Not everyone knows that the skin is a human organ, and the largest in size. Its main function is to protect internal organs from chemical and mechanical damage. That is why it is worth taking care of your skin: keep it clean, use different creams and gels, do not expose to radiation, etc.

In addition, the skin has another very important function. It is used as an indicator, i.e. in the event that you get sick, a certain rash or redness may appear on the skin, which will indicate that the body has been infected with some kind of infection. This is why many doctors can diagnose you. It turns out that various kinds of rashes on the skin in adults, although they do not give any pleasure, but have a rather important role - to warn about the presence of an infection in time.
It is important to know that sometimes rashes on the back will have a completely different meaning than on the chest or in the abdomen. Also, the rash is distinguished by shape, size, color and other parameters.
Diseases that cause rashes
There are a number of diseases that cause rashes. These include measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, scabies, etc. In additionIn addition, skin rashes in adults can be a sign of allergies, atopic dermatitis (accompanied by redness and severe itching). Allergy is a specific disease. It's more of a body reaction than a disease. Thus, you can itch when you eat some fruit or feel some kind of smell. And some people cannot even be in the sun or breathe household dust. However, allergies do not always end with itching and rashes, sometimes you can notice tearing, nasal discharge, in difficult cases, a person begins to suffocate.

If skin rashes in adults are accompanied by profuse hemorrhage, this often indicates the presence of very serious diseases, such as leukemia or lupus. This may be due to poor blood clotting. Having noticed such manifestations, you must immediately see a doctor, otherwise the case may end tragically.
It also happens that a rash is not an indicator of illness. You may have noticed the usual irritation. Often, rashes on the breasts are painless. For example, they may appear after swimming in stagnant water. Also, a rash can appear due to excessive sweating. In summer, our body releases a lot of fluid, which is why prickly heat is formed.

It is important to remember that skin rashes in adults should not be treated on their own. Even if the area of redness does not itch or itch, and also does not differ much from the color of your normal skin. At the firstSeek medical attention immediately as the rash can spread throughout the body. It is very difficult to recognize the type of infection at a glance, without special education. Very often, a dermatologist advises to take special tests in order to prescribe the right treatment. It also happens that a person may have several types of rash on the body. This means that you need to undergo complex treatment. In any case, do not wait, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.