special attention deserves the appointment of "Osterepar" in patients taking glucocorticosteroids. These drugs can reduce the absorption and, accordingly, the intake of calcium and vitamin D in the body. In such patients, hypocalcemia may be asymptomatic and severe in the presence of a hereditary predisposition. In order to prevent this complication and timely diagnosis of hypocalcemia, it is recommended to ensure sufficient intake of calcium andvitamin D.

The drug is not prescribed for patients with rare and genetically determined diseases associated with lactose intolerance.

The drug does not affect the reaction rate and the ability to control mechanisms. However, it must be remembered that the complications and adverse reactions that occur after taking Osterepar can affect these processes.

Drug Interactions

Osterepar is not recommended for combined use with aspirin, as acetylsalicylic acid enhances the side effects of alendronate sodium (especially its effect on the intestinal tract). However, Osterepar is well tolerated in patients receiving additional anti-inflammatory therapy with non-steroidal drugs. Despite this fact, you should refrain from the combined use of these drugs, since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs themselves can cause severe side effects.

Prescribing alendronic acid to women taking additional estrogens in combination with progesterone contributed to a more pronounced increase in bone mass with a significant decrease in bone resorption.

Therapy with thiazide diuretics in combination with the administration of alendronic acid leads to a decrease in calcium loss by the body and reduces the effect of Osterepar.

Poisoning and drug overdose

In case of alendronic acid poisoning, intestinal disorders are observed, manifested in the form of vomiting, heartburn,esophagitis and the formation of ulcers in the intestinal lumen. On the part of the skeletal and blood systems, hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia may occur.

Osterepar reviews
Osterepar reviews

Treatment of poisoning and overdose is aimed at binding the drug in the intestinal lumen and inactivating it. To do this, you can use milk, calcium-based antacids, astringents. Self-induced vomiting cannot be caused, as the drug can cause irritation and burns of the esophagus. For gastric lavage it is necessary to use a probe. Therapy is symptomatic, as well as aimed at stabilizing the level of calcium in the blood plasma.

Reviews of doctors and patients

About the drug "Osterepar" reviews are different, but mostly positive. On the part of patients taking the drug, resentment is due to the irritating effect of the drug on the intestinal mucosa. From the point of view of doctors, the drug "Osterepar", analogues of this drug containing sodium alendronate, are effective in the treatment of osteoporosis of various origins, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Drug analogues

A sufficient number of analogues of the drug containing alendronate sodium as an active ingredient is presented on the pharmaceutical market. Alendronate, Alendronic acid, Alental, Strongos, Tevanat. All these, as well as many other drugs, are analogues of Osterepar.

Osterepar tablets
Osterepar tablets

Instructions for use analogues of the drug are notindicates, however, if the composition contains alendronic acid, the drug can definitely be used to treat osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis is an insidious disease, and its therapy is complex and lengthy. As they say about the drug "Osterepar" instructions for use, manufacturer, patients and attending physicians, the use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, normalizing phosphorus-calcium metabolism and reducing bone resorption.

Osterepar analogues
Osterepar analogues

However, while taking the drug, in order to obtain the maximum effect, you must follow a few simple rules described in the instructions for use, and constant communication with your doctor will help you avoid undesirable effects of the drug. During treatment, do not neglect the appointments of a specialist, as they are the key to successful therapy and a speedy recovery.
