Treatment, prevention and causes of cervicitis

Treatment, prevention and causes of cervicitis
Treatment, prevention and causes of cervicitis

Cervicitis is a female disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the cervix and lower vagina. As a rule, the disease is caused by sexually transmitted infections and improper use of vaginal contraceptives. Consider the causes of cervicitis, how to treat it and prevent it.

causes of cervicitis
causes of cervicitis

What is the danger?

Cervicitis is a rather dangerous disease, because its initial stages, treatable, are asymptomatic, which makes it possible to diagnose only after passing a series of tests. After a while, the disease takes on a chronic form, which can only be eliminated by removing the uterus, since inflammation in cervicitis eventually affects neighboring organs and tissues, disrupting their proper functioning.

Cervicitis symptoms

As for the symptoms, they are the same as with other diseases of the female reproductive system: cutting, stabbing or any other pain in the abdomen, mainly from below, discomfort during urination and sexualact. Purulent and bloody discharge between periods, after menopause, or after sexual intercourse.

Causes of cervicitis

  1. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The cervix plays an important role in protecting against the penetration of microbes into the uterus itself, so if a woman already has diseases such as chlamydia or
  2. gonococcal cervicitis
    gonococcal cervicitis

    gonorrhea, it is impossible to avoid inflammation.

  3. Allergic to medications and condom lubricants.
  4. Bacterial vaginitis, which provokes the growth of a huge number of bacteria that the body cannot cope with.
  5. A large number of sexual partners.
  6. Unprotected intercourse.
  7. Intense sex leading to cervical injury.
  8. Begin sexual activity before menstruation.
  9. The partner has a sexually transmitted disease.

These are not all causes of cervicitis, since most of them can only be detected after appropriate tests (smear for infection, analysis for STIs).

Treatment and prevention of cervicitis

If a woman is diagnosed with cervicitis, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, because over time the disease can lead to complications in the form of infertility, fibroids and even cancer. Basically, doctors prescribe the following groups of medicines:

- Antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Since cervicitis is an infection caused by fungi and microbes,treatment should be aimed at their destruction (drugs "Acyclovir", "Diflucan", "Metronidazole" and others).

treatment and prevention of cervicitis
treatment and prevention of cervicitis

- Preparations of combined action that have a beneficial effect not only on the cervix, but also on the vaginal microflora in general (Terzhinan preparation).

- Hormonal preparations. They are most often used when gonococcal cervicitis is detected - the depletion of the mucous membranes of the vagina by microbes. It normalizes the microflora and brings the level of microorganisms back to normal (for example, Ovestin).

With regard to prevention, gynecologists recommend regular hygiene, sex life with one proven partner, non-intense sexual intercourse and regular examination, which will help determine the presence of the disease in the body and identify the causes of cervicitis.
