Dietary supplement "Fitomucil" - a natural source of fiber, which is used to normalize and activate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It has proven itself to be highly effective and safe to use in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.
Doctors often recommend Fitomucil. Indications for the use of the drug are as follows:
- constipation and heaviness in the stomach;
- diverticulosis;
- hemorrhoids with complications;
- diabetes type 2;
- slow metabolism;
- high cholesterol;
- unbalanced diet;
- overweight;
- colon cancer prevention.

Frequent headaches, fatigue, rashes on the skin are a sign of intoxication of the body, in which Fitomucil can help. Reviews about this are numerous. Fiber absorbs all toxins, and special additives will additionally cleanse the body, improve he alth, vigor and activity appear.
"Phytomucil" is a powder of crushed plum fruits and psyllium husks, which contain organic acids, pectins and tannins. In addition to the laxative, emollient effect, they give the drug an additional wound healing and analgesic property.
Psyllium seeds contain the following nutrients:
- chlorogenic acid;
- vanillic acid;
- ascorbic acid;
- neochlorogenic acid;
- tannins;
- bitter;
- fatty oils;
- proteins;
- carbs;
- mucus.

In folk medicine, psyllium seeds are used to treat inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, infertility, atherosclerosis, hormonal failure, enuresis, inflammation of the genitourinary system. The Phytomucil instruction does not list these advantages, since the amount of substances in the preparation is not enough for a therapeutic effect in such complications.
Plum fruits contain the following nutrients:
- vitamin PP;
- vitamin E;
- vitamin C;
- folic acid;
- pyridoxine;
- pantothenic acid;
- riboflavin;
- thiamine;
- vitamin A;
- nickel;
- cob alt;
- silicon;
- molybdenum;
- fluorine;
- chrome;
- manganese;
- copper;
- iodine;
- zinc;
- iron;
- sulfur;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- sodium;
- magnesium;
- calcium.

Such a composition rich in vitamins and microelements gives plum fruits the following properties:
- reduces blood pressure;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- reduces cholesterol;
- removes excess s alt and water;
- normalizes metabolism;
- improves skin regeneration;
- normalizes the nervous and cardiovascular system;
- relieves thrombosis;
- strengthens the liver;
- purifies the blood;
- relieves insomnia.
The composition in the form of powder from herbal remedies contributes to the long-term preservation of the necessary properties of the drug "Phytomucil". Shelf life - 3 years.
Issue form
Varieties of the drug differ slightly in additional additives and packaging. Types of "Phytomucil" are as follows:
- "Norm" is the minimum composition, which is available in bags of 30 g or 250 g per jar. Used for constipation.
- "Slim" - available only in 360 g cans, the composition is complemented by glucomannan, which causes a feeling of satiety. Recommended for overweight as an aid to weight loss, while maintaining an active daily regimen and a he althy diet.
- "Cholestenorm" - available only in bags of 5 and 30 g, the composition is supplemented with phytosterols, which lower cholesterol and regulate sugar levels. This type of "Fitomucil" instruction recommends for obesity anddiabetes mellitus in combination with the main treatment as an auxiliary, simplifies life and speeds up recovery.

Each of the forms is selected depending on the purpose of the application. A he althy body allows you to take any kind of drug for preventive purposes. It is possible to combine release forms due to the difference in the composition of Phytomucil, while they are well compatible.
How to use
In the presence of chronic diseases and in childhood, taking the drug is unacceptable without consulting a doctor. BAA will not harm an adult he althy body, except in cases of individual intolerance. It is important to remember that this is not a medicine, "Fitomucil" can serve as the main method of treatment for minor ailments and as an auxiliary element of treatment for complex cases.
Powder dissolves in any non-alcoholic and non-carbonated liquid, as desired. It is wrong to take "Fitomucil" before or after meals, only the intake during meals is recommended by the manufacturer. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids while drinking, preferably clean water.
Drug schedule:
- Adults and children over 14: 15-30 g per day for the first week, 30-60 g per day for the second week.
- Children under 14 years of age: dosage is calculated individually for each patient by a physician.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women: start with one sachet per day, if not effective increase dosage.
In the instructions"Fitomucil" is not recommended for children under three years of age. The first dose should be in a minimum amount, the dosage should be increased gradually. This is due to the possible unpreparedness of the body for such an amount of fiber and the occurrence of discomfort after taking Fitomucil. Reviews of such cases are not common, but they do exist.
Efficacy of taking for weight loss
Phytomucil herbal remedy is widely used for weight loss. Its effectiveness is based on the normalization of the digestive tract, the acceleration of satiety, the development of the habit of drinking enough water, the normalization of sugar and cholesterol levels. Thus, you can eat and lose weight.

Stool normalization in the presence of excess weight is an excellent impetus to good he alth, additional activity. Fiber swells and fills the stomach, causing a feeling of satiety. The need to drink the drug with plenty of water during the day helps the body get rid of toxins, toxins and s alts.
But the drug cannot be effective with an unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity. In this case, its function will be to reduce the damage to the body from a wrong lifestyle. To lose weight, you need a small calorie deficit in your usual diet and a little more activity than usual. Already under such conditions, dietary supplements will stimulate weight loss. Unfortunately, this does not apply to cases of excess weight due to hormonal disruptions - hormone therapy is needed here, andnot Phytomucil. Feedback on inefficiency is partly related to such cases.
Safety of use in childhood and pregnancy
Pregnant women with minor stool disorders are allowed to take the drug prophylactically. Being in position, women try to lead a he althy lifestyle for the benefit of the child, however, hormonal changes and physiological changes disrupt the normal functioning of systems and organs. Therefore, in such a period, Phytomucil will be a very good addition to keep the body in good shape, both externally and internally.

Reviews of "Phytomucil" confirm the absolute safety of the drug if the instructions are followed. The natural and harmless composition can not cause any harm even to a sensitive children's body. In the manufacturer's instructions, the recommended age for admission is from three years. For children with a problem of daily bowel movements, it is useful and convenient to add the drug to every evening kefir or yogurt. Such a habit will have a very good effect on the he alth of the child.
Side effects
The drug can cause increased gas formation, stomach pain, allergic reaction. The first two are related to the lack of fiber in the diet, when the body is not used to such work. Everything should be back to normal in two or three days. An allergic reaction occurs extremely rarely, in case of a predisposition to this or a weakened immune system.
The drug does not affect attention, does not cause drowsiness. Reception is notcontraindication for driving. But it is better to take Phytomucil at home in the evening or on the weekend so that unpleasant situations do not arise due to discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
Also, do not take the drug during the period of weakness of the body, especially for children. In the presence of skin rashes, it is worth taking the minimum dose in order to avoid a possible reaction of the body to Fitomucil, side effects in this case are most likely.
Use the drug is not recommended:
- with the problem of intestinal obstruction;
- in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- individual intolerance to the components.
Taking Phytomucil is contraindicated in double and triple dosage, as this does not increase efficiency, but can cause indigestion, beriberi, gastrointestinal irritation, and an allergic reaction.
Drug Interactions
"Phytomucil" does not affect the absorption of other medications taken, subject to a 3-hour intake interval. A one-time intake reduces the effectiveness of drugs many times - fiber absorbs everything. Multivitamins or other dietary supplements should be taken one hour after Fitomucil. After antibiotic treatment, a prophylactic course of Phytomucil is recommended for 1-2 weeks to remove toxins from the body and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the treatment of chronic constipation with laxatives, it is necessary to continue maintenance therapy for 1-2 weeks with Fitomucil.
Dividing substitute drugs by functionality:
- For weight loss: Xenical, Ideal, Turbo-slim, Reduxin.
- For stool normalization: "Bifidumbacterin", "Portalac", "Duphalac", "Hilak-forte", "Normalax".
"Xenical" is a pharmacological drug, the action of which is based on preventing the absorption of fats by the body, thus, the calorie content of the diet decreases and the weight falls. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation - this is not the right time for weight loss. A child needs all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and diuretics and laxatives remove some of them.
"Ideal" is a herbal preparation with similar functions. Efficiency is based on the same properties as those of Fitomucil. But the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of necessary studies.
"Turbo-slim" is a herbal preparation that has a diuretic, laxative, fat-burning effect. The intake of drinks causes a feeling of fullness, and the number of calories decreases. A variety of forms of release will allow you to choose a product to your taste. Care cosmetics will complement the effectiveness. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
"Reduxin" - is a cellulose supplemented with chemicals that reduce appetite, improve mood, reduce the digestibility of fats. Not recommended foruse during pregnancy and lactation.
"Bifidumbacterin" - live lactic bacteria, which are taken immediately before meals in the form dissolved in water. It improves digestion, normalizes the microflora, helps to restore inflamed tissues. Allowed for use from three months, dissolution in drinks is acceptable, but they should not be warm, but at room temperature - bifidobacteria die in heat.
"Bifiliz" - a preparation from a wider range of live bacteria. It is prescribed for infants with infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively fights pathogenic microflora.
"Portalac" - a drug based on lactulose, which requires drinking plenty of water. You can take it regardless of the meal. It has only laxative properties. Not suitable for lactose intolerant or children under 3.
"Duphalac" - the same lactulose, but from a different manufacturer. Approved for use from three months, safe during pregnancy and lactation.
"Hilak-forte" is a drug based on acids that feed on bifidobacteria. It is taken half an hour before meals, it creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of the correct microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed even in the presence of inflammatory diseases, but in the presence of persistent constipation, it will not have a sufficient laxative effect. Approved for use from three months, safe during pregnancy and lactation.
"Normalax" - consists of dietary fiber, organic acids, flavonoids, iridoidaucubin glycoside and betasitosterol. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
Analogues of "Phytomucil" are different in composition and functionality, it is worthwhile to approach the choice thoughtfully.
Some people think that after the magic pill "Phytomucil" everything will immediately become as it should. But this does not happen - the human body requires care and attention, and various aids are only help. Especially often the drug is accused of being ineffective for weight loss, while people do nothing but take dietary supplements. "Fitomucil" cannot even cope with the problem of disturbed stools if the recommendations specified in the instructions are not followed. You need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water a day.
Negative reviews about indigestion are associated with the characteristics of the human body, the gastrointestinal tract of which was initially spoiled by an unbalanced diet and was not used to working with coarse fiber fibers.

Pregnant women who suffer from constipation in the last trimester forget about them after taking Fitomucil. Regular stools and the absence of stagnation of feces are especially important in this condition, since constipation causes intoxication, headache, disrupts blood circulation, and can cause hemorrhoids.
The use in diabetes mellitus has an auxiliary effect, the effectiveness of which cannot be determined one hundred percent. However, patients claim that it was Fitomucil that made their life easier. With it, a feeling of fullness comes faster, andgood taste replaces the need for dessert after a meal.
In children under 14 years of age, the drug is not prescribed, as there are other analogues intended for children. But in case of emergency, taking the drug will definitely not have a detrimental effect - the composition is not the one that could harm.
Dietary supplement "Phytomucil" is an effective drug, supplemented types of which have extended functionality. The choice of form of release depends on the state of the body and the presence of problems. Prophylactic administration of the drug is possible, the need for this may be determined by the doctor or independently.