In today's world, everything happens quickly enough, the rhythm of life is growing. At the same time, almost every night, insomnia prevents many people from having a normal rest. Naturally, such a regimen does not add he alth, impairs performance, reduces immunity, and has a bad effect on the psychological and emotional state. This situation should be fought.

So, first let's figure out why insomnia occurs at all. Very often, nervous work, some kind of stress, too much mental stress can lead to such a situation. Disease, metabolic or hormonal failures can also contribute to poor sleep. Pathology may appear due to excessive consumption of strong drinks containing caffeine, smoking. Some medications can also contribute to sleep disturbance. Even an uncomfortable bed can keep you awake.
Now you need to learn how to get rid of insomnia. First of all, you should give up strong tea and coffee before bed. Naturally, it is worth reducing their use during the day. Also try to follow a certain daily routine: go to bed and rise at a strictly specified time so that the body gets used to falling asleepduring a certain period of the day. If you allow yourself to rest during the day, then if possible, do not delay this time. Avoid watching TV before bed and avoid reading in bed. There should be a calm atmosphere in the house.

If you have tried the above tips and the problem persists and you still don't understand how to get rid of insomnia, try to reduce mental stress, avoid stress at work and at home. In order to prevent your stomach from waking you up at night, try to eat no later than 19 hours. Too active physical activity in the evening is also contraindicated (it is not easy for an overworked body to relax). It's best to just take a short walk.
Since it is not easy to get rid of insomnia in some cases, doctors may prescribe sleeping pills. However, you shouldn't get carried away with them. If the above methods do not help, try using folk recipes. The main ingredient in home remedies is honey. For example, dilute it with lemon juice and consume this mixture before bed.

To improve sleep, you can drink decoctions of mint and valerian. They are mild sedatives. If you are into aromatherapy, then these products can be used in the form of oils. Also try to form the correct mode and diet. Do not eat intestinal-heavy foods at night.
If folk methods do not help, try to talk to a psychologist. Do you have anyemotional problems that contribute to sleep disturbance. In some cases, hypnosis helps the patient. Eastern methods of treatment are often effective: acupuncture, yoga.
Now you know how to get rid of insomnia. Try to make your life harmonious, have pleasant dreams!