Neurosis of the pharynx: symptoms and treatment

Neurosis of the pharynx: symptoms and treatment
Neurosis of the pharynx: symptoms and treatment

No wonder there is an opinion that all diseases are caused by nerves. This system of the body really often becomes the cause of many pathologies. One of them is a neurosis of the pharynx. There are quite a few varieties of this disorder.

Description of neurosis of the pharynx

Neurosis of the pharynx is a disease in which the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the funnel-shaped canal, which connects the nasal and oral cavities with the larynx and esophagus, changes greatly. Pathology affects the nerve nodes. The disease is most often psychological in nature. Pathology occurs in children quite rarely, usually the disease affects people who have crossed the 20-year milestone. The treatment of the disease is mainly done by a neuropathologist.

neurosis of the pharynx
neurosis of the pharynx

Types of neurosis

Neurosis of the pharynx has several varieties. Each has its own symptoms and requires specific treatment. Neurosis comes in three forms:

  1. Anesthesia of the pharynx. The disease is characterized by a decrease or complete absence of mucosal sensitivity. At the same time, the process of swallowing is disturbed. Urgent medical attention is needed, as a person can easily choke on food or choke on liquid.
  2. Hyperesthesia. Neurosis is manifested by excessive sensitivity of the mucosa. Any food and liquids can be consumed. But swallowing is difficult, it is difficult for the patient to talk. The aggravation of this form of neurosis occurs due to disorders of the nervous system, stress, strong feelings, etc. During an attack, a person may even suffocate. But all symptoms disappear as suddenly as they appear.
  3. Paresthesia. Occurs only on a psychological background. There is a feeling of "lump" in the throat, itching and other symptoms. Pathology is most often manifested in irritable people and in women during menopause.

Causes of disease

Each form of neurosis has its own causes.

Anesthesia most often begins against the background of a brain tumor, syphilis or a severe flu. The most common cause of neurosis is hysteria.

neurosis of the pharynx treatment
neurosis of the pharynx treatment

Hyperesthesia appears as a result of chronic pathologies of the throat or severe nervous shock. Paresthesia appears mainly in mentally unbalanced people. There is also a general list of causes of pharyngeal neurosis:

  • unexpected severe stress (dismissal from work, death of loved ones, etc.);
  • depression;
  • exhausting and long loads (delivery of reports, work "for wear", etc.);
  • working with people that requires great psychological endurance;
  • chronic diseases (gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc.);
  • anxiety and personality disorders;
  • disruption of normal sleep;
  • paralysis;
  • side effectsmedicines;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • oncological diseases of the brain and its membranes;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • smoking;
  • sclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • working with chemicals, dust, hazardous conditions;
  • neurasthenia due to emotional exhaustion;
  • hidden aggression towards someone;
  • sharp mood swings, when weakness is replaced by excitement, tearfulness - unbridled joy, etc.

Often the neurosis of the pharynx appears after past infections (tonsillitis, SARS). In these cases, treatment is not required, as the disease resolves simultaneously with the underlying cause.


After the disruption of the nervous system, a neurosis of the pharynx appears. The symptoms can be very varied. Among the main ones stand out:

  1. Sensation of dryness in the throat. There may be coughing. This is often provoked by an itchy throat, a feeling of a hair stuck in it, a burning sensation. Cough not only physically exhausts a person, emotional and mental imbalance is added at the same time. Irritability appears.
  2. Often in patients with neurosis of the pharynx, a “lump” is felt in it. As a result, a person refuses food, his appetite decreases. Depression sets in, mood worsens, and all this only aggravates the disease.
  3. Complete loss of voice (aphonia) or hoarseness. These are also common symptoms of neurosis. Changes in timbre, voice, its hoarseness are mainly provoked by colds. Sometimes these symptoms persist for up to threeweeks. Aphonia can also begin against the background of a hysterical seizure. This symptom has an “imaginary” variety, when a person speaks normally when laughing and coughing, and only whispers when at rest.

Symptoms of neurosis of the pharynx also include disorders in the form of suffocation, thickening of the neck, the appearance of "bumps" in it. A person becomes tearful, insomnia, tachycardia appear. The patient begins to sweat profusely. Characteristic signs are overexcitability, irritability, weakening of logical thinking.

Some patients react painfully to bright light, sharp sounds. There is a breakdown and migraine. Children's neurosis may be accompanied by urinary incontinence (especially at night), stuttering.

home treatment for neurosis of the pharynx
home treatment for neurosis of the pharynx


Different methods are used to diagnose neurosis of the pharynx. Determining the form of the disease is a lengthy process. Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that symptoms of other pathologies appear in parallel. The initial examination is carried out by an otolaryngologist. To make an accurate diagnosis is assigned:

  • biochemical study;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes;
  • MRI and CT of the larynx;
  • blood sampling for thyroid hormones;
  • USDG of the brain and blood vessels;
  • X-ray of the larynx and lungs;
  • tomography;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy of duodenum and stomach.

At the same time, the patient is examined by an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist and a therapist. Consultations are being heldpsychiatrist and neurologist. Only against the background of all the data obtained, an accurate diagnosis is made.

how to treat neurosis of the pharynx
how to treat neurosis of the pharynx

Complex treatment

When a neurosis of the pharynx is determined, the treatment should be comprehensive. It is assigned strictly individually. Most often, therapy is carried out by psychotherapists or neurologists, since the nature of the pathologies is in the field of disruption of the nervous system.

Special classes and conversations are held with the patient. Group therapy and hypnosis can be applied. All this helps to relieve symptoms if the disease has developed on a nervous basis. A favorable environment is created: daily walks in the fresh air, a clear daily routine, good sleep, etc.

Treatment is prescribed in sanatoriums where there are hot springs, balneotherapy, Charcot's shower or circular. All this helps to relieve irritability, calms the nervous system, relieves inflammation.

How to treat neurosis of the pharynx with medication? Basically, doctors prescribe several groups of drugs:

  • antidepressants that restore the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin ("Coaxil", "Citalopram");
  • tranquilizers to relieve anxiety, improve sleep, appetite and blood circulation ("Afobazol", "Mebikar");
  • neuroleptics with a sedative effect, relieving excessive arousal and bouts of hysteria ("Truxal", "Aminazin").

In severe form of neurosis of the pharynx, "Clonazepam" and "Phenazepam" are prescribed,"Mezapam". But these drugs are taken in small doses and with great care, as they are highly addictive and have poor withdrawal symptoms. The patient may begin insomnia, panic, weakness. The drug "Grandaxin" is prohibited for mental disorders and depression. Otherwise, taking it may cause suicidal attempts.

how to get rid of neurosis of the pharynx
how to get rid of neurosis of the pharynx

Vitamin complexes are prescribed. If the cause of neurosis is diphtheria, a special serum is injected. In infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Malignant tumors are removed surgically. If diseases of the spine became the cause of neurosis, massage, physiotherapy exercises and swimming are prescribed. Novocaine blockades are put. Electrophoresis is prescribed.

Treatment at home

Treatment at home of neurosis of the pharynx is carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor. He will establish the causes of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy. Home treatments are mainly sedatives, anti-anxiety drugs and herbs.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke, work in harmful conditions. It is necessary to adhere to the correct diet. Spicy, too cold and hot dishes are excluded from the diet. Food should be rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. We need proper rest and sports.

neurosis of the pharynx symptoms
neurosis of the pharynx symptoms

Therapy with folk methods

How to get rid ofneurosis of the pharynx with the help of traditional medicine? Peppermint helps relieve stress and has a calming effect. The leaves of the plant are added to tea or a decoction is made from them. Tinctures with thyme or garlic oil help well. The first is drunk 15 g 3 times a day. For this, a tablespoon of thyme is infused in half a glass of alcohol. Garlic oil tincture is rubbed into whiskey 2 times daily.

Decoction is made from willow bark. A tablespoon of bark is poured with a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk 4 times a day, one tablespoon each.

For compresses, fresh horseradish is taken. It is rubbed and applied for a few minutes to the throat. From above, the mass is covered with cellophane and a warm cloth (preferably woolen). Calming herbs:

  • prickly hawthorn;
  • ginseng;
  • five-lobed motherwort;
  • spring adonis;
  • oregano;
  • blood red hawthorn;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • melissa;
  • dope;
  • Aralia Manchurian.
neurosis of the pharynx reviews
neurosis of the pharynx reviews

There are many more traditional medicine recipes that can help cope with the disease. What do people say about them? How is neurosis of the pharynx treated? Reviews describe the rapid positive dynamics of recovery. But we must remember that traditional medicine is only an addition to complex therapy. In order to avoid complications or improper treatment, a doctor's consultation is required initially.

Refer toa specialist is necessary at the first signs of the disease. In this case, the treatment will not be long and will bring a positive result. You can not run any viral and infectious diseases that can cause neurosis of the pharynx. It is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle and avoid any stressful situations.
