Spastic paresis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and doctors' reviews

Spastic paresis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and doctors' reviews
Spastic paresis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and doctors' reviews

Spastic paresis is a condition characterized by weakness in the legs. This is not an independent disease at all, but a symptomatology of the manifestations of a neurological disease. The same term in medicine is used to refer to the complete cessation of the functioning of internal organs, for example, the bladder or intestines.

About the disease in more detail

When people have spastic paresis, there is a decrease in strength in a muscle group. The disease develops a second time, within the framework of some pathological condition or disease (for example, a violation of cerebral blood circulation, a tumor, etc.). This deviation is considered a special case of paralysis (muscle contraction problems). The very concept of "paresis" is often used in relation to muscles, the performance of which can be objectively assessed by a doctor. At the same time, the term "paralysis" is used to describe the state of muscles with immeasurable strength (for example, the soft palate). Now consider the main reasons that lead to the occurrence of the describeddiseases.

spastic paresis of limbs
spastic paresis of limbs

Causes of this unpleasant pathology

Spastic paresis can develop for many reasons. True, the following factors should be considered the most frequent:

  1. The patient has a tumor.
  2. Atrophy of the spinal cord or brain.
  3. Presence of lesions and disorders in the spinal cord.
  4. Muscular spinal atrophy.
  5. Development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  6. Pathologies in the cauda equina.
  7. Motor and sensory polyneuropathy of a hereditary nature.
  8. Development of myopathy and polyneuropathy.
  9. Presence of peroneal nerve lesion on both sides.

Other reasons may also be identified, however, before starting treatment, it is imperative to understand what exactly caused this condition. Therefore, it is necessary to act in this case not only with the help of medicines, but also through physiotherapy, massages and therapeutic exercises. Next, let's talk about the symptoms of spastic paralysis and paresis.

Symptoms of this disease

At the moment, it is customary to distinguish two large categories of paresis. The first includes a sluggish or peripheral form. The second is related to the spastic or central type. It is also worth highlighting the third, mixed group, in which patients may experience symptoms of both types of lesions.

spastic leg paresis
spastic leg paresis

It is worth saying that spastic paresis of the limbs always has its own symptoms, based onwhich are diagnosed. The first thing you need to pay attention to is muscle tone. In this situation, it is always elevated, it is called hypertonicity. The second essential feature is the absence of malnutrition. That is, the affected muscles do not change in any way in volume and retain their original dimensions throughout the disease. The third manifestation is hyperreflexia. At the same time, an increased intensity of deep reflexes is revealed, which entails the occurrence of clonus. But the surface reflex will be drastically reduced.

Pathological reflexes in this condition

There are also pathological reflexes, among them Oppenheim, Babinski, Gordon and Schaeffer reflexes are often noted. They are pathological manifestations of extension. There are also non-standard flexion reflexes, these include reflexes of Zhukovsky, Rossolimo, Mendel and Bekhterev.

Another clear sign of spastic paresis of the limbs are movements that involuntarily repeat on the side of the lesion. So, for example, if the patient bends the he althy leg at the knee, the affected limb will bend in the same way, but with less force. It is also necessary to pay attention to gait against the background of spastic paresis. In this condition, patients cannot lift the limb, so they drag it along the ground.

Rating scale for paresis

To detect the presence of spastic lower paresis in a patient, and in addition, to assess its strength, you can use the developed special scale in which muscle strength is determined from zero to five points:

spastic paralysis and paresis
spastic paralysis and paresis
  • In the event that this is zero points, then the person has no voluntary movements in the legs. This condition is called paralysis.
  • If we are talking about one point, then there is a barely noticeable muscle contraction, but there is no movement in the joints.
  • At two points, the range of motion is minimal in the joints, they are possible only in the horizontal plane and without any overcoming of gravity.
  • If we are talking about three points, the movements are not as severely limited as in the previous versions, and the muscles can overcome friction and gravity. That is, patients are able to lift their feet off the floor.
  • If it is four points, then the strength is minimally reduced, and the movements in the joints are fully preserved.
  • Five points are given to he althy people with normal muscle strength and full range of motion.

Diagnosis of disease

Spastic paresis of the lower extremities is not so difficult to identify in patients. This happens, as a rule, without involving any additional diagnostic measures. Sometimes this manifestation can be missed during examination of the patient. In this situation, it is detected by using the Barre test. This technique involves holding the limbs on weight while determining muscle strength. In addition, this test can be carried out without determining the strength. The fact is that in twenty seconds of the study, the limb, even with the presence of minimal paresis, will begin to fall rapidly, unlike a he althy one. Among other things, a doctor as part of the diagnosisanalysis of complaints and anamnesis of pathology is going to:

spastic paresis of the lower
spastic paresis of the lower
  1. It is necessary to find out how long ago the decrease in strength appeared in a certain muscle group (arms, legs, neck).
  2. What exactly preceded the occurrence of the complaint (consumption of canned foods, the presence of diarrhea (diarrhea), severe headache, fever, and so on.
  3. Did anyone in the family have similar complaints.
  4. Is the patient's profession or area of residence associated with the action of harmful substances (heavy metal s alts, organic solvents, etc.).

Now let's find out how the therapy of the pathology in question is carried out.

Treatment of this pathology

Spastic paresis of the lower extremities is treated only comprehensively. In the treatment, thermal procedures should be used along with massages. This greatly helps to stabilize the conduction of an active impulse to the muscles, improving their trophism. When the patient can actively move the limb, the massage should be combined with physiotherapy exercises and using the load, which should be increased gradually. At the same time, any exercises should be dosed for the patient, and massages should be carried out only by a professional. In addition, treatment includes the following activities:

  1. Use of medical drugs.
  2. Using orthoses.
  3. Medicated blockades.
  4. Performing surgery.

The choice of treatment method is always strictly individual, it directly depends on the localizationand the nature of spastic paralysis.

spastic paresis of the lower extremities
spastic paresis of the lower extremities

Central spastic paresis

This is a paresis that occurs in case of damage to the motor cortical centers or the main motor pathway at the level of the spinal cord and brain. With the central form of paresis, muscle strength decreases to varying degrees in patients. In some cases, patients are worried about awkwardness and fatigue, while in others there is an almost complete loss of movement.

Since the part of the spinal cord below the area of damage remains intact in central paresis, it tries to compensate for the movement disorder. This leads to an increase in muscle tone, and in addition, to an increase in normal reflexes and the occurrence of pathologies that a he althy person does not have. Due to pathology, contractures can form, which are a limitation of movement in the joints.

Spastic paresis in a child

It is worth saying that this disease in children is not at all an independent disease. Such paresis in a child is congenital or acquired. The congenital form occurs against the background of a birth injury, due to a complicated pregnancy and adverse factors suffered by a woman during the bearing of a baby, as well as under the influence of viral diseases and other negative manifestations. Sometimes congenital paresis in children can be mildly manifested after some time. The acquired type of pathology in young patients occurs for various reasons:

spastic paresis in a child
spastic paresis in a child
  1. Due to poor circulation.
  2. Against the background of the appearance of a tumor in the child's body.
  3. As a result of migraine, stroke, multiple sclerosis, the development of this form of the disease is provoked.
  4. Injury, especially from a head or back injury.
  5. Viral pathologies, as well as the negative impact of chronic diseases.

Reviews of doctors about this pathology

So, spastic paresis is a sign of damage to the nervous system. This is, first of all, a decrease in muscle strength due to damage to the nerve threads that connect the brain to the muscles. Doctors in the reviews write that this is a rather serious disease that must be prevented in every possible way and avoided. To do this, doctors insist on the timely treatment of infectious diseases, as well as on the rejection of bad habits.

central spastic paresis
central spastic paresis

Of course, doctors report that it is very important to lead a he althy lifestyle, focusing on regular walks of at least two hours a day, physical activity, keeping a nightly sleep of at least eight hours, and so on.

Doctors also report that as part of the prevention of spastic paresis of the legs, it is required to follow a diet, include foods rich in vitamins in the diet. It is noted that in the event of the first signs of this pathology, a timely appeal to the doctor is required. Don't delay it.
