Spine ultrasound: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Spine ultrasound: advantages and disadvantages of the method
Spine ultrasound: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Ultrasound is a popular, highly informative, affordable type of visualization of soft tissues and bone structures. With the development of technology, the possibilities of the method improved. Today, the devices are adapted for a detailed study of almost all organs of the body, including the opportunity to make ultrasound of almost all parts of the spine.

A little about the spine

Pain in the myocardium, shortness of breath or stiffness of movement are not always associated with failures occurring in a particular organ. A frequent manifestation of various syndromes are disorders in the spine. The structure of the supporting bone structure of the human body includes a set of vertebrae connected by discs that provide soft cushioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The spinal cord is laid inside the spine, from which an extensive and all-pervading nervous system branches. There are also large blood vessels that provide organs and tissues with blood, nutrients, and oxygen. The slightest violation of the spinal column in any part of itlead to consequences for the whole organism. To identify the causes of the pathologies that have arisen in the complex of diagnostic measures, an ultrasound of the spine is done.

ultrasound of the lumbar spine
ultrasound of the lumbar spine

When do you need an ultrasound

Indications for study:

  • Pain in any part of the spine, pain in certain organs with an unknown source, subject to a preliminary study of the desired organ.
  • Dizziness and frequent headaches.
  • Changes in gait, posture caused by diseases of the bone, ligament tissue (kyphosis, scoliosis, etc.).
  • Conditions after accidents, spinal surgeries.
  • Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, not associated with vascular pathologies.
  • Decrease in vision, hearing without obvious prerequisites.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the limbs - burning, lowering the temperature of the hands, feet, indications, nervous tic, etc.
  • Persistent or recurrent joint pain.
  • Decrease in memory, concentration, distraction.
  • Pathologies of the spinal cord, tears and sprains of the ligamentous tissue.
  • Rheumatic conditions, breathing problems, etc.
do an ultrasound of the spine
do an ultrasound of the spine


To diagnose the condition of the spine, a two-dimensional ultrasound of the spine is most often required. This type of examination is often prescribed and gives a complete picture of the state of the spinal column. In the presence of special pathologies or to clarify some anatomical features in preparation for surgical interventionsa 3- or 4-dimensional study is carried out, allowing you to see the problem area from all angles and features.

It is usually not necessary to conduct a full ultrasound examination of all parts of the spine at a time, diagnostics are carried out for any one area on which the patient's complaints are concentrated.

Spine ultrasound what shows?

  • Degenerative changes (osteochondrosis). Ultrasound examination demonstrates the degree of dystrophy of the intervertebral discs, connective tissue, allows you to determine the presence of osteophytes, compression of the vessels of the coronary system.
  • Presence and size of protrusion - rupture or integrity of the fibrous ring, the degree of disc protrusion (less than 0.9 cm - no pathology).
  • Spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebral discs relative to the common axis and neighboring discs. The specialist assesses the degree of damage to the nerve endings.
  • Herniated discs - it is possible to measure the size of the protrusion of the disc (more than 0.9 cm - the presence of a hernia is diagnosed), rupture of the fibrous ring, the formation of a hernia, clamping of the nerve roots.
  • Pathologies and anatomical features of the cervical arteries.
  • The condition of the ligaments of the spine.
  • Various injuries, soft tissue ruptures, fractures, cracks, dislocations in the spine.
  • Cervical stenosis - the lumen of the vessels, the general condition of the veins and nerve endings.

Diagnosis takes no more than 15 minutes. During the scan, the specialist may ask questions to the patient to clarify some details. This approach is welcome and gives a more accuratepicture to form a diagnosis.

ultrasound of the cervical spine that shows
ultrasound of the cervical spine that shows

Ultrasound of the cervical region

Examination of the cervical spine does not require any preparation, has no contraindications. Diagnosis is carried out in a sitting position or, if necessary, lying down. As with a standard hardware study by this method, a colorless contact gel is applied to the surface of the skin. The specialist diagnoses using a special sensor, passing it along the front of the neck.

Ultrasound of the cervical spine allows you to visualize intervertebral discs, nerve endings, veins and blood vessels, ligaments and surrounding tissues on the monitor screen. The image is transmitted in black and white. To diagnose osteochondrosis, tests are carried out - flexion and extension of the neck in the maximum range, this allows you to consider the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, the condition of the intervertebral discs.

Consider pathology

Diagnosis is informative. A specialist, according to the data received, can determine many anomalies - deviations from the norm, features, threats. Based on the overall picture, the doctor prescribes additional studies that clarify the ultrasound of the cervical spine.

ultrasound of the spine
ultrasound of the spine

What shows:

  • Congenital pathologies, features, defects in this part of the spinal column.
  • Degenerative, age-related, acquired changes in the intervertebral tissue.
  • Protrusions, hernias, neoplasms of intervertebral discs.
  • Section changesspinal canal.
  • Presence or absence of defects in the lining of the spinal cord.
  • Ligament tissue disorders, vertebral instability.
  • Losses of the central vertebral artery, spinal nerves.

Lumbar Examination - Preparation

For an ultrasound of the lumbar spine, the patient should be in the supine position. The study is carried out with a sensor through the anterior abdominal wall. This type of diagnosis requires preliminary preparation. Within 3 days before the appointed day of diagnosis, the patient excludes some foods from the diet:

  • Beans.
  • Soda drinks.
  • Dairy.
  • Freshly baked yeast bread.
  • Restricts the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits.
ultrasound of the cervical spine
ultrasound of the cervical spine

Dietary changes are designed to reduce the process of gas formation in the intestines. As an additional measure, it is recommended to take pharmacological preparations - Espumizan or activated charcoal to suppress flatulence. Ultrasound of the spine (lumbar) is performed in the morning, the patient must come to the office on an empty stomach (5-8 hours without food).

What's in the conclusion

At the slightest pain in the lower back, you should consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound of the lumbar spine.

What research shows:

  • Rheumatoid synovitis.
  • Developmental pathologies (scoliosis, lordosis, etc.).
  • Pathologies caused by age-related changes in the bones,discs, ligaments.
  • Changes in the intervertebral discs (hernia, protrusion).
  • Allows you to evaluate the spinal canal, the condition of the spinal cord and its membranes, nerve endings.
  • Detect birth injuries, pathologies and developmental anomalies.
  • Neoplasms of various etiologies.
  • Inflammation of the ligamentous tissue (yellow ligament).

Spine ultrasound is not a study on the basis of which a final diagnosis is established. To obtain a complete picture of the state of any part of the spine, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests, a series of tests, samples, and hardware diagnostics. What kind of research methods will be required to determine the cause and consequences of the disease, the doctor establishes, based on intermediate data and suspicions of the presence of a particular pathology.

ultrasound of the spine that shows
ultrasound of the spine that shows


For lower back pain, the patient is often prescribed an examination of another area of the spine - the sacrum. This type of research has become available relatively recently and allows you to identify the following range of problems:

  • Instability or stability of the vertebrae.
  • Disk offsets.
  • Lumbosacral injuries.
  • Compression of the vertebrae and cartilage.

Diagnostic measures are designed to assess the condition of the spine in this department, monitor the course of therapy, and identify pathologies.

Where to get an ultrasound

Today, ultrasound equipment can be found in almost any clinic. Thisthe technique is simple to implement, very informative, and therefore specialists in many cases turn to its help. You can do an ultrasound of the spine in public clinics, private consultative and diagnostic centers or in inpatient departments of large hospitals.

Ultrasound diagnostics is an absolutely safe way to get a large amount of information about many internal organs, systems and processes. This type of research has no contraindications, it is prescribed for pregnant women and infants.

ultrasound of the lumbar spine
ultrasound of the lumbar spine

Ultrasound method and modern technical support make it possible to examine almost all parts of the body, displaying the image on the monitor screen. Unfortunately, the study of the thoracic spine is not yet available. Experts are working on the development of the sensor, it is likely that soon ultrasound scanning will be possible for this area of the spinal column.

The main task of the patient is to find a specialist who can reliably decipher the results and give them a correct assessment.
