Incarcerated hernia is considered to be one of the most common complications of hernias. In medicine, the disease belongs to the field of acute surgery. In general, among the problems with the organs of the abdominal cavity, hernias occupy the fourth place, while the “top three” are appendicitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Why does a strangulated hernia form? Doctors attribute its appearance to the contents of the hernial sac, which is compressed in the so-called "hernial ring". In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish two types of it: primary and secondary. It should be noted that the first option is quite rare. As a rule, in a patient with a predisposition, a primary strangulated hernia appears as a result of great physical effort. Diagnosis is associated with certain difficulties. All other forms are included in the secondary category. Among the most common are the typical classic infringement, which, in turn, also falls into two forms: elastic and fecal.
Elastic restraint
Incarcerated hernia in

this case is also formed as a result of excessive physical exertion. It is natural, therefore, that it is observed mainly in young and middle-aged people, that is, in those who are capable of such loads. The symptoms are as follows: the first stage is characterized by acute pain and swelling in the area of the old hernia. Gradually, it increases in size, and the pain becomes unbearable. The patient may also complain of severe nausea, which periodically turns into vomiting, and stool retention. In particularly serious situations, pinching is accompanied by signs such as tachycardia, dry mouth, and an asymmetric abdomen.
Local symptoms
On what grounds do doctors usually diagnose a strangulated femoral hernia? First, you need to pay attention to the pain syndrome. In the place where the hernia was, a large swelling forms, which responds with extremely unpleasant sensations to every touch.
Atypical shapes

Much less common are such varieties of strangulated hernia as parietal and retrograde. The first case is observed mainly with small inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias. Parietal infringement is rightly considered the most dangerous of all types, since it develops almost asymptomatically. The maximum that the patient can complain about is a slight pain in the abdomen. However, the lack of proper treatment in this case leads to the fact that the intestinal wall undergoes necrosis, a hole may appear in the intestine, which, inin turn, provokes the development of acute peritonitis. With retrograde infringement, the symptoms described above are added to the signs that are more characteristic of intestinal obstruction than of a hernia. Fecal infringement in most cases is observed in the elderly. The intestinal loops that are in the hernial sac gradually bend, feces accumulate there, the stomach swells. Treatment of a strangulated hernia is significantly hampered by intestinal atony, which is typical for many patients at this age.