Allergies are often called the plague of the 21st century. It ranks third in the ranking of "The most common diseases of mankind" according to the World He alth Organization. According to these statistics, 10-20 percent of the world's population experiences allergic reactions every year.
Every day a person is surrounded by millions of chemical elements, some of them are alien to the body and can provoke allergies. The main reason for the occurrence of negative reactions of the body is odors. Allergies to flowering, certain types of animals, food are the most common. It is impossible to accurately calculate the number of allergens, any substance can act as an irritant.
What is an allergy?

Allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to the ingestion of an allergen. Every day a person is forced to deal with a large number of chemical compounds and particles. After they enter the body, the process of recognizing the substance for the presence ofdanger. This mechanism helps protect against viruses, bacteria, and toxins. In the event of a threat, the body's immune forces are activated to protect itself. If immunity is depressed or there is a hereditary pathology, then a failure occurs and immune cells attack harmless substances that have entered the body. This process causes allergic reactions.
Is there an allergy to smells?

Science knows non-specific types of allergies: to sunlight, to sweat, to cold, to smell. Physicians call the body's reaction to smells-irritants "hypersensitivity". It is impossible to call this an allergy in the classical sense, since the pathology is not caused by smell, but by the ingestion of irritant particles on the nasal mucosa. Therefore, there is a reaction to certain substances and objects, to cat hair or washing powder.
Causes of odor allergies:
- genetic predisposition;
- problems in the endocrine system;
- serious brain injury;
- depression and stress.
Hay fever

Hay fever (or pollinosis) is a type of allergy to flowering.
Symptoms in adults:
- Allergic rhinitis, expressed in regular sneezing, secretions of liquid mucus from the nasal cavity, swelling of the sinuses. With the addition of an infection, sinusitis or sinusitis may develop.
- Conjunctivitis, characterized by the appearance of lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva, skin itching aroundeyes, photophobia, pain or pressure in the eye sockets.
- Skin rash (urticaria), itching, dermatitis.
- Swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing. May progress to Quincke's edema, bronchitis, asthma.
- Symptoms of an allergy to flowering in adults may be accompanied by: general weakness and fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, headache, changes in body temperature.
Course of illness
Hay fever appears during the flowering period and ends with it, that is, it is seasonal. But there is one exception. People prone to allergic reactions should avoid products such as herbal preparations, honey, alcohol, which is infused with herbs. These foods may contain plant pollen, which is the main cause of pollen allergy symptoms.
Diagnosis of hay fever

At the first sign of hay fever, you should immediately contact a medical facility. And with Quincke's edema, you should immediately call an ambulance. If there is no threat to life, then you need to contact your doctor. After the examination, the specialist may prescribe the patient to undergo additional studies to determine the nature of the allergy.
If symptoms of pollen allergy are present, tests are ordered:
- clinical blood test (in the presence of an allergy in the blood there will be an increased level of eosinophils);
- analysis of nasal secretion;
- sputum analysis;
- analysis of discharge from the conjunctiva;
- blood test,allowing to detect in the blood specific antibodies characteristic of allergies;
- skin tests done to detect the allergen.
Treatment of hay fever
The whole diagnostic process is carried out under the supervision of an allergist. In the event of an allergy, a specialist will select the best method of treatment and prescribe drugs that can provide the best result in the fight against hay fever. Help fight allergies:
- antihistamines ("Tavegil", "Zodak", "Zirtek", "Fenistil");
- corticosteroids for inhalation (Pulmicort, Nazacort, Ingacort));
- anti-inflammatory drugs.
It would not be superfluous to visit an immunologist, as an allergic reaction is closely related to defects in the immune system.

In addition to taking medication, the treatment of flower allergy requires a number of rules:
- Minimizing patient contact with pollen. To do this, during the flowering period of herbs and plants, it is worth refusing to visit places with dense vegetation: greenhouses, flower beds, summer cottages, park areas, forests, etc.
- Regular wet cleaning of premises, at least 2 times a day.
- Rejecting plants at home.
- Exclusion from the diet of foods that can cause cross hay fever: honey, cereals (during flowering).
- Especially difficult is the course of allergy to birch pollen. This is due to the fact that allergies are caused not only by fine pollen and,the proteins it contains. Each type of protein is capable of independently provoking an allergy, and when there are three of them, the disease can be difficult for patients to tolerate and have unpleasant consequences, such as bronchitis or chronic asthma.
In the treatment of such a complex allergic reaction, it is impossible to limit oneself to taking antihistamines alone. In addition, limiting contact with pollen is very difficult, as it has a very small diameter and can hover in the air for long hours.
One of the most popular irritants of this type is common birch pollen. Hyposensitization is an innovative treatment for birch pollen allergy. Its essence lies in the introduction of the allergen under the skin of the patient in small doses under the supervision of an allergist. Over time, the body develops an addiction to the irritant. The duration of treatment varies from 3 months to a year. Treatment is started during the period when the patient cannot come into contact with the allergen - in winter or late autumn.
Allergy to tobacco smoke

The body's negative reaction to tobacco smoke is an allergy to the smell of cigarettes. The reason for the appearance are specific substances released during smoldering tobacco in a cigarette.
The main allergen is nicotine. In addition to it, allergies can cause:
- flavorings included in cigarettes;
- chemical compounds that are used in the processing of tobacco;
- Impregnation of cigarette paper.
The mechanism of the appearance of allergies is this: by inhalationtobacco smoke irritates all the membranes of the respiratory system. With further regular smoking, the mucous membranes slowly thin out, and the immune system of the respiratory tract suffers from constant “attacks of tobacco”. As a result, the body's defenses react inadequately to cigarette smoke and an allergy appears.
Allergy to the smell of tobacco smoke affects both active and passive smokers. The latter have an acute reaction, while active smokers have less symptoms.
Allergy symptoms:
- cough, swelling of the throat and airways, soreness in the nasopharynx;
- runny nose and stuffy nose;
- eye redness and tearing;
- rash accompanied by itching.
These symptoms are not dangerous and are common among 90% of allergy sufferers. It is worth paying close attention to the following manifestations of allergies:
- Swelling of the larynx, which can provoke difficulty breathing, or stop it. This is typical for Quincke's edema. In addition, the face and neck swell. When the first signs appear, you should immediately seek specialized help in an ambulance.
- Anaphylactic shock. Occurs immediately after inhalation of smoke. The patient complains of back pain, confusion, decreased heart rate. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required.
Allergy to perfume

Allergy to the smell of perfume is rare. It affects both men and women equally.
Causethe appearance of an allergic reaction is a high level of human sensitivity to the individual components that make up the perfume composition. Perfume companies do their best to create a fragrant aroma, but this does not always favorably affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. When perfume molecules enter the body, they can cause allergies in people who are predisposed to this disease.
The development of the disease occurs in two scenarios:
- Severe allergies. Accompanied by symptoms: swelling of the larynx, coughing and sneezing, rhinitis, burning on the mucous membranes, rash on the skin and rash.
- Delayed development. In this case, the symptoms may be the same, but less pronounced. External manifestations of allergies will increase with further regular use of perfume.
It is impossible to independently diagnose which of the components of the perfume you are allergic to. But it is worth remembering that more often allergies appear on the sweet smell of tropical plants and tart woody smells.
When allergy symptoms appear, you should stop using perfume. If it is possible to wash off the agent, then this should be done immediately. It is necessary to ventilate the room or go outside. Contact a doctor for help. Perfume allergies are treated with antihistamines, corticosteroids, and vitamin therapy.
Paint allergy

This is a specific type of allergy that affects a large number of people, regardless of gender andage. The smell of paint in the apartment is already unpleasant, and for allergy sufferers it is fraught with consequences.
Paint is a product of the chemical industry. It contains a spectrum of components that the immune system does not properly recognize. As a result, a negative reaction appears.
Allergens included in the paint:
- phenols;
- mercury;
- cadmium;
- lead;
- zinc white, etc.
Wrong is the opinion that eco-paints do not cause allergies. They emit less fumes into the air, but are also capable of provoking an attack of pathology.
Allergy symptoms:
- dizziness, headache;
- suffocation, swelling of the larynx and face;
- watery eyes and stinging feeling;
- itching, skin rashes, peeling and eczema;
- faint.

When signs of allergy appear, stop contact with the irritant, open windows and ventilate.
When anaphylactic shock occurs, the patient should immediately call an ambulance.
Give an antihistamine if possible.
Put the person on the bed so they don't hit their head if they pass out.
Caution should be exercised by people suffering from other forms of allergies, as they are at risk. In this category of people, an allergy to paint develops in 40% of cases.