Green tea from ancient times was used not just as a drink, but was used as a medicine. Today, millions of people around the world drink it. It is also excellently used in medicine and cosmetology.
Properties of green tea
Green tea has many he alth benefits. Thanks to it, you can strengthen and rejuvenate the body. Tea fights against diseases of the liver and kidneys. Many people who are overweight drink it instead of water, as it cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Green tea is especially beneficial for men. Is there any harm from it? It is unlikely, because after conducting research, scientists have proven that tea, due to its beneficial properties, can positively affect the human body.
- Prevents the occurrence of infectious diseases.
- Restores metabolic processes.
- Heals wounds.
- Removes cholesterol.
- Treats arthritis and sclerosis.
- Prevents cancer.
- Used for weight loss.
- Fights against cavities.
- Prophylactic for hypertension.
Due to the presence of vitamin P, regular tea drinking can prevent allergies.

Green tea brewing rules
In order for tea to be beneficial, it must be properly brewed. Water should be at least 85 degrees, if tea is poured with boiling water, then most of the useful components will disappear. The tea is infused for 5-7 minutes, it is recommended to drink tea without sugar.
There are recipes when preparing green tea for men to improve their potency. To do this, combine the drink with walnuts. To restore male strength, you can prepare a decoction of green tea with ginger. To do this, take tea leaves and ground ginger root in equal parts (2 tablespoons each), pour 85 degrees with one liter of water and leave for 15 minutes. You can sweeten the drink with honey.
Everyone knows that being overweight brings only harm to the stronger sex, and the benefits of green tea for men will come in handy here. To get rid of a beer belly, you can try drinking green tea with cinnamon in the morning. This drink promotes blood renewal, reduces appetite.
Tip: tea and cinnamon should be brewed separately, as brewing takes about 10 minutes, and cinnamon reaches its maximum effect after 30 minutes.

Benefits of green tea for men
There are practically no contraindications for drinking this miraculous drink, since it does not cause harm, and the benefits of green tea for men are also well studied. Not in vainThe Chinese drink green tea throughout their lives. These people are well aware that the drink is beneficial, and especially for the male half. Green tea contains a sufficient amount of zinc, which in turn contributes to the good production of testosterone, the male hormone. Without this element, some chemical processes in the body of men are impossible.
Another positive fact is that tea is able to remove dangerous radiation from the body that comes from household appliances - TV, mobile phone, computer, etc.

Harm from green tea
Despite its positive characteristics, the drink is sometimes harmful, and there is no benefit of green tea for men. This applies to those situations if you drink tea in a strong concentration, since such a drink can provoke a sharp drop in pressure. This tea contains caffeine and is not recommended for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.
You should be careful not to consume green tea in astronomical quantities. The benefits and harms for men from this drink are interrelated, and therefore, if you feel unwell after drinking a cup of tea, you should stop drinking it or reduce the dosage of the tea leaves.

Use of tea in folk medicine
Watching how green tea brings positive effects on the body, peoplebegan to use it in traditional medicine.
- If you take one glass of tea twice a day before meals, you can strengthen blood vessels and prevent internal hemorrhages and blood clots.
- When conjunctivitis occurs, the eyes can be wiped with sleeping tea leaves. It is also useful for her to rinse her mouth to strengthen her gums and prevent tooth decay.
- Chilled tea leaves can be moistened with cotton swabs and applied to burns.
- To get rid of colitis, it is recommended to take two tablespoons of strong tea leaves after meals.
- Dysentery can be cured with green tea infusion. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of tea and pour it with one liter of cold water, then put on fire and boil for one hour. Strain the infusion and take two tablespoons 5 times a day.
- If you drink at least one cup of tea a day for one year, you can lose 5-6 kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, you do not need to follow any diets.
You should give preference to natural leaf teas, since there will be no benefit from drinking the drink in bags, and the harm of green tea for men and women will be the same. After all, only tea of poor quality is packaged in bags and there are no useful substances in it.

The effect of green tea on the male body
The article said that the harm and benefits of green tea for men are the same. And yet, its correct use has a positive effect on the entire body. Special attentionshould be given to the effect of tea on potency in men.
As mentioned above, tea contains a large amount of zinc, which is responsible for maintaining potency. But if you drink too strong tea for a long time, then there will be a deterioration in well-being and a certain disorder of sexual function. This is due to the presence of caffeine in green tea. You don’t need to worry about this, just stop drinking tea and all processes will return to normal on their own.

Men who drink this drink suffer less from cardiovascular diseases.
Contraindications for drinking tea
Before you start drinking green tea, you should be aware of your he alth status, since even this miraculous drink has contraindications for use. Studies have shown that the drink is not only beneficial. And the harm of green tea for men (expert reviews say this) is no less.
- It is contraindicated in hypotension (low blood pressure). In this case, it should be consumed in small quantities and low concentration.
- It is also harmful for ulcers and hyperacidity.
- Not recommended for insomnia, tachycardia and increased excitability of the nervous system.
- It is unacceptable to drink tea in large doses, as such consumption of the drink can lead to kidney stones.
This advice should be carefully heeded, because for a long timeGreen tea is known from time to time. The benefits and harms for men at the same time have been thoroughly studied and it is used not only as a pleasant drink, but also for medical purposes.
Legends of green tea
Green tea has been around for a long time, and no one knows where it came from. Therefore, tea is overgrown with legends. Most Interesting:
- In ancient China, a monk lived in a monastery who decided to pray throughout his life without the slightest rest. After a while he got tired and his eyelids closed on their own and he fell asleep. After the monk woke up, his anger was very strong, and without hesitation he took a knife and cut off his eyelids so that they would not close again. According to legend, the eyelids turned into green tea leaves. Therefore, this tea has an invigorating effect.
- In the same China there was a doctor who was fond of medicinal herbs. He collected them, dried them, made all possible decoctions, and experienced the effect of some on himself. Everything worked out for him, but one day he got poisoned. The exhausted doctor walked along the path until he fell under a tree. From the twig, juice began to drip into his open mouth, and after a while he completely recovered. After that, he is considered the discoverer of green tea.
Use of green tea in everyday life
Green tea has found its application in everyday life. If there are no disinfectants at hand and you urgently need to treat the cut, then you can wash the damaged area with strong tea leaves. It contains tannins, which can fully replace hydrogen peroxide.
- Burns resulting fromexposure to sunlight, it is necessary to moisten with a solution of green tea. True, such a recipe is little studied, but it proves its effectiveness in practice.
- Tea helps to cope with diseases of the respiratory system, so it will help to cope with a cold. In addition, they can wash the nasopharynx, like any saline solution. At a temperature it is not recommended to drink it.

The conclusion from this article is that if you drink tea in reasonable quantities, it will only benefit men. Tea originates in China, and everyone knows about the size of the Chinese population - it is simply impossible to count them. They recommend green tea for men. Is there any benefit from it? We can say with confidence - yes!