Brain biopsy: indications, technique and features

Brain biopsy: indications, technique and features
Brain biopsy: indications, technique and features

Brain biopsy refers to invasive research methods. There is a risk of damage to thin cells due to inaccurate sampling of biomaterial. In medical practice, there are real examples of death, fortunately, they are quite rare.

The essence of the operation

A brain biopsy is used in neurosurgery to determine whether a tumor is malignant or benign. However, the study does not make sense for diagnostic purposes only. Because any tumor in the brain will need to be removed.

stereotactic brain biopsy
stereotactic brain biopsy

A brain biopsy is performed with a very thin and hollow needle. The purpose of the procedure is to select a portion of cells from a specific area. To access the soft tissues, a minimal opening is made in the skull. The material is taken with a syringe and the resulting canal is sutured, which quickly overgrows.

Brain biopsy is the last method of research when MRI and computed tomography fail to make a positive diagnosis. The results only add to an already disappointing verdict. For the patient, these data do not fundamentally change the situation.

When is research needed?

Stereotactic brain biopsy helps to accurately determine the type of tumor. It is recommended for diseases: multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, hemorrhagic stroke. The method is indicated for meningitis, encephalitis.

How is a brain biopsy done?
How is a brain biopsy done?

Biopsy of a brain tumor is a relatively dangerous method of research, so it is not suitable for many categories of patients. In practice, doctors try not to use invasive methods at all. They turn to him in the case when the tumor in the head is quite large. And often the result of research gives either a chance for a cure, or a sentence for an imminent death.

If a brain biopsy is performed, the consequences may give an impetus to the faster growth of the detected tumor. With a benign neoplasm, in 50% of cases there is a re-growth of the pathology.


Open brain biopsy is very rarely used. As the operation is carried out to remove the tumor, then the study of the affected cells is carried out. This type of research is quite complicated and carries risks for the patient. The skull at the time of the puncture is open and there is a possibility of damage to the upper layers of the brain.

The stereotactic method is the least invasive. On modern equipment, the entire process is displayed, which eliminates unnecessary movements of the needle. Doctorcontrols every step of the procedure.

Visual examination is possible only with an open biopsy. But MRI and computed tomography are added to stereoscopic, which makes it safer.

Public Method Conduct

Describe how an open brain biopsy is taken. Before starting the procedure, the patient is given anesthesia. A small section of the skull is removed to access the brain.

brain biopsy consequences
brain biopsy consequences

The open method is not carried out separately, it is always done during the operation to remove neoplasms. Part of the skull has to recover, and this is a long process. The patient will be on sick leave for a long time after this procedure.

The open method poses a threat to he alth, although it is used more often. The recovery period can last several months.

Carrying out a minimally invasive method

Stereotactic intervention is performed using a frame and neuronavigation. Both methods are accurate in comparison with the open one. The first method belongs to the classical method. To date, the data obtained are the most accurate with the least invasion into the patient's organ.

brain tumor biopsy
brain tumor biopsy

Before the procedure, an MRI is performed, the exact position of the neoplasm is established. Special contrast agents are used. When the doctors have decided on the puncture site, they install a frame on the patient's skull. It is fastened with screws. A ring is installed on it, on which the needle will be placed.

They turn on the MRI localizer and carry outcomputed tomography. The whole process is displayed on the monitor screen. Next, the surgeon drills the injection site of the needle, after cutting the skin. Biomaterial is taken and the incised area of skin is sutured.

The patient will have to spend a recovery period in bed. Periodically, doctors will examine him to rule out complications from the operation.


This biopsy method also includes MRI and CT before surgery. According to the obtained volumetric image, the place of needle insertion is determined. The surgeon can also calculate the direction of passage of the instrument when taking the biomaterial. The patient is given anesthesia.

How is a brain biopsy taken?
How is a brain biopsy taken?

The patient's arms, legs, head are securely fixed on the couch, the slightest unsuccessful movement can cause the needle to move and enter the brain more than it should. The surgeon makes a hole with a needle, control is carried out by neuronavigation. At the end of the procedure, sutures are applied and a recovery period is required.

The method differs in that the patient does not feel anything at all. The computer helps the surgeon choose the least traumatic needle path for the skull and brain. The tumor is often located deep, it is difficult not to affect the surrounding he althy tissues with the previous method.

Neuronavigation is studied not only in the brain, it is used to obtain biomaterial of tumors in the spinal cord. However, doctors warn that both methods can have consequences for the patient's he alth. They are used in extreme cases whenthere is already an overgrown tumor.

Negative consequences of research

A biopsy always has consequences. The level of reaction of body tissues is different for each operated patient, and it will be impossible to predict what kind of complication. The most common minor ailments are: bleeding, headaches due to swelling at the site of biomaterial sampling.

biopsy analysis
biopsy analysis

There are more dangerous consequences: damage to brain cells, the patient may fall into a coma. Violation of blood circulation at the site of surgery will affect the work of the whole organism. There may be seizures, violations in motor skills. A weakened body becomes defenseless against infections, chronic diseases are activated.

Modern equipment has greatly reduced the likelihood of problems after a biopsy. But there are still consequences. Patients are reassured by the reliability of the instruments used. Doctors just cannot take into account the reaction of the patient's body to the introduction of a foreign object into the brain tissue.

The inexperience of medical workers is the main factor that can cause complications. You can exclude it by contacting a trusted diagnostic center.
