Tea tree oil for herpes: instructions for use, reviews

Tea tree oil for herpes: instructions for use, reviews
Tea tree oil for herpes: instructions for use, reviews

The symptoms of herpes are familiar to almost everyone. Here an itchy spot appeared on the lip, now it began to grow. Most often this phenomenon is called a cold. In fact, there can be many reasons for its appearance. In addition to the root cause (virus), weakened immunity and stress play a role.

There are quite a few special drugs that are designed to help in the fight against the manifestations of this disease. But their cost is usually quite high. Therefore, it makes sense to turn to natural, natural preparations for help. One of these is tea tree oil. For herpes, it is used by men and women, in the absence of an allergic reaction, it can also be used in children.

tea tree essential oil for herpes
tea tree essential oil for herpes

Key Features

Do not forget that a rash on the lips is only an externalmanifestation of the problem. Almost every one of us is a carrier of the virus. Therefore, tea tree oil for herpes can only be considered as a remedy for combating external manifestations, and not with their causes.

But despite this, folk healers and healers have been using it for hundreds of years with great success to heal sores on the lips of their patients. The unique composition of the oil allows it to remain one of the most popular means to combat herpes today. It is extracted from green tea leaves. It is natural and safe.

herpes in the intimate area in women
herpes in the intimate area in women

List of benefits of tea tree oil

It is not used for herpes for the first day, and many people use it as the only effective remedy. List of virtues:

  1. This is an antiseptic. It perfectly stimulates the immune system. This is exactly what is needed to help your body keep the herpes virus under control and block its reproduction.
  2. Active substances are able to resist staphylococcus.
  3. The oil has the ability to thin phlegm in the bronchi and lungs.
  4. Has a wound healing property.

The presence of active ingredients allows you to effectively use tea tree oil for herpes. In dermatology and cosmetology, it is used with great success to treat eczema, acne, to heal wounds and get rid of various skin infections. Doctors use it with great success to combat various skin ailments, including seborrhea and many other problems. So get armedand use. Moreover, one bottle will last for a long time.

Use with care

Essential oils can have a strong effect on the skin due to the large number of active ingredients. Treatment of herpes with tea tree oil can be carried out using concentrated ether in its pure form. The effect of this will be stronger, but first you need to do a sensitivity test. That is, apply to the skin and see what the reaction will be.

Slight warmth and tingling may be normal. But severe redness, swelling, rash indicates an allergic reaction. Then the use of this tool should be abandoned. If irritation occurs, you can use it in combination with base oils (soybean, olive, sunflower).

herpes treatment with tea tree oil
herpes treatment with tea tree oil

Effect on herpes

As already mentioned, oil cannot do anything with the virus itself. But pretty quickly it will remove all the symptoms and allow you to return to normal life. The effectiveness of tea tree oil for herpes on the lip has been studied by doctors. It was concluded that the result is not at all a coincidence or placebo. It can be used at any stage of rashes. But during the appearance of water papules, it will be the least effective. Best to use it:

  1. At the initial stage, when itching and redness just appeared. In this case, it is likely that the disease will recede and not develop further.
  2. When all the bubbles have already burst and painfulsores.

If you skipped the first step and only noticed when a water bubble appeared, you can still apply ether. It will penetrate the skin and have an antibacterial effect. In this case, you can not expect a quick recovery of the skin, but the pain will become less pronounced.

How to use

Usually pharmacies sell 5% oil solution. This is exactly what is needed for the treatment of herpes. It is applied to a cotton swab or stick. The first time, a tingling sensation is acceptable, which will soon pass. Soon the skin will get used to the new medicine and stop responding to it. But if the feeling is strong, wash off the oil immediately and apply an antihistamine ointment.

If bubbles have already appeared, it is recommended to change the method of treatment. The main component remains the same, just add a few auxiliary components to it. Take the following ingredients:

  1. Oil - half a teaspoon.
  2. Some liquid honey.
  3. Teaspoon of aloe juice.

Mix everything well. Before applying, the composition should be slightly warmed up and applied to damaged skin. Do not forget that tea tree essential oil for herpes should be used systemically, 2-3 times a day. Then the effect will not keep you waiting. Usually after 3-5 days all symptoms disappear without a trace. But the virus persists and will attack again and again. There is an opinion that if every time you lubricate the rashes with tea tree oil, then in a couple of years you can forget about your illness. It's hard to say if that's really the case. But anyway, you're nothinglose by using a simple and effective remedy.

tea tree oil for herpes reviews
tea tree oil for herpes reviews

Genital herpes

The causes of rashes on the genitals can be unprotected intercourse with an infected partner, oral sex with a person who has rashes on the lips. There may be self-infection with common herpes if personal hygiene is not followed.

Herpes in the intimate area in women manifests itself in the form of rashes, that is, small bubbles filled with liquid. They are able to burst and so spread to he althy areas. In addition to redness and burning, there may be a feeling of pain and cramps when urinating. Temperature and general irritability also accompany this ailment.


It is possible to use tea tree oil for herpes in the intimate area, but this must be agreed with the doctor and will most often be an additional measure. The fact is that with insufficient or untimely treatment, pathology can lead to serious consequences. Among them, a decrease in the body's defenses, pain in the lower abdomen, neurological pathologies.

Against the background of an exacerbation of herpes, women may develop vaginal dryness and dysbacteriosis, secondary infection with viruses and bacteria, and the appearance of warts.

how to treat herpes
how to treat herpes

How to treat

Given the viral nature of the disease, doctors usually prescribe appropriate drugs. Today, the choice of antiviral ointments, tablets and drops is huge. But you need to understand that special preparations cannotdestroy the pathogen, it lives in the human nervous system all the time. In this regard, the main tasks of therapy are:

  1. Suppression of virus activity.
  2. Elimination of external signs of illness.
  3. Relapse prevention.
  4. Strengthening immunity.
  5. tea tree oil for herpes
    tea tree oil for herpes

Choice of drugs

The most common treatment regimen a doctor prescribes is:

  1. Famciclovir (Famvir) is used as the main drug - these are very powerful drugs that can cope with those strains of the virus that cannot be treated with Acyclovir. But they are toxic and have many side effects, so take them exactly as directed by your doctor.
  2. In case of contraindications, Acyclovir is prescribed for herpes (analogues of Zovirax, Vivorax).
  3. Another alternative could be Valacyclovir (V altrex). This is a modern drug based on the derivative of "Acyclovir".
  4. For the treatment of foci, "Levomekol", "Gerpferon" is prescribed. But tea tree oil works just as well. And sometimes even better results.

Each of you can use tea tree oil for herpes. Reviews emphasize that it works great and helps all family members. But in the event that the disease is severe, it is necessary to add antiviral drugs.
