Trepan biopsy of the breast: results, consequences, reviews

Trepan biopsy of the breast: results, consequences, reviews
Trepan biopsy of the breast: results, consequences, reviews

Oncological diseases of the breast today are in first place in terms of frequency of occurrence in women of different ages. In order to determine the presence of this disease, a woman needs to undergo a series of examinations at the first symptoms that will help the attending physician make the correct diagnosis. These studies include a range of activities.

trephine biopsy
trephine biopsy

What is a trephine biopsy?

One of the obligatory methods confirming or refuting the presence of oncological changes in the mammary gland is a biopsy, the essence of which lies in the fact that with the help of special equipment, biological material is taken from the affected tissue area, which is subjected to research. Biopsy is one of the main methods for diagnosing cancer at the very initial stages, which is highly informative.

Trepan biopsy is a type of this diagnostic study, which is characterized by the fact that during a biopsy, biological material is removedspecial thick needle - trephine. The fine needle, commonly used in the standard biopsy technique, takes less material than a trephine, which is why it is used for breast diagnosis.

trepan biopsy reviews
trepan biopsy reviews

Equipment for this procedure

Trepan is a special, cutting needle equipped with a puncture gun that allows you to take a fragment of the affected tissue. This biomaterial undergoes histological, morphological and chemical examination, which gives a broad understanding of the tissue structure and its characteristics.

The trephine biopsy needle has a special structure. It is inserted into the mammary gland, slightly scrolled, which helps to capture tissue particles, and then abruptly withdrawn. This research method is more informative than a conventional biopsy performed with a thin needle, since the trephine allows you to capture material from several areas of the breast at once.

The resulting biomaterial is transferred to a profile solution, where a special chemical dye is added, after which it is sent for histological examination. There, particles of diseased tissues are examined by specialists under a microscope, and are also exposed to special reagents. This allows us to conclude not only about the presence of oncological cells, but also about which drugs the patient is most sensitive to. This determines the most effective treatment plan.

trepan doing a biopsy
trepan doing a biopsy

Reliability of trephine biopsy is very high and amounts to 97%, which cannot be said about other studies of a similar nature existing to date. This study is safe because it does not injure breast tissue, which poses a risk of infection and aggravation of the disease.

Indications for conduction

In order for a doctor to prescribe this diagnostic test to a woman, special serious reasons are needed, since this procedure is not carried out in order to prevent oncological diseases and is not included in the list of ordinary ones.

Reasons for holding are:

  1. The presence of spots and shading on the x-ray.
  2. Insufficient information content of the performed fine-needle biopsy.
  3. Breast cysts and other neoplasms.
  4. Nipple discharge of unknown origin.
  5. The occurrence of papillomas.
  6. Nodal forms of mastopathy, as well as their atypical cases.
  7. trepan breast biopsy reviews
    trepan breast biopsy reviews

Trephine biopsy is done before radiation therapy, and also instead of resection during breast surgery. Although this tissue study is of very high quality, experts recommend only doing it when absolutely necessary.

Contraindications for testing

Contraindications in this case are:

  • allergy to drugs used in anesthesia;
  • situations where an ultrasound examination of the breast gave enough information to establishdiagnosis;
  • hemophilia, poor blood clotting.

The consequences of a trephine biopsy of the breast will be discussed below.

What is the preparation for the procedure?

This study does not require any special preparation, however, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe the patient drugs that normalize blood clotting, as well as antibiotics to help prevent inflammation in the mammary gland.

trepan breast biopsy results
trepan breast biopsy results

Before the study, you must stop taking drugs that can provoke the formation of blood clots, as well as drinking alcohol.


The procedure goes like this:

  1. The patient should remove clothing from her upper body and lie on her back.
  2. The doctor performs local anesthesia, after which he examines and palpates the site of the alleged neoplasm.
  3. The doctor cuts the problem area and then inserts the needle. Needle insertion can be done either automatically or manually.
  4. A fragment is taken from the area of damaged tissue, after which the needle is removed from the breast.
  5. The internal space of the site where the biomaterial was taken is affected by a special anticoagulant, which helps to close the blood and lymphatic vessels.
  6. After the procedure, an ice bag is applied to the chest.

The total duration of the procedure is approximately 20-30 minutes.

Often this procedure is used for medicinal purposes - withusing a trephine needle, it is possible to remove cysts by sucking fluid out of them. The walls of such a neoplasm subsequently resolve on their own.

trepan biopsy consequences
trepan biopsy consequences

This procedure is minimally invasive and painless, requiring no stitches. A trephine biopsy does not leave scars or scars.

Possible negative consequences of the procedure

For a few days after the procedure, the patient should give up physical activity. If she is concerned about breast discomfort, she can apply ice or take pain medication.

The risk of undesirable consequences is minimal, but it exists. There may be swelling of the breast from which the tissue fragment was taken, and bruising is also possible. In rare cases, the patient's temperature rises to 38 degrees, chills and malaise are worried. In all of these cases, you should consult a doctor. Consider reviews of trephine biopsy.

Research Feedback

Most of the patients who underwent this procedure speak positively about it. Almost all women were satisfied with the fact that the study is carried out using the latest technological equipment, which minimizes the likelihood of complications and side effects as a result of a trephine biopsy of the breast.

trepan breast biopsy consequences
trepan breast biopsy consequences

Besides this, research is usually carried out by experiencedprofessionals who do not make mistakes in their work. A lot of positive feedback from the patient is left regarding the procedure itself, which is absolutely painless.

Some women have observed such negative consequences of this procedure as the appearance of severe swelling of the mammary glands the next day after the study. According to reviews of a trephine biopsy of the breast, fever is not ruled out, often up to 37.5-38 degrees, as well as nervous tension, but such symptoms disappear on their own within a few days.


So, trephine biopsy is one of the most advanced methods for examining breast tissue, which is widely used in the field of diagnostic measures for the detection and treatment of breast cancer throughout the world. With the help of this study, not only diagnostics can be carried out, but also the functional treatment of certain diseases of the breast, such as, for example, a cyst. The procedure is painless and minimally invasive, which makes it possible to use this method for a qualitative study of all neoplasms of the mammary glands and to carry out this procedure in the conditions of ordinary clinics. To implement this diagnostic method, high-tech equipment is used, which allows capturing the maximum of biological material necessary for the study. Women who underwent the trephine biopsy procedure were satisfied with both the method of its implementation and the absence of negative consequences, with the exception of some rare cases.
