People who wear lenses know that they get dirty very quickly. This happens because a huge number of bacteria and infections develop on the surface of the eyes. But pollution can get on the lens not only from the eye, but also from the environment. Therefore, it is imperative to know how to care for soft contact lenses.
Not everyone knows how to properly care for such a delicate product. Soft contact lenses need proper care, otherwise their original properties and characteristics may be violated. One of the most common methods for preserving their parameters is the use of solutions that are designed specifically for this. But they also need to be chosen correctly. They contain substances that are compatible with the eye environment. Be sure to add preservatives to the solutions, otherwise they may deteriorate. In addition, at a high concentration of preservatives, microorganisms on the lenses die faster. But be aware that excessive use of them can be harmful to the cornea.

If you are interested in how to care for contact lenses, then both special solutions and disinfection systems are used for this. They are divided into three groups: thermal, peroxide and chemical.
Thermal disinfection is characterized by its simplicity and efficiency. With its help, you can quickly destroy bacteria and infections, if you follow the instructions. But it must be borne in mind that after such a procedure, the lenses can become discolored, change their characteristics, and quickly deteriorate. Therefore, this process is only applicable to lenses that contain a low percentage of water.
In the case of peroxide disinfection, a peroxide solution (3%) is used during operation. This procedure does not last long, so not all microorganisms may die. However, peroxide disinfection is also very popular because it is very simple and convenient. However, it does not apply to all lenses. In particular, it is not recommended to clean colored SCLs in peroxide solutions.
In chemical disinfection, substances are used that are also used during the preservation of solutions. But in this case, their concentration is slightly higher. Disinfection will be more effective if solutions with a high concentration of substances are used. However, if these particles get into the eyes, irritation may occur. The lenses must be immersed in the solution for a certain amount of time (preferably overnight). If they are not kept in solution all this time, then some microorganisms may remain on their surface.

Why do we need special solutions at all?
Usually, people who do not know how to care for soft contact lenses wonder why disinfection solutions are needed? In fact, if you leave the lens in the air, it will dry out quickly and become brittle and hard. Therefore, at the slightest touch, it will be broken. The water contained inside makes it elastic and imperceptible to the eye.
Why can't I use plain water?
Quite often, someone who is interested in how to care for soft contact lenses thinks that it would be possible to leave the lenses in tap water. But this is wrong. After all, even in countries with the cleanest water, this is not done. Natural water contains microorganisms that, if it enters the eye, can lead to inflammation of the cornea, the appearance of small sores on its surface. Water and tears have a different composition, so pain in the eyes may appear. You shouldn't joke with this, as you can even remain completely blind.

Saline solutions
Many people think that the use of saline solutions when storing lenses is a relic of the past. But some still do not forget this method. A 0.9% s alt solution is taken, in which the lenses are boiled 2-3 times a week. However, this method has some drawbacks. After all, the lens accumulates impurities that need to be removed daily, and if the solution is boiled only a couple of times a week, then microorganisms and bacteria are not removed.fully. Remove dirt daily to keep lenses safe.
Choice of solutions
If you don't know how to care for soft contact lenses and you are buying them for the first time, it will be difficult to choose them. In this case, you need to at least be guided by formal signs (availability of certificates from the seller, ISO for Europe, etc.). If you wear contact lenses, then you need to consult with your doctor about which disinfectants to choose. After all, some substances can cause discomfort in the eye, so this remedy should be replaced by another. When using colored lenses, in no case should you buy solutions that contain peroxide. Their use will lead to discoloration of the lenses. At the same time, such solutions are excellent for silicone hydrogel lenses. In addition, when processing SCLs, it is not recommended to use solutions intended for rigid lenses, as this may lead to their deformation.

Cleaning products
If you don't know how to care for soft contact lenses, it's best to consult a specialist. The medic will help you choose the most suitable remedy for lenses and your eyes. Cleansing preparations are divided into several groups:
- Surfactants. With their help, fats, proteins and calcium s alts are removed from the lens surface (LCL). These drugs are considered completely safe for the human eye. When rinsing a special solution, they are washed off without specialdifficulties. In order for substances to act effectively, they must be placed in special conditions, which usually corresponds to the chemical composition in solutions;
- Enzymatic cleaners that remove deposits from the surface of the lenses, which later break down into small particles;
- Oxidizing drugs, which are now practically not used due to the fact that they can harm the SCL and the eye.

Multifunctional Solutions
In addition, there are solutions that allow you to combine several steps in the care of SCL at once. At the same time they are used for cleaning, rinsing, disinfection and storage of SCLs. They include components that have different effects on lenses. At the same time, each person can choose a solution for himself in accordance with his personal needs and the doctor's recommendations. To use such solutions, you must follow the instructions.

In addition, at least once a week, lenses should be treated with enzymatic cleaners. Also, if you are wondering how to care for soft contact lenses, you must take into account that contamination appears during the wearing of SCLs. This leads to deformation of some areas present on the surface of the lens, which is due to the evaporation of particles. As a result, there is a slight change in its size. Therefore, to maintain the size of the lens, it is necessary to use special drops, which are of two types. Wetting agents are necessary to increase the volume of tears, but they do not retain their effect for long. Lubricating drops are used to reduce friction between the lens and the cornea. They are valid for about an hour.
Helpful tips
There are basic rules for caring for soft contact lenses. They are as follows:
- Each lens removal should be accompanied by cleaning, rinsing and disinfection.
- Don't put your lenses in your mouth and use saliva to clean them. This can lead to eye irritation, as saliva contains enzymes that are unfavorable for it.
- It is necessary to store the MKL in special cases into which a clean solution is pre-filled.
- The same solution should not be used multiple times as the lens may accumulate harmful microorganisms from the environment.
- Only one lens should be taken in hand, as it is not recommended to confuse lenses in places.
- The rules for the care of soft contact lenses require the use of the same care systems. However, it is recommended to use only the one recommended by your ophthalmologist.
- SCLs should be replaced periodically, according to a schedule set by your he althcare professional.
- Don't put on lenses after doing makeup. In addition, it is better to switch to water-based cosmetics.
- Do not allow other liquids to splash on their surface.
- The solution should not be used more than 6 months after opening the bottle.
- You must strictly follow all recommendationsophthalmologist.
- Pour enough solution into the liquid container. It must be tightly closed while soaking lenses in it. It should be washed daily and replaced about once every 3 months. If cracks, scratches were found on its surface, then it is better to throw it away. Otherwise, disinfection may not be effective.

Many replace glasses with soft contact lenses. Care and reviews of the means for their storage are of interest to many. People note that they are much more convenient than hard lenses, as they are practically not felt in the eye. If you also use special drops, then the friction force between the SCL and the cornea decreases, so you can even forget for a while that there is a lens in the eye. However, they are a bit more difficult to care for as they are more delicate. You need to remove them every day, you can not leave them in the open air, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. But if you follow all the rules for caring for them, then they will serve the time intended for them, without causing irritation and discomfort.