The best remedy for acne is different for everyone, since the causes that cause this disease in each person are individual. The appearance of acne is influenced by factors such as stress, menstruation, extreme heat, high humidity, cosmetics based on paraffin and lanolin, genetic

predisposition and some medications. So the best remedy for acne will not only be different for each person, but also different for a specific reason.
This disease got its scientific name from the name of a charming ancient Greek nymph who aroused the envy of the goddesses of Olympus. And they, resorting to tricks and deceit, persuaded Zeus to punish the unfortunate beauty. The Thunderer covered her with terrible pimples. Acne stopped attracting men and the goddesses calmed down. The nymph tried to heal, but could not find a better remedy

from acne. So pimples, blackheads, comedones got the name "acne", which as a term entered medical science.
Types of acne, stages of their development, causes and effects.
- The appearance of comedones as a result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts. There are open and closed comedones. The first ones appear on the skin with white nodules up to 3 millimeters in size. Closed ones look like a black dot. Their appearance is due to the accumulation of sebum under the epidermis.
- Papular (papulopustular) acne is formed as a result of the development of inflammation of comedones of any type. If the process was severe, thesepimples can leave scars and scars.
- Indurative acne appears on the skin due to the processes of suppuration in the deep layers. These acne have a hard structure and are usually accompanied by swelling and redness of the surrounding areas of the skin. They almost always leave scars.
- Phlegmonous acne. If the initial stage of suppuration is skipped and the process proceeds intensively, pus can fill the cavities in the skin. If such blackheads are at a close distance from each other, then they can unite and occupy a significant area on the skin. Perhaps an acne remedy will help in such a situation, but as a rule, phlegmonous acne requires surgical intervention.
- Conglobate (piled up) acne. This species most often appears in the abdomen, on the back (in the upper section), on the face and chest. Formed by many nodular cystic acne. Under certainUnder certain circumstances, they can unite and fill the subcutaneous cavities with pus. This kind of disease, k
- Inverse acne. They appear as a result of compaction and compression of the ducts of the sweat glands during inflammation. As a result, fistulas may form.
- Lightning eels. Most often it affects boys during puberty. They look like ulcerative surfaces, accompanied by fever and pain in the joints and in the abdomen.

usually does not go away on its own and requires treatment.
In no case is it recommended to make a diagnosis without consulting a doctor and choose the best remedy for acne on your own. Only dermatologists who have the knowledge and experience in observing and treating this disease can do it qualified, since there are many visually similar acne situations, but different in clinical symptoms.