Warts on the hands, like anywhere else, are the result of an infection - the human papillomavirus (HPV). It infects the top layer of the skin (epidermis), causing it to grow at a rapid rate. As a result, a growth appears that has certain boundaries and a rough surface. These can be either common warts or Plana (flat) warts.

Warts do not adversely affect your he alth, but they can be irritated, itchy, and besides, they do not look very beautiful. Warts disappear on their own, but it can take up to a year or more. In addition, they can be passed from one person to another. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of warts on the hand is quite natural.
There are many ways, but let's focus on the most accessible and effective:
1. Medicinal method
If we talk about how to get rid of warts on the hands with the help of various drugs, then the most popular in this regard are salicylic acid and the methodfreezing with dimethyl ether. The first is available in the form of a gel, liquid solutions, or convenient strips that are placed on the wart. It must be applied daily until positive results are achieved. Dimethyl ether is usually sold in tubes and used once.

2. Home remedies
Using tape to remove warts is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies. To do this, the wart is completely covered with tape and left for 6 days. After that, the affected area must be soaked in warm water, and then wiped with sandpaper or pumice. This is a painless method, but you must wait at least six months before removing warts from your hands again.
3. The natural way
The most widely used inexpensive natural remedy is apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or lime juice. Warts are soaked in one of these products, then softened in warm water and treated with a pumice stone until they disappear.
4. Laser surgery
The procedure is painless, performed by a doctor or beautician. Its major drawback is its high cost. In addition, before you get rid of warts on your hands using this method, you should consider that it requires a longer recovery period. However, laser surgery is a quick wart removal that leaves virtually no scarring after surgery.
5. Cryotherapy
Thisthe method is perfect for those who are wondering how to get rid of a wart on their finger quickly and painlessly. It involves freezing the affected area with liquid nitrogen. The recovery period after such a procedure is very short, so you can return to normal life almost immediately.

There are many remedies for removing warts. But if they do not help, then before you get rid of warts on your hands in any other way, visit a doctor. Only he will be able to choose the most convenient, safe and affordable method. And perhaps the most important thing you need before getting rid of warts on your hands is patience, because in most cases the use of folk remedies involves daily procedures and takes more time to achieve the desired result. Good luck and patience!