The question of why the lower abdomen hurts worries many of the fair sex. These feelings can be caused by a variety of factors. As a rule, discomfort is associated with pathologies of any organs. Diseases that provoke an unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen are described in the article.
Possible explanations
Most women at least once a month experience discomfort associated with critical days. But not always menstruation and the maturation of the germ cell causes a similar phenomenon. The question of why the lower abdomen hurts can only be answered accurately after medical examinations.

As the causes of discomfort in the abdominal cavity, experts call the pathology of the internal genital organs, infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the urinary system. When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account not only the results of laboratory tests and examination, but also factors such asthe nature of discomfort, its localization, other signs of malaise. It is possible to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon only if the reason for which it occurs is known. A girl who is faced with this kind of problem should not be left unattended.
Associated symptoms
Speaking about why the lower abdomen hurts in women, it should be noted that sensations of this kind are often associated with other signs of malaise. For example, severe discomfort sometimes appears against the background of blood secreted from the genital tract. Such symptoms indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. The feeling of pulling pain, which is observed against the background of fever and sweating, is a possible sign of the development of an infection. Often these pathologies are associated with the occurrence of unusual secretions. For example, bloody lumps, yellowish mucus or pus appear. In such a situation, only a specialist can correctly explain why the lower abdomen hurts.
Different types of discomfort
Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity are divided into several types. Pain can fall into one of the following categories:
- Sharp and cutting.
- Occasional.
- Always present.
- Dull pain.
- Pulsating feeling in the lower abdomen.
These characteristics help to understand what causes the appearance of discomfort in a particular patient. For example, a feeling of dull pain is often explained by an inflammatory process in the internal reproductive organs. A feeling of cramps, which increases with the separation of urine, may indicate cystitis or acute kidney disease. Sometimes pronounced discomfort is associated with a malfunction of the stomach and intestines. In such situations, nausea, vomiting are observed. Intense discomfort in the region of the abdominal cavity, from below on the right, occurring from time to time, indicates the pathology of the appendix.
Gynecological reasons
Often, the explanation of why the lower abdomen hurts in women lies in diseases of the internal organs of the reproductive system. If discomfort is not associated with natural phenomena (pregnancy or critical days), it may be associated with the presence of the following ailments:
- Inflammatory process in the internal cavity of the uterus or in the gonads. If the pathology affects the ovary, pain is felt in the lower abdomen on the right or left. In the event of an infection in the endometrium, discomfort is felt in the middle.
- Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. In the chronic course of the disease, the pain is constant. An unpleasant feeling in the abdominal cavity has a pulling character.
- The growth of the inner layer of the uterus is accompanied by discomfort before critical days.
- Benign neoplasms of the reproductive system.
- Genital cysts are a common explanation for why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation.
- Inflammatory processes in the bladder.
- Tubal pregnancy. This condition requires surgical intervention. The disease is accompanied by bouts of discomfort in the lower regionabdominal cavity and bleeding. In the event of a pipe rupture, the pain is sharp.
- Violations associated with critical days. This phenomenon is characterized by pronounced symptoms. It is often an explanation of why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation. The woman in this case suffers from dizziness, fatigue, nausea. The ability to work decreases, the emotional state becomes depressed.

Discomfort during pregnancy
One of the possible explanations for why the lower abdomen hurts could be pregnancy. The process of attaching a fetal egg to the uterine wall in some of the fair sex is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. There are two types of discomfort during childbearing:
- Physiological (associated with natural changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother).
- Pathological. He appears due to diseases.
Discomfort due to the restructuring of the reproductive organs
The time of bearing a child is accompanied by a change in the content of certain substances in the body of the expectant mother. The concentration of hormones increases, as a result of which the vessels located in the internal cavity of the uterus and gonads increase in size. This process is one of the explanations for why the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy. Discomfort is characterized by a feeling of pulsation that disappears on its own and does not pose a threat to the he alth of the mother and child.
Also during the period of gestation, the uterusgrows intensively. This phenomenon leads to stretching of her ligaments. There is a pulling feeling in the abdominal cavity. Discomfort may become worse after physical exertion. Women in the later stages often ask the question of why the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy. The feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity is often explained by the divergence of the pubic joint. This pain is usually mild and goes away on its own.
During the movements of the fetus, the discomfort is pronounced if the child is placed feet down. The woman feels pain, sudden urge to pass urine.
The contractions that occur at 30 weeks or more are due to the fact that the uterus begins to prepare for delivery. This is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity, which disappear at rest. All the events described in this section do not pose a threat to the mother and fetus.
Pathological Conditions
Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women? The causes of discomfort during the period of bearing a baby often lie in the pathologies of the reproductive system or violations of the work of other organs. If a mother-to-be is experiencing abdominal discomfort, this could mean:
- Development of tubal pregnancy. This pathology is life-threatening and requires urgent surgical intervention.
- Spontaneous abortion.
- Premature delivery of the placenta.
- Inflammation of the appendix. This disease also poses a threat to the life and he alth of the patient. It is treated with surgery.
- Intoxication spoiledproducts.
- Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Pathologies of the urinary system.

Tubal pregnancy
This disease is very dangerous. It is difficult to detect in the early stages of gestation. Indeed, at this time, the girl who develops a violation does not feel unwell. But for periods of 6 weeks, women with this disease go to the doctor with a question about why the lower abdomen and lower back hurt.

A complication of the pathology can be damage to the fallopian tube, bleeding into the abdominal cavity. This consequence can lead to death. The condition is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. The woman feels weak. Bloody vaginal discharge is possible. If the tube is completely torn, the discomfort becomes pronounced, the patient turns pale, she develops dizziness, fainting. With such a diagnosis, urgent surgical intervention is performed.
Inflammation of the appendix
Why does the lower abdomen hurt? The reasons for women often lie in the processes occurring in the digestive system. In many cases, discomfort appears due to appendicitis. The disease is often found in expectant mothers. The fact is that the uterus, increasing in size, puts pressure on the intestines and interferes with its normal activity.

The cause of inflammation of the appendix canbe fungus or other harmful microorganisms. Patients with this pathology complain of bouts of discomfort in the abdomen, which are becoming more intense. There is nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, high fever. Inflammation of the appendix can lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, a person with this disease is undergoing urgent surgery.
Discomfort during intimate contact
Sometimes the fairer sex notices discomfort during intercourse. Why does my lower abdomen hurt after sex?

This phenomenon may be due to the following reasons:
- Intestinal bloating. The causes of the symptom are irregular breathing and certain positions during intercourse. If the phenomenon greatly worries a woman, she should take drugs to prevent flatulence, such as Espumizan.
- Cysts in the gonads. This is another reason why the lower abdomen hurts after sex.
- Infectious process in the reproductive organs.
- Growth of tissues of the internal cavity of the uterus.
- Violation of the activity of the kidneys, bladder.
- Tumors can also be an explanation for why the lower abdomen hurts during intimate contact.
What to do if you have discomfort?
In case of a symptom, it is worth contacting a medical facility. Refusal of examination in such a situation is undesirable. Only a specialist can correctly explain why the lower abdomen hurts in women. Pathology in a particular patient can be determined only after the procedures. These include the following:
- Laboratory research of biomaterial.
- Assessment of the condition of the abdominal organs using ultrasound.
- Smear from the cervix, vagina.
After these procedures, you can explain why the lower abdomen hurts at times, and choose a therapy.

Timely treatment will get rid of the symptom and avoid the consequences of the pathology.