All areas of medicine are very important. One of them is proctology. Diseases of the rectum and large intestine not only spoil a person's life, but in some cases can disable him and even turn into malignant processes. The most common problems in the field of proctology are pathologies such as hemorrhoids and anal fissure. These diseases are evident in very many patients, they occur with the same frequency in both women and men. Often they are the consequences of childbirth, a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, etc. Unfortunately, patients rarely pay attention to these problems, considering them to be the norm or simply embarrassed to go to doctors. More severe conditions, such as paraproctitis, thrombosis, or rectal cancer, are brought to a specialist. It should be remembered that these surgical pathologies often develop against the background of a banal fissure and inflammation of hemorrhoids, so their treatment is simply necessary.

One of the medical institutions dealing with problems of the large intestine is the Institute of Proctology in Moscow. It is there that specialists have been working for many years, developing methods for the treatment and prevention of these pathologies.
Institute of Proctology in Moscow: history of development
The medical institution was opened during the Soviet Union. Over the years, the Institute of Proctology in Moscow has become a leading center in the entire Russian Federation. The medical institution conducts not only scientific research in the field of intestinal diseases, but also medical activities. Specialists working at the institute have been dealing with the problems of proctology for many years. The staff includes 9 professors and 12 doctors of medical sciences, which is one of the guarantees of the quality work of this institution. In one year, about 6 thousand patients receive treatment at the Institute of Coloproctology.
He alth facility services
The Institute of Proctology in Moscow is the main institution dealing with problems of the large intestine. It refers patients whose treatment is not possible in other hospitals due to the complexity of the surgical situation or the lack of medical equipment. Complex operations on the large intestine are performed daily within the walls of the institute. Of these, the following surgical interventions can be distinguished:
institute of proctology in moscow address Hemorrhectomy - removal of inflamed nodes in advanced stages of the disease. The operation is performed by open, closed and submucosal routes.
- Anal fissure removal.
- Opening and drainage of acute paraproctitis.
- Plastic andreconstructive surgery after injuries and surgical interventions on the intestines.
- Correction of developmental anomalies.
- Removal of part of the intestine and adjacent lymph nodes in oncological processes.
- Microsurgical operations on the digestive tract.
In addition to the listed services, the Institute of Proctology provides a high-quality examination of the organs of the lower parts of the large intestine. The medical center is engaged in endoscopic, microbiological, radiation diagnostics. In addition, the institute specializes in diseases of the perineal and pelvic organs.
Structure of a medical facility
The largest institution that specializes in problems of the large intestine in Russia is the Institute of Proctology in Moscow. The address of the medical and scientific institution: Salam Adil Street, 2. The institute operates 6 days a week from 8.00 to 20.00. The day off is Sunday. The institute includes a polyclinic building, as well as specialized departments. Among them are: oncoproctology and gastroenterology rooms. In addition, the medical institution has a large operating unit and a diagnostic department.

How to get into the institute of proctology?
There are various ways to get to a medical facility. The Institute of Proctology is located near the Polezhaevskaya stop, if you go by metro. To get to the clinic for consultation and treatment of diseases, it is necessarypre-register. This can be done by phone: 8 (499) 199-29-63 or via the Internet by going to the official website of the Institute. In order to get a certificate about the services of the institution, you can call: 8 (499) 199-39-01.

Institute of Proctology in Moscow: reviews
The medical institution is one of the most popular clinics in Russia specializing in problems of the lower intestines. Positive feedback about specialists can be obtained not only from patients, but also from doctors of any clinic. The State Institute of Proctology in Moscow has many years of experience in scientific and medical activities. Patients in this medical institution are satisfied with the work of doctors and the service of junior staff. The building of the institute itself also leaves a pleasant impression on patients, thanks to the equipment of the rooms and the modern cozy atmosphere.