Those who have had to deal with cold dermatitis will no longer be able to take low temperatures lightly on clear winter days. After all, all that is needed for the manifestation of such a disease, accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms, is cold. A more detailed study of this disease will help to figure out how to avoid it and, if necessary, overcome it.
Cold dermatitis
This name is used to describe an inflammatory process in the skin that results in redness. The reason for such a reaction of the body is hypothermia of the skin.

Most often, this type of dermatitis manifests itself through red spots, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich itching is felt, and cracks and peeling of the skin appear on their surface.
Cold dermatitis on the face and hands can be easily confused with hives and chickenpox, because, in addition to redness, a rash and swelling are possible. At the same time, such a disease can have more serious consequences than ailments similar to it. In some cases, fainting, shock and even death were recorded.
Main symptoms
Cold dermatitis can be identified bysome of his characteristic features.
First of all, it is worth noting that the reaction of the body may occur a few days after the moment of hypothermia of the skin. But in the end, reddish spots still appear, the shape and size of which can be completely different. These areas feel burning pain and itching.
The process does not end here: a few days later, cracks covered with ichor (sometimes) may appear. Often, people who are faced with such a problem as cold dermatitis have a desire to tear off the crust that has appeared on the affected areas. You don't need to do this. The bottom line is that such formations protect the skin from infection through cracks in the spots.

If we talk about the manifestation of the disease in the hands and in particular the hands, it is worth noting that sometimes this process is accompanied by the formation of eczema. When the face is affected, in addition to spots, there may be accompanying symptoms: discharge of fluid from the nose, and quite intense, and redness of the eyes.
If a person has already experienced a manifestation of the disease and in this state went out into the cold, then there is a risk of disruption of the lungs, which are exposed to low temperatures. Such a complication provokes shortness of breath and even suffocation, but this happens only in extreme cold.
Causes of occurrence
It's a very unpleasant experience to find cold dermatitis on the face. Photos of people who have had this disease are a direct confirmation of this. Therefore there isit makes sense to understand why this disease appears and, if possible, prevent it.
Practically any disease is the result of external or internal factors. As for cold dermatitis, doctors have not yet figured out the source of this ailment, or rather, they have not come to a consensus.
According to one version, red spots on the skin after being in the cold may appear due to the combination of proteins, which subsequently irritate the skin. Also, some experts tend to believe that people with dry skin are more likely to encounter such a problem as cold dermatitis on their hands. You can find out what such an unpleasant problem looks like with the help of photographs.

It is also worth noting that such skin irritation can develop when there is a malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Common causes of the disease can also include a banal violation of the thermoregulation of the skin, which sometimes occurs due to insufficient warming of the hands and lack of face protection in severe frost. But in this case, the positive thing is that the irritation does not last long.
How to diagnose a disease
In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible with such a problem as cold dermatitis, it is necessary to identify this disease as quickly as possible. To do this, of course, you will have to use certain methods that provide high-quality diagnostics.

It will not work to get an accurate result on your own, so you should initially contact a dermatologist who specializes in working with such problems.
To begin with, you will have to pass general urine and blood tests, as well as a detailed analysis, with which you can determine the body's response to various allergens and the state of the immune system. Only after all the data on the patient's condition have been obtained, the doctor, after a thorough examination of the spots, decides on the method of treatment. In some cases, referral to other specialists is even possible.
What you need to know about prevention
In order to prevent the development of a disease such as cold dermatitis in a child and adults, you need to follow certain preventive recommendations.
First of all, according to experts, it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins that improve blood microcirculation and the state of the body as a whole. If you follow this advice, you may not need treatment for cold dermatitis.
The next thing to pay attention to is the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that you need to prepare for winter. Even before the onset of cold weather, it is worth using foods that are a source of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber in your diet. It can be carrots, oatmeal, spinach, liver, chicken eggs, vegetable oil, etc.
As for winter walks, in order to avoid a negative reaction of the skin of the face, it must be covered with a special protective cream. Similarnourishing products can also be used to protect hands.

Exposure to chemistry
Despite the fact that the main cause of irritation on the hands and face in cold weather is low temperature, various aggressive chemicals can also weaken the skin, the influence of which should not be discounted.
This means that you need to take care of the skin when washing, cleaning plumbing or washing dishes. Good protection for hands during such procedures will be rubber gloves.
Do not forget that various creams that moisturize the skin and protect it from exposure to low temperatures can also contain chemical elements that can have a negative effect. Therefore, before you buy various creams at the pharmacy, you should carefully study their composition and take the opportunity to consult.
How the disease manifests itself in children
It is worth knowing that the symptoms of a disease such as cold dermatitis can manifest themselves differently at different ages. If we talk about children, it should be noted that with this disease, their skin becomes covered with red spots, which in most cases begin to peel off.
Localized manifestations of dermatitis in the hands, face, neck, ears and even under the knees. When the child is outside at a low temperature, a whitish rash may also be observed. However, when it enters a warm room, it disappears.

How to protect baby's skin
Toto avoid the development of cold dermatitis in a baby, you should carefully consider the nutrition of the child. Make sure that there are no foods in the diet that can provoke an allergic reaction.
It is also important to periodically ventilate the room. We must not forget about the nourishing cream that can be applied to the hands. It will be useful both as a prophylactic and to neutralize the spots that have appeared. Cornmeal is another product that can help in this situation, it promotes rapid healing of eczema and soothes itching. To obtain the desired effect, it is used to treat the affected areas.
Do not forget about the beneficial effects of competent hardening. We are talking about contrast baths for hands and feet. But they should not last more than 30 seconds.
Importance of treatment
It is enough to look at the symptoms that characterize cold dermatitis (the photos presented to your attention do not show all the "charms" of the disease - they are not able to convey the sensations of a person, such as pain and unbearable itching) to realize: it is not worth delaying treatment with such a diagnosis.
In addition, any allergy to cold, especially in children, according to qualified pediatricians, deserves the most serious approach. That is, parents who have noticed manifestations of dermatitis on the child's body should not hope that such a problem will disappear by itself, they say, the children will outgrow it.
The bottom line is that often the reaction of the body to the cold described above is nothing more than a manifestation of anotherdiseases. And if you start the situation, hoping for a natural solution to the problem that has arisen, then you may encounter complications that are unpleasant for the child and parents.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of such a disease as cold dermatitis (photos will help to recognize it), you need to go for diagnostics and start treatment.
How to overcome illness
So, to neutralize unpleasant symptoms, you must first consult a doctor and then follow his instructions. But if we talk about the principles of general treatment, then you should pay attention to immunity, especially when it comes to children.
It is the weakened defense of the body that can lead to the appearance of red flaky spots on the arms, neck and face. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and give the body the opportunity to recover.
Hardening can be attributed to one of the most effective ways to protect the body from allergies to low temperatures. Therefore, this technique should be practiced by adults who intend to avoid such unpleasant consequences of being in the cold. But even if the symptoms have already made themselves felt, gradual competent hardening should not be excluded from the methods of solving the problem.

When trying to decide how to treat cold dermatitis, you need to remember about such a method of overcoming painful symptoms as antihistamines (groups A, PP, E, etc.). They can be extremely effective, but they can be prescribedonly a doctor. Most likely, you will need treatment with an allergist later to avoid the development of other diseases.
Folk remedies
In addition to the use of medicines that improve blood circulation and microcirculation, it is possible to influence the disease with the help of natural remedies.
An example is raspberry root, which allows you to neutralize cold dermatitis on the hands. Treatment in this case comes down to using 40 grams of these roots, for which you need to pour boiling water over them (2 cups). The broth should be infused for at least half an hour, after which it must be filtered through cheesecloth. Three spoons of this remedy should be drunk before going out and before going to bed.

Egg shells passed through a coffee grinder can also have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition. It should be taken in the amount of one teaspoon after each meal.
Don't forget about horsetail. It will take one teaspoon of dry horsetail, filled with a glass of boiled water. After the drug is infused, the decoction should be taken on an empty stomach every morning.
The manifestation of cold dermatitis is a rather unpleasant condition, which is also fraught with serious complications. For this reason, it would be reckless to treat such a disease lightly. At the first symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor and starting treatment immediately.

Do not forget about the beneficial effects of creamsand other aids. And, of course, it is important to remember a simple principle: if the skin begins to suffer from exposure to cold, it must be protected with warm clothes. Something as simple as warming up thoroughly before going outside in the winter can help avoid many of the discomforts associated with cold dermatitis.