A swab from the urethra is one of the mandatory components of a urological examination. The purpose of taking a smear is to detect pathogenic microbes in the urinary tract, which are the causative agents of many unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Also, this manipulation in some inflammatory diseases (for example, with cystitis) can allow you to choose the most effective medicine for a particular case.

Despite the need for such a procedure, many are afraid of it. Often - because of ignorance of its essence. What is a urethral swab? Does it hurt? These questions are often heard in the urologist's office. So why not find out about the upcoming procedure in advance in order to go for analysis without any fear?
So, let's talk about taking a smear in more detail. This procedure takes very little time, so the patient will not have to endure hellish torments for several hours anyway. As the name implies, a urethral swabtaken from the urethra. The urologist inserts a special probe or Volkman's spoon into it to a depth of two to three centimeters and makes a scraping from one of the walls of the canal. Of course, this procedure can be very unpleasant for the patient and even painful, but the discomfort will quickly pass. A swab from the urethra in men and women is taken in exactly the same way.
After taking a smear, the doctor places it on a glass slide and examines it under a microscope. As a rule, it is stained with special dyes to make it easier to study.

A smear from the urethra carries a large amount of valuable information that can help the doctor identify diseases such as prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplamosis, chlamydia, infections caused by Candida, gonococcus and Trichomonas at an early stage, as well as a violation of the microflora of the vagina.
Like any other analysis, a swab from the urethra has its own normal values. So, in the norm, it may contain leukocytes (up to five in the field of view), epithelial cells (from five to ten), mucus (in a small amount), as well as cocci (single), red blood cells (up to two). But bacteria, gonococci, key cells, trichomonas, candida, spermatozoa and lipoid bodies should be absent.
It is recommended to take a swab from the urethra for analysis regularly, during preventive examinations, however, there are situations when it is desirable to do the analysis immediately. So, it is not recommended to wait for a general examination when planning a pregnancy or at its beginning. In addition, it shouldSeek immediate medical attention if you experience pain or discomfort with urination or intercourse, as well as frequent urination and urethral discharge.

It should be borne in mind that before taking a smear from the urethra, it is necessary to stop taking medications one to two weeks in advance (if this is not possible, it is advisable to refuse at least antibiotics or postpone the test). A day before the examination, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, and it is advisable not to urinate 2-3 hours before the examination.
It is best to go for this analysis in the morning, the day before the genitals must be washed. If the patient does not tolerate painful procedures, he must warn the doctor about this - then the smear will be taken in a horizontal position.