Not so often, but we still hear such a terrible word as necrosis. That this is probably known to everyone. There are a number of reasons why this phenomenon is developing rapidly. In order to figure out how to help a person who, due to one reason or another, has begun to die, we must understand why it occurs and how it can be prevented.
Necrosis. What is this?
Necrosis is the death of tissues or cells in a still living organism. This process goes through several stages:
- necrobiosis;
- paranecrosis;
- cell death;
- autolysis.
At these stages, changes occur in the cytoplasm, nucleus and interstitial substance that cause only necrosis. What are these processes? In the nucleus, wrinkling (karyopyknosis), rupture into clumps (karyorrhexis), and dissolution (karyolysis) occur. In the cytoplasm, coagulation begins, followed by protein denaturation, then plasmorhexis,

plasmolysis. The intermediate substance undergoes fibrinolysis, elastolysis and the formation of lipogranulomas.
Classification of species
Having figured out how necrosis goes, what it is, we have come to sort this phenomenon into categories. It is distinguished by several types of classification. In etiology, allergic, toxic, traumatic, vascular, trophoneurotic necrosis is distinguished.
In pathogenesis, direct and indirect species are distinguished. Direct include toxic and traumatic, and indirect - all the rest. In the clinical and anatomical system, coagulation or dry, colliquation or wet, sequestration, gangrene, infarction are distinguished.
Causes of occurrence
Usually, due to the cessation of blood flow to the tissues or exposure to pathogenic products from viruses, bacteria, necrosis occurs. What else can this disease cause? Destruction of tissue by an agent (physical or chemical), allergic reaction, exposure to too high or too low temperatures. In addition, this symptom is the result of diseases such as syphilis. Necrosis after surgery is also not uncommon.

Sequence of symptoms
After a series of symptoms, if measures are not taken to remove the tissues affected by necrosis, general death occurs, which, in turn, is divided into clinical (reversible) and biological (a social death is possible when the brain dies).
The first signal that something is wrong in the body is a feeling of numbness and a complete lack of sensitivity in the placedefeat. Due to improper circulation, the skin turns pale, then turns blue, blackens, and finally becomes dark green. Necrosis in the lower extremities can manifest itself in fatigue when walking, cramps, and a feeling of cold. The result is atrophic ulcers that do not heal.
Later, the central nervous system, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver begin to malfunction. Immunity is reduced due to emerging blood diseases and anemia. The metabolism is completely upset, exhaustion, hypovitaminosis and overwork appear in full measure.
Tissue necrosis. Treatment
In this case, just lotions and pills will not help. At the first sign or suspicion of necrosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. X-ray and blood tests in the primary stages are not very effective as a diagnostic method. Both of these methods will help to determine only the second and subsequent stages of necrosis. That is why in this case it is worth undergoing an examination on modern equipment (for example, MRI). There are several methods of treatment: sparing, functional and conservative. Only the doctor determines the effectiveness of one or another option in a particular case. So we've covered how necrosis occurs, what it is, and how to diagnose and treat it.