Seal in the scrotum: possible causes, symptoms, treatment

Seal in the scrotum: possible causes, symptoms, treatment
Seal in the scrotum: possible causes, symptoms, treatment

Few people today will be surprised by the fact that tumors have begun to spread more and more. One of the important reasons for visiting a doctor is a lump in the scrotum. And it does not matter whether it is on the skin or under the skin, what color, whether there is pus or not - you need to literally run to a specialist. At the moment, thanks to modern types of diagnostics, it is possible to determine the cause and directly the disease itself without much difficulty. The sooner treatment is started, the fewer complications will occur during the rehabilitation period.

lump in the scrotum
lump in the scrotum


It is important to understand why there is a lump in the scrotum. Without this, it is impossible to prescribe effective treatment. Such a phenomenon can be a symptom of a benign tumor (lipomas, adenomatoid tumors, cysts, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, and so on), spermatocele, hernia. Of course, a tumor of a malignant nature should not be ruled out. Sometimes, due to torsion of the testicular appendage, a neoplasm can occur. If a man is obese, then he mayfat deposits are observed, due to which the scrotum becomes tuberous. This condition is not considered dangerous and is easily diagnosed using ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.


This disease is rare. The cause is believed to be a congenital defect. This problem is characterized by the growth of lymphatic structures. The first symptoms appear already in childhood. From the symptoms, it is necessary to highlight the seal on the skin of the scrotum, a pink-blue neoplasm. Bubbles form on the skin, lymph oozes out of them. Because of this, a bacterial infection can occur in a person.

The disease is treated only by surgery. Education needs to be removed. After the operation, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-bacterial drugs are prescribed so that a secondary infection does not occur.

lump on the skin of the scrotum
lump on the skin of the scrotum


This problem is a benign tumor. It provokes the proliferation of blood vessels. Often the problem is diagnosed in children. The exact causes of this disease are unknown, but it is believed that they are associated with a gene mutation. In the scrotum, manifestations are present not only on the surface, but also in the internal tissues.

Symptoms are as follows: there is a seal in the scrotum, the child's skin becomes bumpy, the color changes from light pink to burgundy. The size of the tumor can be up to several centimeters.

In addition to the fact that the testicles are compacted, there is pain on palpation in the affected part of the scrotum. Atdiagnosis is important to exclude a malignant process. After confirmation of a benign nature, an operation is performed. In its course, the neoplasm is removed. If there is a seal in the scrotum in the form of a ball, then there is a risk of serious complications. Among these, the destruction of an organ and some others should be noted.

Adenomatoid tumor

This problem occurs in 30% of cases. At risk are men aged 30 to 50 years. The problem is benign and does not turn into cancer. The tumor has an epithelial structure. Among the characteristic symptoms, it is necessary to single out a seal under the scrotum up to 2 cm in diameter, slight pain on palpation, elastic consistency, clear contours, and the absence of vivid symptoms. Treatment is carried out only by surgery.


This problem is also considered quite common. What are the symptoms? Several seals may form under the skin of the scrotum. Their shape is spherical. The cyst is firm to the touch. The size can be from a few millimeters to 5-6 cm. The formation is not painful, does not bring any discomfort, but only if the problem is not running. Sometimes there may be suppuration. In children, cysts may appear as white lumps on the scrotum. The surface of the skin may remain the same, or it may turn red.

Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound. MRI is not always used, since it will be effective only in cases of a high content of calcifications in the formation. Sometimes a biopsy is ordered. The causes of cysts have not yet been studied. There is a version thatthose who have had trauma are more likely to develop them.

thickening under the skin of the scrotum
thickening under the skin of the scrotum


Atheroma is a type of cyst. It affects the sebaceous glands of the skin. May occur due to blockage of the duct of the hair follicle. Provoking factors include trauma or the use of hormonal drugs. To external signs, it should be noted the white color of the skin, sometimes it can become yellow or red. Of the symptoms, there is a seal in the scrotum in men, not cohesion of the formation with he althy tissues.

If infection occurs, the tumor begins to rot. There is swelling, pain, fever, the capsule breaks, and pus comes out.

Fibroma and chondrofibroma are considered varieties of atheroma. The first is formed from fibrous and muscle tissues, and the second from the connective. The tumor is not dangerous to other organs, since it does not grow. The described types of formations are considered rare. Treatment is performed surgically. In order to prevent the development of problems, you need to follow a diet and properly monitor personal hygiene.

ball-shaped lump in the scrotum
ball-shaped lump in the scrotum


This type of tumor is considered one of the most common. Most common in patients 40 to 60 years of age.

There is a seal, it is located near the spermatic cord. The node most often occurs alone. Multiple lesions occur with hereditary problems with the endocrine system. Lipoma can grow up to 4 cm. In advanced cases, its weightis 3 kg. The tumor grows for a long time. If you feel it, you can notice a soft elastic consistency. Most patients claim that there is no pain. The formation is mobile and does not attach to adjacent tissues. The skin will not change its color. There are no pathological discharges.

There are two types of lipoma. They are related to its origin. There are true ones that are considered a birth defect. Rare (less than 1% of known cases). False ones develop due to an inguinal hernia. As for the external differences between these two types of tumors, they are absent.

How the treatment is carried out depends entirely on the size and symptoms. If the formation is small, then the operation is not performed. The doctor only observes the tumor. Lipoma does not develop into a malignant disease. The operation is necessary if there is pain or discomfort in the scrotum, the cosmetic defect itself brings discomfort to the patient. Sometimes a lipoma can develop along with some kind of malignant process. In this case, the operation is also performed.

Hydatid torsion

This disease affects the testicle and appendages. Of the symptoms, pain in the scrotum, translucence of the blue color of the formation, soreness, swelling and redness should be noted. Removal occurs through an operation.

Inguinal-scrotal hernia

If a man has a small lump with a soft structure, then he may have a hernia. It can be both congenital and acquired. Most often occurs in older people. The pathology isthe contents of the peritoneum fall out through the abdominal wall. Obesity, lifting heavy things, regular constipation, constant coughing or sneezing, weakness of the abdominal muscles leads to a similar problem.

Among the symptoms, it should be noted that prolapse can occur in the scrotum itself, thereby increasing its size. Sometimes the contents of the peritoneum remain in the abdomen, localized in its lower part. The defeat is usually unilateral. There is no pain when touched.

During a cough, the hernial sac may increase. This leads to pain that radiates to the thigh or testicle. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that the functioning of the organs that have fallen into the bag is disrupted. When the vessels begin to compress, the testicle becomes inflamed.

Treatment is carried out only by surgery. With the help of a bandage, it is impossible to set it.

lump in the scrotum in men
lump in the scrotum in men


Seminal cyst (the second name of the disease) is formed between the testicle and the epididymis. There may be additional formations that do not bring pain. If the nodes grow, then during intercourse there is pain, while walking too. The texture is soft and elastic. At rest, there is no discomfort. This seal in the scrotum does not develop into a purulent one.

Treatment is carried out only by surgery. An operation is scheduled when the cyst is 1 cm or more in size.


It must be remembered that during self-diagnosis, up to 80% of people reveal signs of cancer in themselves. What does a he althy scrotum look like?men? Her skin is smooth, without defects. The testicles respond painlessly to palpation and have the same consistency. They can be of different sizes. The left is slightly lower than the right.

Doctors recommend self-examination at least once every two months. This should be done after taking a bath, when the organs of the scrotum are relaxed. You need to visually inspect the skin, and then feel the testicles and appendages. Inguinal lymph nodes will not be noticeable even with increased palpation, if they are not inflamed. Thus, if a seal appears in the scrotum, the man will be able to notice it as quickly as possible and start treatment on time. A similar symptom may indicate inflammation or a tumor process. If we are talking about tuberculosis, then the lymph nodes will also be inflamed.

How to check if there is a seal?

You need to stand in front of a mirror. Look at the skin of the testicles to see if there is swelling. Next, you need to carefully move each testicle between your fingers. So it will be possible to understand whether there is a seal. This procedure is harmless. Therefore, every man should do it regularly to be sure of his he alth.

white patches on the scrotum
white patches on the scrotum

When should I see a doctor?

If there is a suspicion of the appearance of seals in the scrotum, you should immediately contact a specialist. At home, it is impossible to understand whether education is harmless, so it is important to conduct an examination as quickly as possible. If there are additional symptoms, the doctor should be informed. If before the appearance of the sealif there was an injury to the testicle or an infection, then you should also say about it.

a child has a lump in the scrotum
a child has a lump in the scrotum


It is important to notice the problem in time and get rid of it. The sooner this happens, the fewer complications will arise. Treatment in most cases is either passive (observation) or surgery. Medicines can only stop the manifestations.
