Multicistosis of the kidney is a rather rare anomaly in the development of the organ. To date, doctors determine this pathology even during the period of intrauterine development of the child during the next screening study of the state of the child's organs at the 12th, 20th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. In a certain situation, multicystic kidney disease can become so severe that it becomes incompatible with the life of a child. This should include bilateral damage to the organ. Such a violation is an absolute indication for medical termination of pregnancy.
So, then we will talk about why multicystic kidney disease develops in the fetus, what clinical picture is observed, how the disease is detected, how such patients are treated, and we will also dwell on the recommendations of doctors on this issue.
Essence of disease

In practice, multicystic kidney disease is not detected very often. As shown by the given statistical data, such an anomaly accounts for only 1% of the possible malformations of the paired organ. Kidneys begin to form in the 3rd month of pregnancy. Under the influence of certain negative factors, a certain failure occurs in this process, as a result of which the departments that secrete urine, as well as the excretory pathways, are unable to unite. Against the background of the fact that polycystic kidney disease has developed, it may happen that the renal pelvis is underdeveloped, and the child's ureter remains without a lumen.
Due to the development of the pathological process, the paired organ, in fact, is a cyst or bag-shaped cavity with different diameters, filled with fluid and walls of connective tissues. If it so happened that the organ still excreted urine that did not go out, then these cysts are filled with urine. A disease such as multicystic kidney disease is discussed very actively on the forums.
Danger of pathology
As possible complications of the indicated disease, doctors distinguish:
- Pressure on nearby organs and nerve endings is increased due to damage to the organ, as well as squeezing of blood vessels.
- The development of peritonitis if the pathological neoplasm ruptures and its contents spill into the abdominal cavity.
- Untreated hypertensive condition.
- Risk of cyst degeneration into a malignant tumor.
Currentpathological process

If there are no complications, then multicystic kidney disease in children can be latent and not manifest in any way. And if the ultrasound of the fetus was not performed on time and the urinary system was not visible, the pathology can be detected quite by accident.
During the first years of life, during one of the routine examinations, the doctor may pay attention to a lumpy formation of a dense consistency on palpation of the abdominal cavity. If, under the influence of the disease, the kidney has increased in size slightly, then palpation will not give any results.
Until the child is 1 year old and the organ continues to grow, signs such as pain in the abdomen or lumbar region, constipation, loss of consciousness in case of compression of the inferior vena cava may appear. Such symptoms do not in any way characterize multicystosis of the right kidney or the left, and therefore there is not always a suspicion of the development of such a disease.
In adulthood, when examining the abdominal organs, the absence or reduction in size of one of the lobes of the organ can be determined in patients. At that stage, while the kidney continues to grow, there is a possibility of complications that require surgical intervention. In this case, we can talk:
- About squeezing vital organs localized in the abdominal cavity or in the retroperitoneal area.
- About the process of suppuration of cysts, which leads to inflammation. Breakup can happencysts, causing their contents to spill into the abdominal cavity and develop peritonitis.
- Quite rarely, but still possible manifestation of such a complication as a hypertensive condition, which is not amenable to drug exposure.
Factors for the development of pathology

Until today, doctors have not been able to determine the exact reason why a multicystic kidney develops in a newborn. Experience shows that this disease is more common in male babies.
The vast majority of experts tend to believe that multicystosis of the left kidney or its right lobe develops as a result of genetic failures that occurred at the stage of organ formation. It should be noted that in practice it is the left-sided organ lesion that is most often diagnosed.
Diagnostic Methods

The key way to diagnose the disease is an ultrasound of the organ. Through such a study, the doctor evaluates the size of the cysts, their number, localization and impact on nearby organs.
After the ultrasound, the patient is sent to the laboratory for urine collection, which will allow to assess the content of leukocytes and proteins in the biomaterial under study.
CBC shows high creatinine and low protein.
In some cases, when the doctor has doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed excretory contrast urography and angiography.
Interpretation of ultrasound results
Relevant changes inkidneys, experts notice during a routine study already in the second trimester of pregnancy. At this stage, experts notice the formation of multiple cysts filled with a secret. Quite often, such an anomaly in development leads to a difficult course of pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, his examination is carried out to confirm the diagnosis.
If we are talking about multicystic kidney disease in an adult, then during the study, calcifications are detected in such patients. Quite often, the indicated pathology is confused with such a diagnosis as "spongy kidney".
Therapy of disease

The treatment regimen depends on how complex each particular case is. If the number of cysts is small, then a puncture is performed to pump out their contents. In a situation where the disease continues to progress, the patient is given a nephrectomy or removal of the affected organ.
This operation is performed under general anesthesia and can be done in the following ways:
- laparoscopic organ excision;
- open operation.
In the first case, several point punctures are made on the patient's body, which are necessary to enter the appropriate equipment. During the operation, not only the affected organ is excised, but also its leg. This method of surgical intervention is considered technically more difficult.
In the second method of surgery, a large incision is made on the patient's body. After the affected kidney is removed, sutures are applied. ATthe patient takes strong painkillers during the postoperative period. Along with this, within a month after the procedure, the patient must wear a special bandage and limit physical activity.
Diet to combat hypertension

As noted above, patients with this disease often suffer from high blood pressure. In this situation, the essence of dietary nutrition will be to minimize s alt intake. Along with this, patients should give up smoking and alcohol consumption, which lead to excitation of the nervous system and intoxication of the body.
At the same time, do not forget that the body constantly requires as much liquid as possible. In this regard, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
Patients with this pathology are advised to limit their protein intake. Experts advise to consume this substance in the amount of 0.8–1.0 g per 1 kg of weight.
Using folk recipes

It should always be remembered that traditional medicine cannot completely replace traditional therapy. However, folk recipes can be an excellent aid to maintain he alth at the proper level.
To combat hypertension, a tincture of peonies, motherwort, hawthorn, peppermint, calendula and wormwood will help. The resulting composition should be consumed daily, 8 drops per day.a few minutes before eating.
Prognosis for disease
For the most part, with such a lesion of the designated organ, the prognosis for the patient is favorable, but only in the case when one kidney is damaged and the activity of the other is compensatory. According to experts, paired organs have the ability to take on a double load. In this situation, the treatment will be to reduce the load on the second organ. Disability can be assigned to such patients in the event that the second organ is affected by the pathological process.
In practice, multicystic kidney disease detected at birth is monitored by specialists until the child is 5 years old. By this age, the general trend of the course of the disease is already determined. In the case of a moderate course and the absence of active cyst growth, the patient remains under the supervision of specialists for life and is required to undergo regular scheduled examinations.
Such a ratio as multicystic kidney and life expectancy has not been fully studied to this day. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of life expectancy with such a pathology. It all depends on the influence of concomitant factors and the presence of complications.
Conclusion and conclusions
To avoid the risk of abnormal formation and development of organs in a child, experts recommend planning a pregnancy. This will greatly facilitate its course and will make it possible to give birth to a completely he althy baby. And this is the only way to protect the child from the need for lifelong treatment.