Faced with an oncological disease, with the need to receive highly qualified treatment, a person feels confused. Where to turn for help? How to organize therapy? What if the local oncology center cannot offer the necessary treatment? These questions arise in the head of someone who has taken a course in the active fight against oncology. One of the best clinics that can not only help, but also properly organize treatment, is the Cancer Center on Kashirka. A lot of people visit it every year. The statistics are such that treating cancer at an early stage in 90% of cases guarantees a complete recovery.

Cancer Center
Moscow can be proud of a well-known clinic. The Cancer Center on Kashirka is one of the largest institutions of this profile in the world. The center includes four research institutes. Two of them provide medical assistance. research instituteclinical oncology treats adults. The Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology is quite successful, based on worldwide achievements in this field, treating babies.
Research Institute of Clinical Oncology
More than 40 departments are included in the Cancer Center on Kashirka. The departments diagnose and treat all forms of human tumors. Medical assistance is provided mainly in the hospital clinic. For this, all the most modern methods are widely used. The Institute performs all types of surgical treatment known in the world.

The Oncology Center performs operations on the peritoneum and chest for tumors of the lungs, stomach, and esophagus. And quite successfully.
The Institute practices world-wide accepted salvage surgery for the following diseases:
- intestinal tumor;
- breast cancer;
- sarcoma of limb;
- gynecological tumors.
During surgery on limbs, bones are simultaneously replaced. With head tumors that disfigure the face, operations are not only radical, but also restorative.
A new method of surgical intervention has been introduced - video-surgical, which allows to avoid extensive incisions, blood loss, and therefore reduce trauma.
Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology
The institute has two departments: a polyclinic and a hospital. The advisory polyclinic comprehensively examines children for all types of neoplasms. The day hospital is intended for outpatient treatment. Suchlike chemotherapy, external beam radiation therapy. All types of complex treatment accepted in the world are successfully applied at the Institute. The Children's Cancer Center on Kashirka provides therapy that corresponds to the level of world achievements.

In addition, the rehabilitation department has implemented a comprehensive program for the psychological and physical recovery of disabled children.
Center activities
In addition to treatment, the Cancer Center on Kashirka works in other areas. Every day, research is being carried out, new methods are being developed to combat this terrible disease.
Today the Center works in the following directions:
- development of new methods of research and definition of diseases;
- creation of modern systems for the prevention and prevention of tumor formation;
- studying the structure to identify factors that provoke and slow down the growth of cancer cells;
- new technologies of surgical treatment are being developed;
- specialized medical care is provided to patients with tumors of all types and stages;
- diagnostic and preventive research for the treatment of pediatric oncology is widely conducted;
- the latest equipment and technologies are being introduced;
- exploring causes of bursts of cancer;
- careful training of new personnel is underway.
Modern research in the field of biochemistry, a detailed study of molecular biology, genetics allow a very accurate diagnosis, and therefore,choose the best treatment. Tumor tissues are studied according to 130 parameters in order to develop the only correct therapy regimen. After all, even breast cancer has more than 20 varieties. They all behave differently.

In addition, the Cancer Center has published a lot of materials on methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention. Such literature is intended to provide answers to questions that concern most people.
How to get to the Center
To get a referral, you need to write an application to the head doctor at your local hospital. Be sure to call the Cancer Center on Kashirka and clarify the entire list of required documents.
If the stage of oncological disease is severe, you must contact the Center's department. You will be required to fax your latest medical record for review by the superintendent. In a few days, an answer will be given on the decision to accept such a patient.

However, referral does not apply to mandatory documents. Most often, patients enter the Center without it.
Admission conditions
Any citizen of Russia has the opportunity to turn to the cancer center for help. A mandatory condition for those wishing to be treated in the clinic is a complete examination. It is provided by the polyclinic of the Cancer Center on Kashirka.
Patients with malignant neoplasms are examined. And then they are treated in the clinic for free.
Patients with benign tumorspaid treatment is provided at the established rates of the cancer center.

Foreigners and citizens of the CIS can receive a consultation, examination and appropriate treatment only on a paid basis, which is included in the tariffication of the clinic.
Official site
The official portal contains all the necessary information about work, employees, methods of treatment, conditions for admission to the Cancer Center on Kashirka. The site will be especially useful in the "Statistics" section for those patients who hesitate in making a decision. The figures expressed as a percentage clearly indicate an excellent cure rate for various cancers.
Reviews about the Center
Numerous reviews, both positive and somewhat cutting the ear, say only one thing - the cancer center is very popular. Those who recovered from a serious illness within the walls of the clinic, of course, thank the doctors, enthusiastically praise the Cancer Center on Kashirka. The reviews of those whose relatives did not overcome the disease contain angry accusations. This can be understood, but it should be taken into account that a 100% cure for cancer has not yet been found, and oncology is one of the most common causes of death in recent times.

Where to be treated: abroad or in Russia?
Most of the patients, faced with a disappointing diagnosis, are looking for clinics abroad, refusing on principle the help of our specialists. They say that abroad both conditions are better, and the attitude towardspatients.
Today, the development of medicine in Russia is taking big steps. All high-tech care is provided to patients. And often the results exceed the European level. It was within the walls of the Center that a unique technique was created - cryotherapy. This is cold therapy. And if you look at the statistics of pediatric oncology, then there is pride in our doctors. Eighty percent of children with malignant neoplasms are completely cured!

Another reason to choose treatment in Russia is doctors. Highly qualified people with extensive experience, only they undertake the most complex operations, which other clinics most often refuse. The results are usually successful and resound all over the world.
Instead of a conclusion
"Oncology" is a word that carries the pain of millions of people around the world. But at the same time, this is the life of thousands of people who follow their calling as a doctor. They devote many years to confronting a terrible disease. A huge complex, which includes 38 buildings, which is popularly called simply the Cancer Center on Kashirka, has become a symbol of the cure for cancer.