How to make a hookah on wine: features and recommendations

How to make a hookah on wine: features and recommendations
How to make a hookah on wine: features and recommendations

Hookah, invented in India, spread very quickly in the world of Muslims. For them, this is not an ordinary smoking device, but a whole tradition, part of history. The very first appliances were made from walnut shells. Since the 19th century, the hookah has also begun its European procession. Here he began to be considered a luxury item of oriental style. Today they love hookah in Russia too. For us, it has become a fashionable phenomenon. People consider hookah as a way to relieve stress after a hard day at work. It has even been compared to yoga or a tea ceremony in China.

hookah on wine
hookah on wine

Someone considers its smoke not only more pleasant, but also much safer than cigarette smoke. And what is a hookah on wine and how to cook it correctly?

Is it difficult to cook a hookah?

Many lovers of this wonderful device for smoking have switched to wine in the form of a filler only because when it is inhaled, indescribable sensations arise. But finding the right ingredients and proportions is not at all easy. Therefore, they often prefer to smoke a hookah on wine in specialized establishments. You can also try to create it at home. For thisgood wine and hookah smoking experience required.

Classic rules

Follow exactly the step-by-step instructions below, and you will easily make a hookah with wine:

  1. Choose a good quality wine. You need to mix it with water. Knowledgeable people do not advise using pure drinks (vodka, whiskey, etc.), as they drown out tobacco too much. Smoking such a hookah can cause alcohol intoxication, dizziness and even vomiting.
  2. hookah with wine
    hookah with wine
  3. Dilute an alcoholic drink with water to get a good hookah on wine. The proportions are best observed as follows: one to three. Thus, you will get a light and pleasant taste that does not interfere with the perception of tobacco. If the device is prepared for a person who loves to drink, then the proportions of wine and water can be one to one. True, in this case, the taste of tobacco is felt much less clearly (plus alcohol intoxication may occur).
  4. If the water was warm, then cool the solution.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into the hookah flask. The tube of the device should be immersed in the liquid by about 6 centimeters. It is not worth pouring more liquid into the flask, as this will complicate the smoking process. In turn, this difficulty can cause rapid instrument fatigue and general dissatisfaction with the process. In addition, such an immersion depth will allow you to perfectly filter toxins, which means saving the lungs of a smoker. Harmful substances remain in the wine, as in a filter.

It's important to remember

Fornothing more is required to enjoy the process. But it is important to remember: the whole point is not the temperature of the composition or the strict clarity of proportions. You should only use a good alcoholic drink. Choose quality and aromatic wine. Surrogates will not help you make a hookah on wine, reviews of which are usually enthusiastic. In addition, scientists claim that the use of surrogates affects the development of diseases of the oral cavity.

Which wine to buy?

Experts believe that young red wine is best for hookah. This drink, when smoked, emits light vapors and a wonderful aroma, pleasant taste. It is this wine that experts will recommend in the first place. The use of white wine is also not satisfactory, especially if you alternate it with red.

hookah on wine proportions
hookah on wine proportions

Taste sensations change and allow you to get more pleasure from the process. Pink nutmeg and sparkling drinks should be used with great care. A hookah on this type of wine may be interesting from a taste and aroma point of view, but it can be dangerous. These drinks can intoxicate the smoker faster. Fortified wines should also be used very carefully. Maybe it makes sense to dilute them with more water than light alcoholic drinks.

How to make hookah on wine? Choosing Tobacco

As with wine, choose high quality tobacco too. A good flavored tobacco is perfect for a light wine taste (it is better to choose a fruity one). Experts know which tobacco goes well with any kinddrink. So:

  • If you are making hookah with red wine, a mixture of tobacco flavored with chocolate, cherry or plum will do.
  • Strawberry, melon, grapes are suitable for making hookah with white wine.
  • Flavored mint tobacco goes well with sparkling and rose drinks.
  • If you still decide to try a hookah on wine and vodka, then get the highest quality tobacco without flavors.

Important safety rule

It is important to pour out all the spent mixture from the hookah flask after the completion of the smoking process. Wine, which absorbed all the toxic substances of tobacco, became poisonous. By smell and color, the solution is similar to wine, but it can no longer be called such. If you used vodka, then it will simply become cloudy. But in no case should you drink the mixture - this can result in severe poisoning or even death.

Wine is a filter?

Now you know how to make a hookah on wine. To create a good mixture, you need to clearly know what the person wants to get from the process. Incomparable pleasure comes to the smoker with the right combination of tobacco and wine.

how to make hookah on wine
how to make hookah on wine

And yet it is important to remember: even though wine is a kind of filter that absorbs a large amount of toxins found in tobacco, it will not completely save your lungs from problems. They still get toxins, and later this can lead to diseases of the respiratory system.

If you want to make a nice hookah without the use of alcohol, then take fresh juices orteas. Plain drinking water, milk (it softens the smoke), pomegranate juice, cold red hibiscus tea are perfect for smoking.

how to make hookah on wine
how to make hookah on wine

If you put cherries or grapes into the transparent flask of the device (as the ancient oriental hookah connoisseurs did), you can simultaneously enjoy smoking tobacco and playing berries in the vessel.

How to prepare the device for smoking?

The article describes in detail how to cook a hookah with wine. But not everyone knows how to generally prepare the device for its intended use. When you have filled the flask with the mixture, close it tightly. You can also put ice cubes inside. So the smoke will cool faster. Install the shaft on the flask. Then put the saucer on the shaft. It is necessary for used coal, tongs and a lid if hookah smoking takes place outdoors.

wine hookah reviews
wine hookah reviews

The cover will protect the device from the wind. Put the bowl on the saucer and proceed to the most important stage - clogging the machine with tobacco. Do not forget to dry the tobacco well before use (if excess moisture still remains, gently blot it with a napkin). If the tobacco is large, you can even cut it a little with a knife. Be sure to remove sticks and large parts from it. We put tobacco in the bowl, you don’t need to make a slide, but fill it to the brim. Do not tamp the mixture, otherwise you will not achieve smoldering. Next, take the food foil, fold it in half and cover the bowl. Poke a few holes in the foil with a toothpick. If you mount the ring verticallyfoil, and on top - another layer of it (also pierced with a toothpick), you will create an air space in the device. In this case, the tobacco will not burn, but smolder, which is the best suited for smoking a hookah.
