Mesial occlusion: photos, fixes, reviews

Mesial occlusion: photos, fixes, reviews
Mesial occlusion: photos, fixes, reviews

Smooth and beautiful teeth are a great decoration for a person, besides they make him confident. With bite anomalies, various complexes arise. It's also dangerous to he alth. Many people develop an overbite. How to fix it is described in the article.

Why does it appear?

What are the causes of overbite? Factors are congenital and acquired. The problem may arise in a child who is in the womb due to various pathological disorders. Acquired causes are bad habits and malnutrition. Judging by the reviews, this phenomenon is often acquired.

This defect appears when:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • impaired fetal development due to medication during pregnancy;
  • birth trauma;
  • diseases of the maxillofacial apparatus that were not eliminated in a timely manner;
  • underdevelopment of the lower jaw;
  • shortening of the frenulum of the tongue;
  • rickets;
  • premature loss of elements of the dentition or rapid abrasion of enamel;
  • violation of the sequence of loss of milk teeth and the appearance of permanent teeth;
  • constant breathing through the mouth, which occurs with ENT diseases;
  • wrong position of the child's body when resting;
  • bad habits.

Overbite can occur from several factors. Specialists identify the causes of this pathology, so that preventive measures can be taken and effective treatment prescribed. According to reviews, this phenomenon causes discomfort to a person, which is the reason for going to the doctor.


Such a pathology as a mesial bite, according to the size of the gap and the location of the bone structures, there are several types:

  1. Macrognathia. The defect appears with abnormal development of the upper jaw or strong mobility of both bones of the facial skull.
  2. Micrognathia. The disease occurs due to the underdevelopment of any jaw.
  3. Prognathia. The pathology is caused by a strong protrusion of one of the bones.
  4. Retrogratia. The anomaly is formed due to the mobility of the jaw structures.
dental examination
dental examination

According to the level of the jaw closure defect and the angle of the lower jaw, there are 3 degrees of mesial occlusion:

  1. First. The distance between the chewing parts of the lower and upper front teeth is not more than 2 mm. Usually there is a deviation in the position of the side elements by 5 mm from the norm. Bone mobility is at 131 degrees.
  2. Second degree. The sagittal fissure is no more than 10 mm in size. Injectionmobility is 133 degrees.
  3. The sagittal fissure is from 12 mm. There is a violation of the anteroposterior location of the side elements (up to 20 mm). The angle of mobility is 145 degrees.

Judging by the opinions of doctors, any kind of pathology requires professional help. If it is provided in a timely manner, it will be possible to successfully correct the defect.


Pathology can be identified based on facial features. It is noticeable by:

  • pulling out the lower lip, chin forward;
  • dropping upper lip;
  • concave face profile.

Regarding the dentition, the following signs are observed:

  • lower incisors in front of upper teeth;
  • clicking and crunching of jaw bones appear while chewing food;
  • mandibular teeth tilted;
  • there are large elements in the mouth.
mesial occlusion before and after photos
mesial occlusion before and after photos

Defect can be detected by:

  • sharp pain in the jaw when talking and eating;
  • inflammation of the gums and damage to tooth enamel;
  • violation of diction;
  • problems with biting and chewing food;
  • early loss of teeth due to uneven loading.


Judging by the reviews, if the violation has appeared since childhood, many people get used to the pathology and do not notice the discomfort. But do not ignore medical help. Progenia, in addition to an aesthetic defect, leads to functional disorders in the body. From-due to the incorrect structure of the jaw, there will be no normal chewing of food, which leads to:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Large pieces of food, when moving through the digestive organs, cause injuries to the mucous membranes. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, problematic swallowing is observed.
  2. Strong abrasion of the tooth enamel of the upper jaw. This condition appears due to the fact that the main load falls on the top row while chewing food. If the enamel is damaged, the risk of dental diseases and inflammation of periodontal tissues increases.
  3. Damage to the temporomandibular joint, located in front of the auricle. In this condition, a headache appears, lymph nodes increase, there is a feeling of ringing in the ears, dizziness.

As noted by many patients, the consequences listed above have an extremely unpleasant effect on he alth. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures immediately after a defect is discovered so as not to worsen the condition.


Before correcting the mesial occlusion, diagnostic measures are carried out, which are carried out by an orthodontist. On examination, facial signs of the problem and pathology of the dentition are revealed. Then the doctor performs a linear and angular measurement of the bone structures. The severity of the pathology is established by the bite roller.

mesial occlusion before and after
mesial occlusion before and after

As an additional measure, execution is used:

  • panoramic jaw;
  • X-ray;
  • radiology.

Determine availability of functionalviolations of bone structures will be obtained using myography. According to doctors' reviews, diagnosis is a must, because only after it can effective treatment be prescribed.

Correction methods

How to fix an overbite? The method of treatment is determined in accordance with the age of the patient. But there are effective methods of treating mesial occlusion:

  1. Myogymnastics. This technique is effective for children under 6 years of age. With the help of special exercises, the muscles of the mouth and head, which are responsible for chewing, are strengthened. Myogymnastics is advised to be included in complex therapy.
  2. Orthodontic systems. Correction of the mesial occlusion is performed with braces, plates or caps. According to reviews, these fixing devices allow you to safely get rid of the defect. In some places of the jaw, such therapy is often supplemented by a surgical method.
  3. Operational way. Can be prescribed for mesial occlusion operation. It can be performed both on some elements of the dentition and on the movable bone. This method is much more effective in comparison with the above correction methods.
  4. Complex approach. The specialist prescribes a set of procedures that eliminate the bite defect. This approach involves the correction of nutrition, the rejection of bad habits, the use of orthodontic appliances, and exercise. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is used.
  5. Orthopedic way. In special cases, it is possible to get rid of the pathology only with the restoration of some elements.dentition.

Before and after photos will allow you to verify the result of such treatment. Underbite can only be eliminated with appropriate therapy, which will be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

mesial occlusion
mesial occlusion

Treatment in children

How is the overbite corrected in children? Up to 10 years of age, classical therapy is considered effective, which consists of:

  • wearing orthodontic devices;
  • cutting the tongue frenulum;
  • myogymnastics;
  • application of vestibular plates;
  • massage of the alveolar processes of the jaw.
mesial bite with braces
mesial bite with braces

The bone structures of the child are perfectly corrected, so the elimination of the defect is easier and faster. To get rid of the anomaly in children, it is allowed to use:

  • trainers;
  • caps;
  • Wunderer activator;
  • Brukl's apparatus;
  • caps with fixation on the jaw;
  • Persina device;
  • Frankil stimulator.

When a child has permanent teeth, braces can be used instead of corrective plates and appliances. Installation of these systems is an expensive procedure, but with it the effect is visible after 1.5-2 years. Along with orthodontic therapy, children need speech therapy sessions to correct speech defects.

Helps gymnastics for the muscles of the face and jaw. The main condition for performing myogymnastics is the regularity of classes, a gradual increase in load,stop exercising when tired. In adolescents, braces are used for correction. In rare cases, complex treatment is used, for example, when there is a need to remove or restore several teeth. The above photo allows you to verify the results of the treatment. The overbite in children is corrected effectively and safely using the above methods.


How is overbite corrected in adults? After attaching orthodontic appliances, they usually feel pain and discomfort. After 18-19 years, bone structures are almost not corrected. Therefore, the list of methods of treatment is small. This is usually done with:

  1. Conservative technique in which removable or non-removable corrective products are worn.
  2. Surgical intervention. In this case, several elements of the dentition can be removed, bone tissues can be dissected to move to the desired position.

Make sure the result will allow before and after photos. The mesial occlusion can be corrected only if the recommendations of a specialist are followed. Treatment with braces in adults is carried out for about 2 years. These products provide noticeable results. Braces are effective in correcting various bite defects, including progenia.

There is a modern method of treating defects - edgewise technique. With it, orthodontic products are installed on the supporting units, which have rings and locks. Bracket systems with rounded arches are fixed to the front incisors. The surgical method involvescompletion of 3 steps:

  1. Preparation. Diagnosis, consultation with an anesthesiologist, modeling of the jaws in a 3D image is in progress.
  2. Operation in progress.
  3. Rehabilitation in progress.

During the operation, the surgeon dissects the bones of the jaw and moves to the desired position with the help of screws. Tires are applied at the end.

Retention period

When the bite is corrected, it takes some time to fix the effect. This is the retention period. To save the results and protect against the recurrence of this defect, doctors use retainers - non-removable products that are fixed on the back wall of the dentition.

mesial bite photo
mesial bite photo

It will be possible to fix the obtained effect of treatment with the help of a removable cap. After the formation of the correct bite, the doctor prescribes exercises for the facial muscles. Following the recommendations of experts allows you to get an excellent effect.

And if not treated?

Is it possible to take no action, leaving everything as it is? Doing this is not worth it. Incorrect bite not only looks ugly, but also poses a he alth hazard. Even the initial form of the defect, if it is not cured in a timely manner, develops into a severe one, which greatly changes the appearance of a person.

Over time, there is a violation of the temporomandibular joint. It will be difficult for a person to chew. There is abrasion of teeth and their loss, disruption of the internal organs, headaches and joint pain, as well as depression.


To notallow bite defects, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • should keep breastfeeding baby longer;
  • it is important to periodically check the condition of the teeth at the dentist, as well as at the orthodontist;
  • necessary to monitor the development of milk teeth in a child;
  • need a balanced diet;
  • need to control baby's sleeping position;
  • bad habits should be avoided, such as biting nails, placing hands under the jaw.
mesial occlusion surgery
mesial occlusion surgery

The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of fixing the problem. It will also prevent complications.


The cost of treatment may vary depending on the method. The use of trainers, plates and caps costs 3-12 thousand rubles. Installation of braces costs up to 30 thousand rubles. And for surgical plastic surgery of 1 jaw, you will have to pay about 100 thousand rubles. Price may change if additional services are included.


Thus, the overbite can be corrected. The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor based on the age of the patient. Effective therapy allows you to qualitatively and safely get rid of the defect.
