It is quite common for people to complain of back pain. Pain is said to be caused by uneven physical activity, a hard day, or fatigue. But is it always like this? Unfortunately, there are cases when such pain is the result of a hernia of the spine. When removal of a hernia of the spine is indicated, we will look into this article.

Hernia of the spine is extremely dangerous, as a result of it a person experiences constant, incessant pain, and harm is done to his internal organs. An incorrect diagnosis can exacerbate this situation, so an accurate diagnosis is essential.
What is a hernia of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and treatment of this pathology, we will consider below. From other diseases with similar symptoms, it can be determined by the following signs:
- there are strong, pronounced pain sensations that do not go away, despitemedical treatment;
- the patient cannot retain feces and urine;
- may cause paralysis of the lower extremities;
- reducing the level of sensitivity in them;
- after a course of treatment equal to three months, the patient's condition does not improve.
If any of these symptoms are present, seek immediate medical attention. You may need urgent removal of a hernia of the spine. Moreover, much attention should be paid to the qualifications of a specialist. It is not uncommon for a doctor, due to inattention, unpreparedness, and unprofessionalism, to make the wrong diagnosis. And the most common misdiagnosis is sciatica. And a mistake in the absence of treatment can lead to paralysis of a person.
This is how dangerous a herniated lumbar spine is. Its symptoms and treatment are, of course, interrelated.

Well, the diagnosis is made. What's next? What are the treatments for spinal hernia? Which of them are the most effective? There are actually quite a few treatments available. It could be:
- therapeutic gymnastics;
- drug treatment;
- manipulation techniques;
- massage;
- wearing a special corset for the back;
- diet;
- folk methods;
- removal of a hernia of the spine.
The use of each of them is due to the individual characteristics of each patient and his general condition. But the best treatment is based on allcontraindicated methods, that is, complex. And it is possible that due to this, removal of a hernia of the spine will not be required.

Indications for hernia surgery
Indications for an operation to remove a hernia of the spine can be relative and absolute. In the first case, it becomes mandatory. Moreover, the operation must be carried out as soon as possible.
And relative indications mean that the previous treatment had no effect on the shift towards recovery, and the operation is still necessary, but not so urgent. It is prescribed if after two months of treatment there are no changes for the better.
Surgery to remove a hernia of the spine can be performed in different ways. Let's list them.
Discectomy is the most outdated type of operation. It consists in the fact that under general anesthesia an incision is made on the skin of the back approximately equal to eight centimeters. After that, the affected spinal disc is completely removed through it, or, if possible, only part of it.
The main disadvantage of this type of operation is that after it the risk of inflammatory processes is extremely high. To prevent them, the patient must be under observation in the hospital for at least ten days and undergo antibiotic therapy.
Judging by the opinions of specialists, the musculoskeletal functions of the spine after surgery return to normal much more slowly than with other typessurgical intervention, due to the fact that during it rather extensive damage is inflicted.
However, this operation has not only disadvantages. The advantages include a small percentage of relapse (3%). This is due to the fact that the affected disk, or part of it, is completely removed.
How much does spinal hernia surgery cost? Its price, judging by the reviews of patients, is low, and starts from 20,000 rubles.
Laminectomy consists in the fact that the patient is removed part of the vertebral arch, to which the nerve ending is pressed with the help of a hernia. As a result of this, according to experts, the patient's rehabilitation takes place quite quickly - within 3 days. In addition, due to the fact that the nerve is released, the patient almost immediately ceases to feel pain.
But there are risks. For example, the risk of infection is quite high. And, more dangerously, there is the possibility of nerve damage during surgery.

Endoscopic removal of a spinal hernia is performed using an endoscope and extremely small instruments. This makes it possible to reduce the size of the incision to a minimum. It is equal to 5 mm. This type of operation is quite famous and popular due to a number of its advantages. First of all, this duration is no more than an hour. As a result, the muscles of the body are not harmed. They are moved apart with the help of a special expander. Based on patient feedback, the patient can go homeThe next day. Recovery of the spine itself takes about three weeks.
But you should also take into account the fact that this operation is not universal. It is not suitable for some types of spinal hernias, and after it the risk of recurrence is quite high (10%). And such an operation, unfortunately, is by no means cheap - its price in clinics reaches 130,000 rubles.
Microdiscectomy is an operation based on neurosurgery. It is performed using the latest instruments and a powerful microscope. A 3-4 cm incision is made on the back of the patient. It should be made in the region of the nerve, which is compressed by a hernia. The herniated disc is removed, leaving the nerve free. Now this operation, according to experts, is one of the most frequently used.
As a result of it, the pain syndrome disappears almost immediately. The patient can leave the medical facility the very next day. He will be able to return to work (so far, of course, not active) in a month. The active one can be started in one and a half to two months.
This operation is generally recommended for those with multiple hernias. Since with the help of it they can be removed during one intervention.
Unfortunately, the recidivism rate reaches 10-15%. And the operation is quite expensive.
Laser removal
Removal of a hernia of the spine with a laser - laser discoplasty - is that with the help of a beam of low power the disc is heated to a certain temperature, which contributes to its recovery. It is not recommended to use such an operation withoutprior consultation with a doctor, without passing the analysis. Moreover, laser surgery is not universal. It, according to experts, is not suitable for all types of hernias.
Complications are likely after this operation, so the patient needs to undergo antibiotic therapy.

Possible Complications
What complications can occur after spinal surgery? They are divided into intraoperative and postoperative. The first occur during the most surgical intervention:
- Nerve may be damaged. Since it is located next to the hernia, it is quite easy to damage it, especially if a discectomy is performed. In this case, after the operation, there may be some problems with sensitivity in the legs, muscle weakness appears.
- Dura mater may be damaged. If the surgeon notices damage during the operation, he will close the gap. Otherwise, after the operation, the patient will have a severe headache, since the cerebrospinal fluid will flow from the spinal canal, which will provoke changes in intracranial pressure. The dura will heal on its own, but this will take some time (approximately 2 weeks).
Postoperative complications can also occur. They are divided into 2 types:
- Early. They are manifested by purulent-septic complications (epiduritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, sepsis) and thromboembolic complications (pulmonary embolism, thrombosis of the veins of the lowerlimbs).
- Late postoperative complications are manifested by recurrence of the intervertebral hernia. Unfortunately, this type of complication is quite common, on average up to 30%. There may also be scarring and adhesions that pinch the nerve, resulting in pain.
If all the rules of rehabilitation are followed, late postoperative complications can be avoided.
Rehabilitation after removal of a hernia of the spine

After some time has passed after the surgery and the stitches are removed, the treatment of the patient will still not be completed. A new stage of actions will begin, a rather large one, and the results of the operation will depend to some extent on it:
- The patient needs to regularly engage in physiotherapy exercises, observe the daily routine, wear a special corset for the back. However, you can not engage in physical activity immediately after surgery. At first, even getting up is necessary with caution, avoiding unnecessary, sudden movements.
- It is not recommended to sit for a month so that the hernia does not form again and compression of the vertebral discs does not occur. It is also impossible to walk and stand for a long time at first. Every hour or two you need to rest your back, lie down for 15 minutes.
- No heavy lifting allowed.
- Moreover, the recovery measures also apply to the bed. Need a special, hard orthopedic mattress.
- You can only shower three days after the operation, but it is not recommended to take a bath in the first month after the stitches have been removed.
- Don't ignore your doctor's appointments.
It must be remembered that relapse does not necessarily occur immediately after surgery. It can also appear long after.
How to do gymnastics?
Gymnastics is very important after removal of a hernia of the spine. It consists of the following exercises:
- Slow knee-bend raises in supine position.
- Raising the pelvis on the legs bent at the knees, lying on the back.
- Legs bent in supine position. Slowly make turns of the legs in one direction and in the other. You need to try to get your knees on the floor.
- Kneeling, leaning on your hands, slowly extend one straight leg back, hold for 30 seconds and change legs.
- Lying on your stomach, alternately raise and hold your legs.

Reviews and consequences of hernia surgery
According to numerous reviews of patients, the described operations, as a rule, go well. Complications are rare. The recovery period takes about six months, after which you can fully live and work again.
According to experts, if all the precautions are taken and all the doctor's recommendations are followed, then the consequences of removing a spinal hernia will be minimal. Of course, much depends on the quality of the operation, as there is a possibility of relapse. But more often than not, everything ends well.