Varicose veins occur mainly in women. In more rare cases, this attack also applies to men. The average age of the onset of the problem in patients is 24 years and older. Therapy of varicose veins is carried out by a phlebologist. In the early stages of the development of the disease, strengthening ointments for veins in the legs can be used. Under the condition of regular use, they accelerate the local blood flow, do not allow the disease to worsen. If you adjust your lifestyle and start using effective ointments for leg veins regularly, then varicose veins can go away completely (if the patient had an initial stage). But what means give a good result? About this article.
Causes of varicose veins on the legs and methods of getting rid of pathology
What happens with varicose veins, why does this disease develop? Normal blood supply to the limbs is provided by a whole system of circulatoryvessels. Blood from the heart enters them without difficulty (top-down), the reverse flow (bottom-up) is provided by the contraction of the heart and the system of venous valves that “lock” the fluid between contractions, preventing it from moving in the opposite direction. When blood circulation is disturbed, the walls of the veins begin to thin, knots and blood clots appear.
If you began to notice that in the evenings there was an unpleasant pain in the area behind the knees, and a thin network of protruding veins appeared in this place, then it makes sense to consult a phlebologist. In the early stages of the development of varicose veins, you can get rid of the manifestations of this disease if you change your lifestyle and start treatment. Here are the most common causes of varicose veins:
- Sedentary lifestyle. Office workers, drivers, teachers who are forced to sit in a chair for hours in one position are prone to developing varicose veins. If there is no way to change jobs, then you need to get up at least once an hour to walk, do a light stretch. Of course, this will not solve the problem in a drastic way, but the blood flow in the legs is slightly activated.
- Workers who have to stand on their feet all day or carry heavy loads - hairdressers, movers, sellers - are also at risk. When a person is on their feet for a long period of time, blood flow is disturbed. Blood accumulates and lingers in the lower extremities, which causes the veins to experience a large load. To reduce it, you need to sit down for at least 15 minutes once an hour. You can alsotry to stand on one leg, then on the other - such a simple method will also help to partially reduce the load on the veins.
- The period of pregnancy often becomes the very time when a woman notices the first signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities. This is due to the fact that the weight increases sharply, and the vessels are not able to withstand such a load. Leg vein ointments should be used - this is an easy way to survive pregnancy and not give the disease a chance to develop further.
- Hereditary predisposition. Weak vein walls are an individual feature of the body, and if it is, then varicose veins and hemorrhoidal disease can appear in a person even if he leads an acceptable lifestyle.
- Bad habits - alcohol abuse and smoking - are also a risk factor, in the presence of which the chance of becoming the owner of varicose veins of the lower extremities increases. If you have been given the first stage, or you yourself guess that you have varicose veins, then give up alcohol for good - it is permissible to allow yourself one or two glasses of quality wine once a month.
- Lifting extreme weights causes impaired blood flow, so weightlifters may suffer from varicose veins in the lower extremities. You should exercise moderately, do not try to break records if you know that there is a predisposition to varicose veins. When performing some exercises (deadlift, squats), you should bandage the knee area with a special bandage. This should be done in order to reduce the load on the veins of the legs.
How to get rid offrom varicose veins of the lower extremities, what methods exist? Pharmacological preparations are divided into two large groups: for internal use and for external use. The former include tablets and capsules, the latter - ointments for veins in the legs. If the disease has already passed to a late stage and nodes have begun to form, then pharmacological treatment will no longer be enough - an operation will be required.
Ointment for diseases of the veins in the legs has a number of effects. For example: anesthesia, removal of swelling and fatigue of the limbs, acceleration of local blood circulation. Also, such ointments have angioprotective properties, that is, they strengthen the walls of the veins. Almost all ointments should be used once or twice a day. With a relapse of the disease, it is possible and more often - up to five times a day. This is a simple and reliable way to quickly get rid of pain, reduce the number of visible wreaths and spider veins. And also to avoid the progression of the disease.

List of the most effective ointments for leg veins
Of course, this list is highly subjective. The effectiveness of this or that ointment depends on the stage of the disease, what lifestyle the patient leads. If you regularly use the ointment, but at the same time continue to work on your feet, smoke and drink alcohol, then the ointment can only relieve pain and slightly accelerate blood flow. And varicose veins will progress, and over time, surgery will be required. If you follow the rules of prevention (they are described at the end of the article) and in parallel use the ointment for the veins on the legs, then the result will not force itselfwait. But regularity is important in therapy!
Drugs list based on reviews. Best ointments for leg veins:
- "Troxevasin";
- "Troxerutin";
- "Lyoton";
- "Hepatrombin";
- "Phlebodia";
- "Detralex";
- "Heparin ointment";
- Vishnevsky's ointment.

It is better to consult a doctor about which one to choose.
Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use
The price of this drug is not low: about three hundred rubles per tube. However, the drug can deservedly be called the No. 1 remedy for varicose veins. By the way, many women use this ointment against hematomas (bruises) so that they pass faster. The property of the drug - to accelerate blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body where it was applied, makes it indispensable. At the same time, people are not embarrassed when buying even a rather high price.
Instructions for use for Troxevasin ointment reports that the product has the following indications for use:
- varicose veins of the lower extremities;
- varicose dermatitis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- feeling of heaviness, "fullness" after a working day;
- chronic venous insufficiency;
- swelling and pain in the legs;
- spider veins and nets in the knee area;
- convulsions, paresthesia;
- periphlebitis;
- pain and swelling of a traumatic nature.
Reviews of patients with varicose veins who started using the ointment twice a day on a regular basis report a high therapeutic effect. Often, phlebologists prescribe not only one ointment, but in parallel with it, Troxevasin tablets are also prescribed. This dual treatment is very effective: the manifestations of varicose veins disappear in people even with the second stage of the disease. However, do not flatter yourself: treatment will only help if you remove from life those factors that provoked the appearance of varicose veins.
There are almost no contraindications to the use of the ointment, the exception is an allergic reaction to the main active ingredient or auxiliary components. The patient may develop urticaria, redness of the area of the body on which the ointment was applied. A slight burning sensation when applied is the norm, it indicates that the ointment has begun its action and local blood circulation is accelerated. But if after applying the ointment a person feels pain and burning sensation is too strong, then you should immediately wash it off. Such a reaction is also one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction. If possible, try an ointment with a different therapeutic composition. Phlebologists note that an allergic reaction to Troxevasin appears extremely rarely, however, if it does appear, you will have to change the drug.

"Troxevasin" or "Troxerutin": which is better?
Certainly, today "Troxevasin" is the most popular ointment for the treatment of veins in the legs. But rarely does anyone know what this remedy has.there is an analogue, the composition of which is exactly the same, but the cost is three times lower. This is Troxerutin ointment. Even their names are very similar. The cost of a tube of "Troxerutin" is about 60 rubles (depending on the pharmacy chain, the cost may vary slightly).
It is not surprising that, having learned about the availability of a cheaper analogue, patients think about which drug is better - "Troxevasin" or "Troxerutin"?
Ointments have a similar composition. The main active ingredient is troxerutin. Moreover, both the concentration and the quality of this substance are the same. The frequency of allergic reactions is also about the same.
It is not possible to say unequivocally that one drug is good and the other is worse. Ointments are absolute analogues. Both ointments are used for severe degrees of venous insufficiency, they have pronounced angioprotective, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties. With regular use, they prevent the development of blood clots.
Most patients, after they find out that there is a cheap analogue of Troxevasin - Troxerutin ointment, buy it because of its low cost. Patient reviews report that there is no difference in action. "Troxerutin" is as effective in combating the symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities as "Troxevasin". Alas, a cheap analogue is not always available in pharmacies. Often you have to go around more than one pharmacy in order to save on the purchase of ointment.

"Heparin ointment": instructions for use
"Heparin ointment" has an anticoagulant effect, which promotes different blood circulation in the place where the person applies the ointment. The main active ingredient is sodium heparin. It is thanks to this component that platelet aggregation decreases, inflammation and pain decrease, puffiness noticeably disappears, fibrinolytic properties of blood are activated.
"Heparin ointment" for leg veins is an affordable and inexpensive tool that will help improve the condition of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Patient reviews report that the use of the drug is not associated with side effects, there are practically no cases of an allergic reaction. If suddenly after application you feel a strong burning sensation or even a sharp pain, if a urticaria or a rash of a different nature appears, stop using the ointment. Most likely, this is a manifestation of an allergy to sodium heparin. Although this phenomenon is quite rare, it is still possible. Also, the instructions for the tool contain a rather impressive list of contraindications for use, be sure to read it before you start using it.
This is the cheapest ointment for leg veins - the cost of one tube of 25 g costs about 30 rubles (depending on the pharmacy chain, the price may vary). When used on a regular basis "Heparin ointment" you can get rid of varicose veins at the initial stage. Numerous testimonials prove this.

Diosmin product
This is an ointment for varicose veins on the legs "Phlebodia". The drug has two forms of release - tablets and cream-gel for external application. Phlebologists usually prescribe both forms of release at once: while taking tablets, you should regularly lubricate the affected areas on the legs with ointment. Judging by the feedback from patients, it is this method that allows you to quickly get rid of the problems provoked by varicose veins.
Using the cream-gel "Phlebodia" allows you to get rid of heaviness in the legs, bring the tone of the veins to a better condition, accelerate blood circulation, and partially relieve swelling. Of course, the direct effect depends on the stage of the disease. Patient reviews report that in the later stages of varicose veins, the use of cream-gel helps only partially reduce pain and swelling, and bulging veins can only be removed directly by surgery.
Indications for use:
- development of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities;
- venous expansion caused by varicose veins;
- feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the leg muscles - the initial stage of the development of varicose insufficiency;
- increased capillary fragility;
- appearance of edema and nocturnal muscle cramps;
- impaired lymph outflow.
The main active ingredient of Phlebodia cream-gel is diosmin, which belongs to natural bioflafonoids. Since the composition is partially natural, the possibility of allergic reactions is quite high. Butthe product can be used by pregnant women (except for the first trimester).

"Hepatrombin": instructions for use and reviews
This ointment contains the following active ingredients:
- heparin sodium;
- prednisolone acetate;
- Lauromacrogol 600.
When applied externally, Hepatrombin ointment has a local pronounced antithrombotic (that is, it prevents the formation of blood clots in the veins), anti-exudative and moderate anti-inflammatory action. With regular use, it helps to restore connective tissue in the capillaries and prevents blood coagulation in the nodes in patients with hemorrhoidal disease. It can be used daily for a long time, according to the instructions for use for Hepatrombin ointment. The price of one tube is about 230 rubles.
Contraindications for use:
- bacterial fungal skin lesions;
- syphilis;
- recent vaccination;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- low blood clotting;
- tuberculosis;
- presence of allergic reactions to the components of the ointment.
Expediency of using Vishnevsky ointment for varicose veins
"Vishnevsky balsamic liniment" is suitable for those patients with varicose veins who suffer from the appearance of inflammatory processes. The composition of the ointment includes tar, which has astringents andanti-inflammatory properties. Tribromophenolate, which is also included in the composition, will partially relieve pain and relieve swelling, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Vishnevsky's ointment for inflammation of the veins in the legs is an effective remedy. However, if the disease is still at an early stage, then it would be more appropriate to use Troxevasin, Troxerutin or Heparin Ointment.

"Detralex": instructions for use and reviews
It has several forms of release - these are capsules, tablets and ointment for external use. The manufacturer recommends using both capsules and ointment: such a complex effect can contribute to a complete recovery, especially if the disease is still at an early stage. After the symptoms go away, it is necessary to perform a course of treatment every six months as a relapse prevention.
Ointment for varicose veins on the legs "Detralex" contains a component of diosmin, which has venotonic properties. The main goal of therapy is to reduce the resistance of capillaries in the lower extremities and eliminate venous congestion. The ointment is also actively prescribed by proctologists to their patients with hemorrhoidal disease. By and large, it does not matter in which particular area of the body the affected veins or nodes are located - the therapeutic effect when applying the ointment will be expressed in any case. Which is quite convenient.
"Detralex" can also be used as an ointment for clogged veins in the legs. In order to prevent thrombosis, phlebologistsIt is also recommended to wear compression stockings, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, reduce the load on the lower limbs during the day. The complex of all activities will give a long-term effect.
"Lyoton": instructions for use and reviews
The main indication for the use of this ointment is varicose veins of the lower extremities. Regular use of the product reduces puffiness. You will also notice how the feeling of heaviness in the legs disappears, protruding wreaths become less noticeable. Instructions for use for Lyoton ointment reports that the main active ingredient is sodium heparin. It has already been said above that this substance has anticoagulant properties.
Instructions for use for Lyoton ointment reports that there are the following contraindications for use:
- diseases accompanied by impaired blood coagulation;
- malignant arterial hypertension;
- malignant neoplasms in the liver;
- suspected intracranial hemorrhage;
- condition after spinal cord puncture;
- recent eye, brain, prostate, liver and biliary tract surgery;
- cirrhosis of the liver with esophageal varicose veins;
- threatened miscarriage, childbirth (even recent);
- cerebrovascular aneurysm;
- hemorrhagic stroke;
- dissecting aortic aneurysm;
- antiphospholipid syndrome;
- subacute bacterial endocarditis;
- erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- severe lesions of the liver parenchyma;
- shock states;
- hypersensitivity to heparin.
Reviews of patients about "Lioton" are positive. However, an increasing number of phlebologist patients prefer the usual "Heparin ointment", since it costs less, and the effect of use is the same. Ointments with heparin sodium are especially effective at the beginning of the development of the disease. If you use "Lyoton" or "Heparin ointment" at the first stage of development of varicose veins, then there is a great chance to achieve long-term remission and prevent complications.
In parallel with the use of ointment, the load on the legs should be reduced. It is very good if the patient buys and wears compression stockings or tights every day - they will help to avoid congestion of the veins in the legs. Also, the patient should stop drinking alcohol, as ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the condition of the veins.